Americans are getting ready to receive a $1,200 stimulus check beginning in mid-April. For those of you who have been recently laid off, that money is likely to be used for essentials like paying rent.
However, if you’re lucky enough to still have a job, you might be wondering what you should do with this extra money. We’ve tallied some of the best options for what to do with your stimulus check.

20. Buy Essentials
The initial rush of people hoarding toilet paper and non-perishables is coming to and end because people hunkered down for the long-haul. However, stores are still barely able to restock essentials before they’re sold out again. A lot of people are still struggling to find basic products like meat, dairy, and eggs. So, it’s time to stock up.

There are also a lot of options for buying essentials that don’t require you to leave the house. Amazon Fresh has a grocery delivery service. Since restaurants are closed, a lot of produce and meat wholesalers are also trying to sell their good. Do a quick search online to see if there are wholesalers near you.