Ever have a bad breakup? Perhaps you and a friend had a falling out. Maybe you needed closure but didn’t get any. No one likes being ghosted. Not replying to texts can leave people with a sense of regret as well as emptiness. Some hold out for hope that they’ll return, while others decide to move on with their lives and forget about that person.
But what do you do when that person suddenly comes back into your life? The shock of the return can leave you feeling confused. What is the best way to respond to a ghost text months later? Maybe you want to ghost someone in return so they leave you alone. Here are 20 expert-approved text messages you can send to get the answers and the closure you finally need.

20. “So you didn’t lose your phone?”
This is an interesting way to respond because it puts the onus on the other person for not answering you. It’s you haven’t gotten a reply, the only reasonable explanation is that that person lost their phone; the fact that they didn’t lose their phone forces them to explain why they’ve left you on read for so long.
Ghosting is always rude no matter what your reasons are. But if you’re willing to give the other person a second chance, this kind of message will keep things light and fun if you want to rekindle where you left off. Don’t hold out hope, though. If they ghost you again, it’s probably time to move on.