Did you know that there are 8 billion people in the world? So standing out from everyone else can be a bit difficult. Have you ever wanted to go against the grain and be your own person? Maybe you don’t want to fit in with the crowd. Well, these people have something so unique from the rest that all you can do is admire them. After this article, you will say, “Woah! How cool is that?”. From long nails, bizarre talents, weird body modifications, and things that might make you scream, you will not be disappointed.
We gathered some of the most extraordinary people you’ll ever see that will shock you, astound you, and leave you speechless. They are so insanely bizarre that the Guinness World Records have recognized them for being one-of-a-kind. Get ready to see what the human body can do and the weirdly awesome humans behind it. Don’t worry; you won’t see anything bloody or nothing graphic, but we can assure you it will blow your mind.

21. Big Foot doesn’t have anything on Robert Wadlow, who has the largest feet ever!
Robert Wadlow, also known as “Alton Giant” or the “Giant of Illinois,” was born in 1918 in Alton, Illinois, and by the age of 8, he was taller than his father at 5 feet 11 inches tall. To this day, he holds the record as the tallest man ever to exist, with a height of 8 feet 11.1 inches tall. So what made him grow so big? Even if his father was a tall man (not as tall as him, of course), the main reason for his height was hyperplasia of his pituitary gland. It causes abnormal production of the human growth hormone, which he never received any treatment to help it stop.
So how big were his feet, you may ask? Well, with a body of that size, his feet were something to be amazed by. They were 18.5 inches long, making him a size 37AA! They were so big that shopping for a new pair was next to impossible, so his shoes were custom made by a company named INTERCO which agreed to make them for free if he did a promotional tour for them. If he had to buy his true-to-his-size shoes, they would cost him as much as $100, which is the equivalent of $1,500 in today’s currency!