When we use an everyday item, we don’t think about what’s inside of it, or what its interior makeup is like. Usually, it’s nothing more than a few wires and batteries. But, sometimes, the inside of everyday objects contain more secrets than we thought, such as the inside of a gas pump, Rubik’s Cube, pregnancy test, or lightbulb.
These items range from useless items to items we need in our day-to-day lives. Thanks to various users on the internet, these interesting secrets inside things we use every day have been revealed.

30) Rubik’s Cube
Rubik’s Cubes are already confusing enough. And now that we’ve seen the inside of a Rubik’s Cube, we have more questions than before. Still, it’s pretty cool to see how a Rubik’s Cube operates inside, even though it probably won’t give us any insight on how to master the Rubik’s Cube. Nonetheless, it’s still pretty interesting to learn about the inside of the Rubik’s Cube (via gumbl3g33).