We’ve all been there at some point: feeling tired, bored, or dissatisfied with our current work situation. Taking it a step further, how many times has your boss been the root of it? How a boss relates to his or her employees can make or break a positive work environment. Do you feel like you might need to leave a hostile work environment?
Perhaps it’s because of how your boss behaves. Read on for some additional guidance on navigating this difficult situation. Here are 30 signs it may be time to say goodbye to your current gig. See if these apply to you and your situation and begin to plan your next move.

30. Your Boss Constantly Micromanages
One factor to keep in mind when deciding whether or not to leave your current boss behind is that they are constantly micromanaging employees (via Paymo). Sometimes (and only sometimes) this might be necessary. However, if your boss is always trying to pry into every detail of your workday, it can be exhausting. A good boss knows you don’t need to update them about every minute of your workday.
If they gave clear directions, you should have adequate time and space to work on routine tasks. Micromanaging is entirely counterproductive, leads to tension, and just creates a negative vibe in your work environment. It can put a damper on your mood. Furthermore, this action can affect your productivity level as a whole.