Most of us have experienced a coworker or two who entertained us on the job and made the mundane work seem a bit more interesting. However, that isn’t the case all of the time. Some coworkers cross the line on the job. that leaves their coworkers feeling uncomfortable, sad, or downright angry.
If this has happened to you, don’t despair – you’re far from alone. These Reddit users shared their funny, weird, and strange experiences with belligerent coworkers that crossed the line at work. It’s better to spot a toxic coworker right away, yet as these stories attest, that isn’t always possible. After reading these stories, you might just appreciate your coworkers a tiny bit more. Check out these odd coworkers who crossed the line below.

30) Rock Collecting Woman
There are some coworkers out there who have blatantly crossed the line and others who do so under the table – literally. This coworker had rocks under her table and collects them every time one of her coworkers angers her. This coworker assigned this Reddit user a rock for a mysterious reason unbeknownst to them.
“I share office space with a woman who’s been working in our firm for 35 years now. Underneath her desk, she has a banker’s box half-filled — at least 10 kilos — with colorful rocks. One day I asked her about the rocks. “Oh, every time somebody reaaaally pisses me off, they get a rock in my box, so I can remember it.”
“You mean…all of those rocks represent somebody?” She rummaged in the box for a second and pulled one out. “This is for the time [department secretary] didn’t invite me to her Christmas party, even though I gave her a present. I picked one out at random. “So…who’s this for?” “That’s for [old boss, retired circa 2003], that b**ch. I told her not to hire that Paki for accounting, and she got pregnant six months later. She should have listened to me.” I stared. ‘So…do I have any rocks?’ She just glowered at me for a second, then turned back to her newspaper.” – via angryhaiku