In the United States, the average cost of a wedding is $30,000. Half of the country spends less than $15,000, but that doesn’t count the price of the honeymoon. No matter what way you look at it, tying the knot just might be one of the biggest expenses of your life, or at least the biggest event you have ever thrown. (There is a reason why people hire wedding planners. There is a lot that goes into it!) Here are 30 times on how to keep your costs low.

1. Plan Ahead, And Don’t Overthink it
After you get engaged, everyone will ask you for a wedding date. There is a lot of pressure to figure it out, but try to enjoy the engagement while it lasts! It’s difficult to balance the right amount of time to wait before you get married. If you plan too far ahead, you may overthink things and spend more money than you have to.
But, if you give yourself a lot of time and make a solid plan, you could also buy decorations off-season and stock up slowly over time. For example, if you could repurpose Christmas decorations for you wedding when they go on 90% off clearance at Target in January, that’s a great score. However, planning a last-minute wedding forces you to make quick decisions within your budget. So you aren’t buying things left and right over the course of a year that end up being a waste of money. Figure out what’s best for you.