Most people want to become rich, of course. Having financial freedom only seems possible when you have extra commas in your bank account. You don’t have to worry about daily bills or buying what you want.
Keep reading for some tips on getting your finances in order so that maybe you can also live comfortably. You don’t have to come up with some billion-dollar invention or run a Fortune 500 company. Adopt these 35 simple habits right away if you want to become rich.

35. Live Modestly To Become Rich
Trips to the nail salon, fancy clothes, the latest car, and the fanciest phone cost money and don’t gain you anything except interest on your credit card (via Entrepreneur). Keeping up with the Joneses is the best way to get yourself into debt and never get ahead. Instead, focus on what you need and only spend money on what will add value to your life. You may find that you need to downsize your personal inventory to begin upsizing your bank account (via Entrepreneur).