Sending a text message is fast and easy. However, it’s becoming relatively easy to get mixed up when you’re texting several people at once. The drama starts when you send the wrong message to the wrong person. The worst offense is when you end up revealing you’ve cheated on your significant other. Nothing is more heartbreaking than discovering the person you love ends up cheating behind your back.
And you know what they say about cheaters. If they cheat with you, they will cheat on you. Most of these people probably lie, cheat, and steal, as they all go together. These stories show some of the crafty ways people have caught their partners cheating via text messages. Their partners weren’t exactly using all of their brain cells. The creativity that goes into some of these is just astounding, so be prepared to be shocked and amazed here.

40. Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From The Tree
Teenagers aren’t the only ones cheating on their partners through phone messages. Even full-grown married adults are capable of infidelity too. This father learned the hard way how much he’d have to pay to buy his own daughter’s silence. The father sent a message to his lover… or at least he thought he was. It turns out he ended up sending the message to his own daughter.
Blackmailing her own father seems pretty low, but remember that he was the one breaking up his own family. It’s only fitting that his daughter asked for so much to keep quiet about it. Who knows what happened after this exchange, but no doubt, the father regretted having a lover when his daughter found out what he was up to.