There are many different apps available today that help people edit their photos. Sometimes, these apps enhance the lighting or color effects. People like to play around with filters or correct minor blemishes in their photos. But other times, people use them to change their appearance completely. There’s pressure to look a certain way that comes along with social media, and some people like to take it to the extreme on Instagram or Snapchat.
We found some hilarious edited Instagram images via Science Sensei. It’s hard to believe people would actually post these for the public to see, but they did. You may or may not be surprised what extremes some people have gone to when it comes to editing their photos. Some may make you laugh, while others may have you scratching your head and asking yourself why. Read on and enjoy.

40. Something’s Up With The Tennis Court
We’re not entirely sure what is happening here or why she thought this would look realistic to everyone else, but we aren’t buying it and most others probably aren’t either. This photo definitely is not natural.
Not only are her curves a bit unbelievable, but the tennis court behind her also has some unbelievable curves. We’re not sure why she felt the need to edit all of this. However, we’re not buying it.