We’ve all watched someone get kicked out of a bar, a store, or an event for one reason or another. They might have been temporarily banned or banned for life. Usually, we never truly know the backstory to why they were kicked out, but it sparks our interest.
So we’ve discovered some awkward, hilarious, and strange stories from people on the internet who were banned from somewhere for life. They certainly didn’t learn how to beat the system. Some of these stories are certainly hilarious, so check them out below.

40. Never Been There
It’s true what they say; we all have at least one doppelgänger walking around somewhere in the world. Unfortunately for this man, he was banned from a cafe in North Wales because the owner mistook him for someone who was actually banned. He had never been to that cafe before. He probably spent those several decades wondering what his doppelgänger did to get kicked out of that cafe (via Stilletto_Rebel).