Designers and creatives constantly try to come up with fresh ideas. That’s their job, after all. They want to produce exciting advertisements and unique products that grab people’s attention. But sometimes, they unintentionally create hilarious designs with embarrassing mistakes.
They successfully get people to stop and look but not for a good reason. However, we will enshrine some of these items in history. Today we’ll look at 40 unintentionally hilarious designs that are just so bad. But they’ll make readers smile. So check them out via Bored Panda right here.

40. Crusti Chocolate
This chocolate bar’s name already triggered alarm bells. After all, nobody wants to eat crusty chocolate because it just sounds nasty. But there’s an even bigger problem with this dubious product. A glance at the image above shows the design flaw.
Usually, chocolate bars have an even design that enables people to break them easily. But they’ve unintentionally made it impossible for consumers to snap it. German retail giant Lidl sells these bars so it’s easy to avoid them (via Reddit).