Many people have a burning desire to meet a celebrity. We see these celebrities on television and in movies, and they become a sort of hero to us. Unfortunately, incredibly awkward random celebrity encounters do happen. We may end up running into our favorite movie star in the most embarrassing way possible, like spilling mustard on their table or almost getting run over by their car.
So after reading these stories, you might change your mind about meeting a celebrity in real life. Maybe it’s best to blend into the background and hope you see them from afar. After all, a lot of these celebrities aren’t who we think they are. These stories prove that, so read them below.

Leonard Nimoy
The Star Trek franchise is one of the most popular in the world. Throughout the past several decades, the movies made their way to fame through their unique storyline. Leonard Nimoy played Spock, a wise character who is largely adored and loved. This Reddit user shared that their mom accidentally slammed the door in Leonard Nimoy’s face. It could’ve gone a lot worse, though, as he could’ve been pretty rude about it. If she’d done that to any other actor, that might’ve happened. Of all the people in the world, it had to be a famous actor (via World Travelling).