It could be said that life fails make the world go round. When you take life too seriously, it becomes a lot less fun. Being able to laugh at yourself and your friends is a sign of confidence. Life is short, so why not make the most of it? We all make mistakes, and when we can relate to one another in this regard, it brings us closer together.
Sometimes, though, life fails can go a little bit further than we want them to. They might even start as good ideas then end up disastrously, or they might happen because of something that’s out of our control. When we witness cringe-worthy, embarrassing things happening to other people, it makes us feel better about ourselves. We’ve collected some of the funniest life fails on the internet, so read on and accept that your so-called ‘bad day’ isn’t truly that bad.
Broken Charger
Plastic containers are supposed to protect electronics, not break them. They have one job. Somehow, this plastic container holding a USB cable failed at its one job. The USB cable split right in half.

That’s a miserable way to start the day and is one of those life fails that make you shake your head and want to give up. This person might’ve waited a while to charge their phone, only to find out they’d have to go straight back to the store and buy another one. At least it’s likely they’ll get a replacement for free (via Domesticated Companion).