New jobs are hard to come by, especially in professions that are competitive like the medical field. When people finally land a new job, they want to try to keep it for as long as possible. That usually equates to people being on their best behavior, especially in the first few days. We all have bad days, but showing we’re having a bad day is usually saved for months into the job after we’ve established a good enough relationship with our boss and coworkers.
But that’s not always the case. We’ve collected the best stories on the internet about people getting fired from their new jobs before they even started. Some of these people didn’t have a fair chance, while others certainly deserved getting booted, proving there’s still justice in the world. These stories might make you realize you’re one of the better employees out there and that you deserve more praise.

Fired For Strep Throat
We’ve all had strep throat once or twice. It comes and it goes, and we never really think anything of it. It’s a bad coincidence if we happen to get strep throat right before starting one of our new jobs, but there’s nothing you can do except wait to get better. Family, friends, and bosses are usually understanding, considering it’s a common illness.

Unfortunately for this person, their boss didn’t feel any compassion for them when they called in with strep. Instead of hoping they felt better soon, they fired them. That’s a sad way to go. They weren’t even given a chance (via Herald Weekly).