Money doesn’t grow on trees, but some people act as if it does. It’s often incredible to hear about the useless items people will buy even when they know they’re wasting their hard-earned cash. We don’t know what this says about humanity but there’s a lesson in there somewhere – or something. Today, let’s look at the stupidest things that these real internet users ever bought.
Perhaps this list will help some readers come to terms about their own life choices. Yet others may feel self-conscious because they spent their money on similar products. We’ve all made some garbage decisions, so don’t stress out about it. Instead, check out these real-life confessions about the stupidest things people bought and feel a little bit better about your own dumb decisions.
Self-Help Books
There’s nothing wrong with self-help books if somebody opens them and reads them. Many of these provide useful tips that advise readers on how to structure their lives. But the following Redditor explained that these books were the stupidest things they ever bought.

Imagine spending that much on multiple books without even opening them. It seems bizarre but everybody has done something similar because it’s human nature. We buy these items with great intentions but don’t use them. Then they sit there reminding us about the money we’ve wasted (via Reddit).