The Holiday season is a time of year when many people around the world simply go wild. Suddenly, we’re all panicking as we purchase last-minute gifts for impossible people. Meanwhile, there’s pressure to buy a liquor store’s worth of alcohol and more gifts than Santa’s Grotto. It’s easy to waste money on pointless, expensive purchases.
Today we’ll look at some of the most wasteful things to buy during the holiday season. Yes, it’s tempting but think before wasting those hard-earned dollars on these expensive, pointless items. Check them out now because they could change everything!
Holiday Inflatables
Depending on where you live, there’s always one house – or even many more – in the neighborhood with ludicrous Christmas decorations. It’s entertaining to see them and it’s a sure sign that the holiday season is here. But that’s their business, not anybody else’s. It’s going without saying that you shouldn’t be tempted to buy inflatable yard decorations because they’re one of the dumbest purchases ever.

First off, they’re expensive to buy and bulky to store. Then there’s the amount of electricity they consume. But the worst part is that everybody thinks those people try too hard. There’s nothing wrong with celebrating but sometimes these people go over the top and it’s obnoxious for their neighbors (via i News).