People reveal a different side of themselves online because they can hide behind anonymous profiles and even computer screens. This gives them extra confidence to hit send on crude messages and comments that they normally wouldn’t. That’s not very nice, yet today we’ll look at a list of spectacular tweets that are downright criminal because these folks didn’t care.
It’s incredible what people will say when they have a platform or the things they’ll do in real life. Some of these tweets are hilarious while others are slightly more disturbing. All of these tweets come from the account @Criminal Tweets. Note that some are slightly edited for formatting reasons.
Memory Test
Some people don’t have any morals and will take advantage of others in more vulnerable positions. The following Twitter user said that their grandma had Alzheimer’s but this didn’t stop them from asking her for money. Or from coming back and asking for even more cash after she forgot about their earlier interaction.

This is ruthless behavior and while not illegal, it is immoral. It’s also a brilliant choice of the meme because we instantly relate to the situation. Perhaps it’s not true and they were only hunting for likes on social media but it’s criminal behavior if it is true. We kind of hope that it is.