Gas prices in the United States and the rest of the world have skyrocketed over the past 12 months. The Russian-Ukrainian war, among other causes, means less availability and higher costs for everybody. Today we’ll check out the rising average price of gas in every American state.
We’ll analyze all of the 50 states in alphabetical order from Alabama to Wyoming. One thing is for sure: this crisis is affecting everybody and is showing no signs of slowing down with a 55% increase from June 2021. Check out the cost of gas in each state via AAA.

50. Alabama – $4.631
It’s not good news for folks in Alabama because gas prices are going up with the temperature. Central Alabama suffered the worst with a massive rising average price of $4.37 in Anniston. Maybe it’s time for Alabamans to sell their trucks and invest in electric cars.
Meanwhile, cities like Birmingham and Tuscaloosa average above $4.30 as well. Locals fear that the prices won’t go back down which is a serious problem in these car-dependent regions. Furthermore, many counties depend on agriculture which also uses a lot of gas (via WVTM 13).