It’s no secret that people love taking photos and capture memories. It’s how we freeze moments in time and cherish them with the ability to look back on them later. People also love sharing these photos with their friends and family, which is one of the reasons they end up putting these photos online. Unfortunately, however, many people forget to double-check their photos before uploading them to the worldwide web where millions can see them in an instant.
We’ve compiled a list of some of the best photos on the internet that were not double-checked before they were uploaded. These people should’ve checked their photos, but instead, they succumbed to online stupidity and shared photos that probably shouldn’t have been. Enjoy their mistakes right here, and follow up by making sure you don’t make the same mistakes when you’re taking your own photos to post online.

70) Sweet Relief
There’s a lot going on in this photo. We see a sweet family going fishing, a fish they caught, and a young kid relieving himself in the lake. When you’re stuck on a small boat on a lake, where else are you going to pee? It probably didn’t cross his mind that they were snapping a photo at the exact moment he was relieving himself. His dad should’ve checked this photo before sharing it on the internet. Luckily, we can’t see the kid’s face, so no one knows who it is (via Kueez).