Celebrity life comes with a curse because famous people dread growing older. They dream of finding the fountain of youth but usually settle for plastic surgery. Sometimes, it’s a good decision if they make subtle changes. But some stars go too far and ruin their appearances. Today we’ll look at some of Hollywood’s most expensive transformations.
We’ll explain the procedures and see if they were worthwhile. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter what anybody thinks because it’s up to the person if they’re happy. However, some stars openly admit that they regret their treatments and wish they didn’t follow through. Check them out right here.
Nicki Minaj
Minaj is one of the most popular female hip-hop stars on the planet. The rap star has a distinctive look, however, she made several changes over the years. She’s no stranger to plastic surgery but initially denied that she had any work done. Later, she admitted that she had injections in her posterior to enhance it (via The Mirror).

However, Minaj claims that she regrets this decision and did it because of insecurity. She said she heard that other female rappers did it. Minjar explained: All I would hear them talking about is big butts and I didn’t feel complete or good enough – not as good as those girls. I’m like, ‘Oh my God – this is what you’re supposed to look like in the rap culture, and I don’t look like that’.