It’s no secret that Taylor Swift is one of the most popular pop stars on the planet today. She’s won many Grammy and Emmy Awards as one of the world’s most successful artists. However, music isn’t the only thing that Swift is famous for. She’s also – perhaps infamously – had many boyfriends and writes about her experiences with them in her songs and albums.
It’s one of Swift’s trademarks and also one of the hazards of dating her. Legions of fans, called ‘Swifties,’ have come to expect to learn about her doomed relationships when they listen to her songs. So today we’ll look back at her many boyfriends and see who had the most notable impact on her life. If you’re a Taylor fan, it will be fascinating to see because it’s a very long list. Let’s get started here.

Brandon Borello
Borello has the dubious honor of being the first of Swift’s many boyfriends. The pair dated in high school when Swift’s family lived in Tennessee. But it came to an end after he moved to college and their relationship became unsustainable. Borello probably had no idea that his childhood sweetheart was going to become a superstar (via CBS News).

It isn’t easy to find information about him (or photos of him) because he’s a normal man living a regular life. He inspired the song Tim McGraw but that’s his main claim to fame. According to Swift, Borello bought the album and told her that he loved it but it still didn’t impress his new girlfriend. At least the song didn’t scorch him like the fashion that some of her later boyfriends experienced.