Customer service isn’t an easy industry to work in. It involves a lot of being polite and fixing other people’s problems. In fact, it can become downright stressful having to deal with other people’s concerns all the time. There’s a reason people don’t stay in customer service for very long. However, then some employees don’t take their jobs seriously or even care at all.
They can go out of their way to make things even more difficult for the customer, hoping that they’ll go away and leave them alone. Check out these stories crazy stories about the worst customer service people have received from around the world. What would you do in these insane situations? And, yes, we also have several stories where employees are complaining about crazy customers.

20. Bad Customer Service Equals No Food
Eating out is a luxury most people enjoy. Unfortunately, for one unlucky person and his girlfriend, they weren’t so lucky. They’ve gone to a particular restaurant regularly because the food is delicious. But on this last occasion, Reddit user duh_metrius chose not to go there ever again. “So we’re sitting there for a long time- long enough for the people next to us to sit, order, and get their food. So I’m about to flag down the waitress and see what’s taking so long when she walks over and says, “I’m sorry, but the kitchen says you can’t have your steak.”
The man asked why he couldn’t have it, and she replied they couldn’t make it for him. He took this to mean that they were out of steak, but she corrected his mistake by saying that they kept cooking it wrong. That they’d already tried three times to make it, and since they couldn’t get it right, he had to order something else. “So then I order something else, we wait over half an hour again, and the waitress says they lost our order ticket and we left.”