Embarrassing moments happen every day. It’s a part of life but this doesn’t make it easier for the people involved. But the best thing is that they create great stories that make people laugh. And that’s the most important thing because it could happen to anybody.
So today we looked at 40 of the most embarrassing moments that people ever witnessed. There are quite a few great stories from every walk of life here. Many readers will relate to these wacky situations because they’re so easy to do at times. Check them out via Bored Panda.

40. Sorry, Mannequin
This one is easy to do. @TheAJMendez bumped into a mannequin and kept up with the conversation. Many people have accidentally apologized to a store mannequin before realizing what they had done. This isn’t bad because it shows that they have good manners. But the fact that he continued speaking to the mannequin was hilarious.