People can be incredibly selfish. They often make choices without considering the impact it will have on others. Oftentimes these can be minor things like parking a car poorly or stealing food. But they’re annoying and leave their victims wanting to take revenge. Sometimes they snap and they act out in hilarious ways.
So today we’ll look at some truly ridiculous scenarios where people committed petty acts of revenge. They’re incredibly spiteful but they also bring a small bit of joy to all of us online – even if we don’t say it. We thank them for their service because the people they target deserved it. Check out these tiny acts of revenge below.
Unique Aftershave
A cheating husband departed his old house with an unexpected gift. His ex-wife couldn’t resist taking her revenge in a petty manner. She earned the right to do this after he committed infidelity with multiple women. She told the story online and made many people laugh.

“When he was packing, I went in the bathroom, took the aftershave, peed in it,” the Redditor revealed. “And then put it back in his bag. I know it’s petty, but after 30 years, my friends and I still laugh! He never found out. I hope his girlfriend enjoyed my scent.”