Everybody has experienced a situation where somebody annoyed them over a relatively minor thing. Maybe they left unwashed dishes in the sink or stole food from the refrigerator. A common response to these grievances is a passive-aggressive note.
However, passive-aggressive notes often escalate the situation and create bad feelings between people. Today we’ll look at some of the wildest passive-aggressive notes ever. Some of them are justifiable because they deal with wild situations. But others are hilariously petty and that’s why we love them.
Don’t Flush
Here’s a note that may have made the original writer rethink their lives. The initial message advises toiler users to flush properly because it’s just gross for everyone else in the office. While most people would agree that hygiene is important there is another side to this story (via Popsugar).

Another person replied to this passive-aggressive statement because it irritated them. They wrote that “we’re in a drought,” and suggested that it was important not to waste water. This is a difficult situation for everybody because nobody wants to deal with smelly restrooms or waste water. But one is worse.