Some people get to live the ultimate dream: making a considerable amount of money through pure randomness. Hard work and dedication are fabulous and far more reliable, but who doesn’t want to believe they’ll one day stumble upon a massive windfall through sheer luck? Until we strike it rich on our own, we can at least live vicariously through the financial adventures of Redditors who shared their stories in an /r/AskReddit thread about random financial windfalls.
So read ahead for 20 of the wildest stories of unexpected financial gain. If you like these crazy stories from Redditors, read about real-life people who wasted tons of money.

20. Cisco Board Buyout
Many of the stories Redditors shared of sudden financial gain were from dumb luck like slot machines or other gambling forms, but at least a few stories were about people who were working hard in their chosen profession and just happened to strike gold at the right time and cashed out. One Redditor shared their flipping experience. The user said, “I was maybe 20 years old and bought stuff at auctions and resold it full time, working for myself. One of the other regular auction attendees told me he found “some boards” in a pallet he bought and wondered if I wanted them.”
They continued, “I looked at them, and they were new Cisco boards, but this was over 20 years ago, so smartphones weren’t a thing, and I had no idea what they were worth. I offered him $50, and he was very happy. I ended up selling those boards for $18,000. No joke. I split the sale between two different resellers because I was uncomfortable selling them all to one company.” An $18,000 return on a $50 investment is wild by any measure. Too bad for the poor seller who had no idea what he had.