You may be familiar with the organizations that have the most considerable assets in the world. Amazon, Google, and Apple may come readily to mind. But the companies with the largest assets and the companies that were earning the most in 2019 and early 2020 (at least before the global health disaster) are two different things.
Amazon, Google, and Apple don’t even make the top 10, even though they have some of the world’s most substantial assets. But these companies are also a far cry from the entrepreneurs forced to adapt in 2020 as well. You might not even recognize the most profitable businesses of this odd and unprecedented year. Read on to learn the top 20 earning companies of 2020 so far via FXSSI below.

20. Total
Total is a French-based petrochemical company that supplies much of Europe with gasoline. As with other petrochemical companies, it had a vast revenue in 2019, coming in at $184,106,000,000. It may lag behind the giants like Exxon-Mobil and Saudi Aramco. Yet it still earned enough to make its way into the 20 top-earning companies.
Nevertheless, like the other petrochemical companies on this list, Total may not end 2020 with the bang that it entered with. There are too many uncertainties associated with the current crisis. This is particularly because of how the crisis has affected the oil and gas industry. These concerns are compounded by the economic crisis and rising concerns over the environment and climate change.