Sometimes in life, we do things that we know are wrong for the sake of making our lives easier. It’s amazing how creative people can be when it comes to shady life hacks. We know that they’re immoral but they actually don’t hurt anybody. So today we’re going to look at the dodgiest life hacks on Reddit that are also guilty pleasures.
It’s fair to judge these individuals for their questionable behavior. But if we’re completely honest, we also admire many of them. Furthermore, while we don’t advocate acting this way in reality, some readers might learn something useful from this article. Don’t come crying to us if it lands someone in trouble, however, and enjoy these shady hacks right here.
Rock, Paper… Life Hack
This brilliant Redditor taught the world a sharp lesson. They explained how they play rock, paper, scissors with their sister. However, they’ve deviously conditioned their sibling so that they win whenever they want to. In short, it’s important not to be greedy because less can be more in life.

This is genious because they’ve psychologically manipulated the sister into thinking that they’re an idiot. Anybody with a sibling will understand that this is one of the most incredible life hacks ever. Don’t use it for the last slice of cake but maybe save it for when there’s a big game and she wants to watch a dumb re-run (via Snark Industries).