It feels like the world is lurching from one economic crisis to the next. Global problems have created intense economic turmoil and made life more challenging for ordinary people. Every day, costs are rising so rapidly that many economic experts fear we’re facing hyperinflation.
Today we’ll look at the causes of hyperinflation and whether or not that’s truly what people are experiencing today. We’ll also analyze some of history’s most notorious examples of hyperinflation. Meanwhile, we’ll discuss the best ways to live with hyperinflation and (hopefully) how it will finally end.
What Is Hyperinflation At Its Core?
First, it’s important to understand what hyperinflation truly is. Overall, it’s a succession of short, out-of-control price hikes where inflation rises above 50%. These can be dramatic and lead to a seriously devalued currency. Everybody has seen what happened in places like Venezuela and Zimbabwe where people carried bags of cash to buy bread.

Often it’s not worth using their devalued currency so they’ll use a substitute. That’s why several African countries and nations like Cambodia accept the U.S. dollar too. Hyperinflation is rare but the rapid rises in recent months make people fear that it is on the horizon (via Forbes).