Many people love listening to horror stories. The only time most of us don’t like horror stories is when the story happened to us. Most of the time, personal horror stories involve ghosts, but oftentimes, they involve real people. These people just may be the hosts of your Airbnb stay.
When we go on vacation and pay for an Airbnb, the last thing we expect is for anything to go wrong with our accommodation. There’s a big expectation with Airbnb that it’s seamless, safe, and affordable. We hate to break this to you, though, but that assumption is very wrong. There are many reasons why you should use Airbnb, but there are also many reasons why you shouldn’t. We’ve collected some of the most terrifying horror stories on the internet about Airbnb. Next time you go on vacation, you might just want to book a reputable hotel. Find out these travelers’ Airbnb horror stories right here and make different plans for your next trip.

No Toilet Paper
Humans have basic needs but it sounds like this Airbnb host just didn’t care. For some reason, the heat was stuck at 90 degrees and there was no toilet paper. Either it’s a cruel joke or the host doesn’t care about their customers. Either way, this is one of those horror stories that show the reality of some hosts on the internet. At least the host got a repair man to come, even though the guest had to wait five hours in the overheated home for him to show up. This sounds like a huge way to ruin someone’s vacation and the host should expect a bad review after this stunt (via 5D Wallpaper).