Dating someone is exciting, thrilling, and nerve-wracking, especially in the early going of the partnership. You don’t want to come on too strong, yet you don’t want to seem uninterested. There’s a certain balance we need to keep until we get to seriously know the person. Sometimes, relationships thrive and end in a wedding, but other times, they completely fail and end in a vicious breakup.
People get scared and react by brutally breaking up with their partners. These days, that can transpire through a slew of mean texts. We’ve collected the worse breakup texts in the world that will either scare you away from dating anyone ever again or possibly make you appreciate your partner that much more.

Not Fit Enough
Tinder is hit or a miss to say the least. You never know who’s on that app, and it’s usually the best date ever or the worst date of your life. The people on Tinder are also either completely cringy or simply looking for a good time; there never seems to be an in-between. After going out with this person on Tinder a couple of times, the OP received this brutal breakup text. They commented on the message and said, “She was keen on organizing something else, but I just hadn’t got around to it. We were going to meet that night, as I was on my way back from a work trip, but I was late and just got this out of nowhere.” Not only does she make horrible comments at him, but she curses multiple times and comments on his middle-class lifestyle. She needs to find herself a Sugar Daddy if this is what she wants (via Vice).