We see it too often online these days. People who believe others owe them everything for no particular reason at all. These entitled beggars are people who don’t bring anything to the table. No one wants to hang around someone who complains and expects the world to give them what they want, especially when they’re ungrateful about it. Most of the time, we can ignore someone who begs.
But sometimes, these entitled beggars cause too much of a commotion to ignore. Through their childish complaints, we lose faith in humanity. Whether these dumb people are wasting our time through constant attempts at selling or trying to scam us, these people need to learn a thing or two about respect.

Persistent Beggar
This person is one of those entitled beggars who wouldn’t give up. They live in their own reality where they won’t take no for an answer. This person tried to buy a TV even though the seller told them it was already sold. Three times. Is this beggar trying to troll them? How many times can someone tell you no? They even tried to haggle the price, even though the seller was straight up and told them it wasn’t available. Good riddance (via Everyday Monkey)!