Everyone loves a good laugh, especially in the age of constant online connection through smartphones and other devices. There’s nothing like reading online posts that contain hilarious texts or watching a person completely fail at something on a dramatic video that makes us feel better about our own lack of coordination. While some of these texts, photos, and videos make us feel better, admittedly some make us feel much worse.
But while they’re funny at first, there’s something eerily accurate about them that makes us fear for the future of humanity. We’ve curated a list of these types of random, hilarious posts that will showcase the way society is taking a turn for the better or worse, depending on how you look at it.

The Plate Of Ham
There’s nothing better than watching a beautiful wedding video, only to suddenly see a zoomed-in image of a plate of ham. When you hire someone to take photos for your wedding, you expect them to use their creative talent and capture some of the most beautiful, artistic parts of your wedding. It’s one of the best souvenirs to have from your special day, and in decades to come is something you’ll want to look back on. Unfortunately, this couple now has to look back on this plate of ham for the rest of eternity (via Lux and Lush).