Everyone ages. It’s just how life goes, and we could consider ourselves lucky we get to age. One day you wake up with wrinkles and gray hair. Before you know it, you’re almost unrecognizable from your younger self. But it happens to everyone, so all we can do is accept the inevitable. Some people age better than others, thanks to levels of stress, exercise, and lifestyle throughout the years. Even celebrities are included in the aging process.
And when we look back at photographs of their younger selves, it’s clear who’s aged well and who hasn’t. Some celebrities tried to cheat aging by undergoing botox and plastic surgery, which did nothing but come back to bite them as they grew older. We’ve curated a list of celebs to who the aging process has not been especially kind. Check out those celebs who aged poorly here.

Courtney Love
Nirvana singer Kurt Cobain helped Courtney Love make her way to fame during the 1990s. Even so, Love was an icon on her own. Thanks to her alternative lifestyle, lush red lips, and messy hair, many people fell in love with her. But time took its toll, and she’s one of many celebs who succumbed to aging. Nowadays, she looks rugged and permanently tired, though she’s managed to keep the same hairstyle. At least the star embraces the aging process, and in an interview said, ”To me, aging gracefully is to let it happen and accept it. Fighting it always seems to backfire and make people look ridiculous. You see actresses get work done and it makes them look unrecognizable. I look at these actresses like Diane Keaton, who has never had anything done, and I think that’s cool. It’s sexy.” When you put it that way, it is sexy (via AZ Central).