{"id":27219,"date":"2020-02-28T10:12:33","date_gmt":"2020-02-28T17:12:33","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/self-made.io\/?p=27219"},"modified":"2022-07-19T01:11:13","modified_gmt":"2022-07-19T08:11:13","slug":"20-ways-travel-makes-people-happier-than-money","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/dev.moneyppl.com\/20-ways-travel-makes-people-happier-than-money\/27219\/","title":{"rendered":"20 Ways Travel Makes People Happier Than Money"},"content":{"rendered":"
Contrary to popular belief, traveling around the world is not as expensive as you might imagine. People from all walks of life can travel to different countries and even live abroad for years at a time. However, Americans still put traveling up on a pedestal of this unattainable feat that you can only have once you are rich. <\/span><\/p>\n S<\/span>tudies have shown that traveling actually makes people happier than having a lot of money. Here are some reasons why you just might be happier and more successful if you decide to travel instead of just focusing on making money. <\/span><\/p>\n In the United States, there’s a negative stigma on taking a vacation. Some people even take pride in not having had a break for several years. Others are afraid to travel because it can be difficult to get time off your job. In many workplaces, you might get time off, but there’s pressure keeping you there. Your employer or co-workers might make you feel awful about taking a break because it’s perceived as lazy. <\/span><\/p>\n What Americans don’t realize is that this is a cultural phenomenon. To the rest of the world, this lifestyle is <\/span>not<\/span><\/i> normal and is actually incredibly unhealthy. In the United Kingdom, every single person who works a part-time or full-time job has “holiday entitlement” of 5.6 weeks of paid time off. That’s right, for the British, the right to take a vacation is literally law<\/span>. <\/span><\/p>\n Studies have shown that contrary to what you might believe, taking a vacation and traveling actually increases your productivity. Leading up to a vacation, most people make sure that they are getting everything done on their to-do list. They are accomplishing more on a daily basis both in their personal and professional lives to ensure that they can take a trip without anything in the back of their mind. <\/span><\/p>\n And when they come back from their vacation, they’re eager to be as productive as possible. When you take a break, you can take time off to be a human being and enjoy the company of your friends and family. In turn, this makes you a better employee. <\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n When we buy something, we get a rush of happiness. Sometimes, it can feel like a sense of accomplishment if we are buying groceries or getting the necessary things in our life. So we seek that same happy feeling whenever we go shopping, even if these objects are not necessary to our well-being. This is why some people end up with a shopping addiction. If we look at buying things as our source of happiness, this is a slippery slope to bankruptcy. <\/span><\/p>\n Buying for happiness leads to a condition known as a “damage cycle.” When we rely on buying something to give us a boost of happiness, that joy we feel goes away faster and faster. Think about how happy we used to feel as kids to get our gifts on Christmas morning. Now, as adults, our happiness fades a lot quicker and we quickly move on to new things. Researchers at <\/span>Cornell University<\/span><\/a> have discovered that one of the ways to break the cycle is by doing things that make us happy, instead. Physical actions like traveling will create happiness that lasts much longer and it helps stop us from seeking objects as a source of joy. <\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n Can you remember every single piece of clothing you’ve ever purchased? What about every snack, toy, and anything else that you bought to make yourself feel happy? Now, think about the last time you went on vacation. Chances are that the memories of your last vacation are incredibly vivid. You remember the happiness that traveling brought to your life. <\/span><\/p>\n The feeling of happiness that you get from a material object fades quickly. But psychological studies have shown that the happiness you feel after traveling lasts much longer than the high you get from buying something. This doesn’t have to be a huge vacation either. If you’re on a small budget, try to look for attractions in your local area. You might be surprised to find museums, art exhibits, and parks close by that you never knew about before. <\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n When you’re planning to take a big trip, you’re conscious of the fact that you need to cut back on spending money to go traveling. For example, if you know that you’re going to Disney World soon, you might want extra cash for food and souvenirs, so you hold back from buying new clothes.<\/span><\/p>\n The more you travel, the more often you’ll be in this state of saving for the exciting adventure that awaits you. After a while, you begin to change your mindset. Those small purchases that used to give you joy are now standing in the way of enjoying your life. Once you have this mindset shift, it becomes easier to save money.<\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n One of the biggest things that can make you happy in life is getting to know yourself. The more you grow, the easier it is to deal with hard times. Sometimes, personal growth can take years well into adulthood. Getting to know and love yourself is a huge part of the human experience, but unfortunately, a lot of people put it on the backburner because they are too busy with work.<\/span><\/p>\n When you travel, you get to know yourself very well. You’ll understand what makes you happy and where your priorities lie. During your journey, you learn a lot about history and the rest of mankind. It gives you a perspective that opens up your mind in a way that’s impossible to achieve by staying at home.<\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n A prolific author named Eckhart Tolle wrote a book called <\/span>A New Earth: Awakening Your Life’s Purpose<\/span><\/a>. When he was interviewed by Oprah Winfrey about the book, he explained that for the longest time, he felt as if he had writer’s block and couldn’t be productive no matter how hard he tried. But once he moved to a new country, he found that he was suddenly inspired and was able to write again. Tolle isn’t alone in this phenomenon. In his book <\/span>A Moveable Feast<\/span><\/a>, Ernest Hemingway wrote about how he and other writers were inspired by living in Paris and that the vibes of the city somehow enhanced their creativity. <\/span><\/p>\n You don’t have to be an author to benefit from travel. For example, maybe you live in a city, but your heart yearns to be in the countryside. Or maybe you live in a country where you disagree with politics. By traveling to a new place, you get to see if the grass really is greener on the other side. Even if you end up being wrong about your dream, at least you were able to satisfy your curiosity and got outside of your comfort zone. <\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n Earlier in this article, we mentioned the fact that in the United States, very few people take a vacation because they are too busy working. So when we see our friends traveling, we automatically assume that they must have a lot of money. Paid time off is very hard to come by, so we also assume that they must have a great job that allows them a flexible schedule. Most people believe they can’t travel unless they become rich.<\/span><\/p>\n In reality, traveling can be very affordable as long as you do a bit of planning. Websites like <\/span>SkyScanner<\/span><\/a> help you get extremely cheap flights, hostels are only $10 to $20 per night, and you can set a strict budget. And if you are lucky enough to work remotely, you can have a jet-setting lifestyle for the same cost of renting an apartment. But there is no denying that as soon as we post pictures on Instagram and other forms of social media, you’re going to <\/span>feel<\/span><\/i> rich compared to your friends who can’t make time for a vacation. Physical objects like a new pair of shoes will eventually get thrown away. But no one can take a travel experience away from you.<\/span><\/p>\n20. Travel Increases Productivity<\/span><\/h2>\n
19. Breaking the Spending “Damage Cycle”<\/span><\/h2>\n
18. Lasting Memories<\/span><\/h2>\n
17. You Might Save Money<\/span><\/h2>\n
16. Personal Growth <\/span><\/h2>\n
15. Some Locations Suit You Better Than Others<\/span><\/h2>\n
14. Traveling Makes You Feel<\/em> Rich<\/span><\/h2>\n