{"id":43448,"date":"2021-07-26T12:39:17","date_gmt":"2021-07-26T19:39:17","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/moneyppl.com\/?p=43448"},"modified":"2021-10-01T06:34:31","modified_gmt":"2021-10-01T13:34:31","slug":"35-royal-baby-traditions-you-had-no-idea-existed","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/dev.moneyppl.com\/35-royal-baby-traditions-you-had-no-idea-existed\/43448\/","title":{"rendered":"35 Royal Baby Traditions You Had No Idea Existed"},"content":{"rendered":"
The news of a baby makes people think about how they will raise their child. For instance, you probably kept some of the same rules your parents made you follow.<\/a> Nevertheless, you might also establish new ones depending on the changes going on in the world. <\/span>However, bringing a new baby into the world doesn’t stop with names and rules. This can be double (or more) for the royal family.<\/span><\/p>\n While some traditions you might decide to bring into your family’s home, others are passed down from generation to generation. It’s something that every family does, including the royal family. However, many of the baby traditions the royal family follows are ones that you had no idea even existed – until now. Check out these unique traditions right here. <\/span><\/p>\n One of the first questions most couples have when they hear they’re going to have a baby is when they will find out the gender. For many people<\/a>, the announcement of gender has become a big celebration. <\/span>You may have waited to hear the gender announcement in the past while waiting for William and Kate’s baby but never heard until the baby arrived. <\/span><\/p>\n While most thought this was because they decided not to find out the gender until the baby’s big arrival, it’s really because, as royals, they <\/span>aren’t allowed to announce the gender<\/span><\/a>. It’s a tradition for the royal family that continued, even after sonograms became popular during the mid-1900s. Of course, this all changed when Harry and Meghan announced they were having a baby girl after moving to Los Angeles and backing away from royal duties. <\/span><\/p>\n Even when traditions are passed down from generation to generation, they still tend to change over time. Sometimes this happens because parents want to start forming their own habits yet still have a piece of their childhood. Then, there are the traditions that change because of societal change. <\/span><\/p>\n For example, up until the early 1900s, it was the norm for women<\/a> to give birth at home. Once hospitals became more regular in communities, women<\/a> started heading there for the added safety and support. Beginning in the mid-1900s, it became customary to have your baby in the hospital, but the royal family <\/span>still had home births<\/span><\/a>. <\/span><\/p>\n The shift from home births to hospital births didn’t happen as quickly for the royal family. While the royals would sometimes give birth in a specific location that wasn’t their home, it wasn’t until <\/span>Princess Diana that the tradition truly started to change<\/span><\/a>. <\/span><\/p>\n The private Lindo Wing at St. Mary’s Hospital is where Diana decided to have William and Harry. This tradition continued when Kate had her children in the same wing. While Meghan Markle gave birth to her firstborn, Archie, in a hospital, it was at Portland Hospital in London. <\/span><\/p>\n One of the first steps people<\/a> take once their baby makes their way into the world is to wrap them in a baby blanket. Some parents receive the blanket as a gift, while others buy a blanket to fit their baby perfectly. The royal family abides by royal tradition with the blanket they are wrapped in for their first picture. <\/span><\/p>\n If you watched the blanket that William and Kate’s youngest son was wrapped in, it was a new blanket following a now over <\/span>70-year-old tradition<\/span><\/a>. This white GH Hurt & Son Ltd shawl is a knitted blanket from the Nottingham-based “Shawl Factory.” Since Prince Charles’ birth in 1948, the factory provides the royal family with similar knitted blankets for their babies. All three of William and Kate’s children were provided with their special blankets, each unique but also similar. <\/span><\/p>\n The world waits for the post-birth photograph after hearing that a royal baby came into the world. This has been a tradition for generations but has recently become more popular. Of course, Princess Diana and Prince Charles were photographed with their sons shortly after Diana gave birth. You have probably seen more than one of these photos and wonder how the mother looks so beautiful, especially after giving birth that morning or the previous day. <\/span><\/p>\n Well, part of this is because there is a lot of thought and planning that goes into the <\/span>post-birth photo<\/span><\/a>. Not only do they have people help them prepare, such as doing the mother’s hair, but they also spend a lot of time picking the perfect outfit. For example, When Princess Diana gave birth, she wore a beautiful polka-dot dress. Kate had a similar polka-dot dress. People quickly noticed the clothing and made comparisons to Diana, which is exactly why Kate picked this outfit.<\/span><\/p>\n Most people prefer to text or call close family members and friends to announce their child’s birth, Then they typically spend time posting about the birth of their bundle of joy on social media<\/a>. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge decided to follow the new modern tradition, changing it from what it previously was for generations. However, the royal family also displayed the original traditional announcement. <\/span><\/p>\n The <\/span>traditional birth announcement is set on an easel at Buckingham Palace<\/span><\/a>. The easel is usually gold in color, and the announcement is placed in a wooden frame stating the birth that took place along with signatures. This announcement used to be handwritten, but now it is typed. Most of the signatures include the doctors and a witness who saw the birth and who has one job – to witness the birth to state that the royal birth happened. <\/span><\/p>\n People with a new baby probably call and text more people than you imagine, along with posting information welcoming your baby into the world on social media<\/a>. Of course, the announcements continue beyond that. For example, your parents are just as excited so they announce it to their friends. The same process fits the royal announcement, but instead of focusing on people, they focus on the whole city<\/a>. <\/span><\/p>\n The <\/span>town crier<\/span><\/a> is a person that used to be popular in the days before newspapers, television, and social media. Someone would start yelling an announcement for everyone in the town to hear, especially the citizens who couldn’t read or write. The unofficial town crier who announced the recent royal births to the public was Tony Appleton. While Mr. Appleton doesn’t hold a royal title, he continues to make these announcements to the city. <\/span><\/p>\n A name is something special for each child born. Parents might have two names picked out until they learn the gender. They might also have several names chosen for one gender. Of course, you might have had one picked out right away or even before you found out about your new child. <\/span><\/p>\n The same goes for royals. They spend a long time deciding their <\/span>child’s name<\/span><\/a> because it needs to be special. For instance, you probably have two names, your first and middle, and then your last name. However, a royal baby has about three names on average, if not more. William and Kate’s children not only have a first and middle name, but they also have a name after that. For instance, Princess Charlotte’s full name is Charlotte Elizabeth Diana, and her official title is Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte of Cambridge.<\/span><\/p>\n When the royal baby enters the world, it’s an event celebrated worldwide, especially by the family and citizens of the country. While people usually receive cards, flowers, and balloons, the same goes for the royal family as well. However, this is not the piece of the celebration many people see or hear. <\/span><\/p>\n The piece they notice is the <\/span>salute that happens to announce the birth<\/span><\/a>. Royal Parks state that every salute that takes place is a sign of respect to the royal family and the baby. After all, they have a critical role for that country. For instance, when a royal baby enters the world, there is a 62-gun salute from the Tower of London. Furthermore, there is another smaller, 41-gun salute that takes place at Green Park near Buckingham Palace. <\/span><\/p>\n A surname is a family’s lineage. It helps tell you where you came from, who married into which family<\/a>, and more. Recently, many people came to the attention that the royal family didn’t have a last name. Instead, they followed the <\/span>name of the dynasty or house they belonged to<\/span><\/a>. In fact, to this day, they will only sign their first names, at least in the United Kingdom. <\/span><\/p>\n However, this doesn’t mean that having a surname is a hot topic in the royal family. In fact, this is a tradition that started to slowly change with Queen Elizabeth II, who wanted to separate her family’s lineage from that of her parents. Therefore, she dubbed the descendants of her family Mountbatten Windsor, Prince Philip’s surname. This tradition continued with Prince William and Kate’s children, who go by the last name of Cambridge. <\/span><\/p>\n When the royal couple first finds out they’ll bring a child into the world, they are asked to tell the Queen before anyone else. From there, several royal pregnancy and birthing traditions, along with some rules and regulations about how the child will be raised, come into play. For instance, historically there are no baby showers. Another rule is you need to wear close-toed shoes; cleavage is forbidden, and share any health-related baby news publicly. <\/span><\/p>\n There is a midwife who became a part of the process during the pregnancy. Most royal babies have more than one midwife. Princess Charlotte’s birth included two midwives, the official royal OBGYN, two obstetricians, three anesthesiologists, two special care staffers, four pediatricians, four surgical staff members, and a lab technician. <\/span><\/p>\n You may have followed certain traditions when it came to your child’s baptism. For example, you might have gone to a family church. You might also have chosen a new dress. Along similar lines, a baby’s baptism is a time for customs in the royal family. <\/span><\/p>\n One of the most recent royal family members to wed is Princess Beatrice. Just like they did with Kate and Meghan, the world is waiting to hear about her baby due in the fall. When the baby makes his or her arrival, they will be baptized within a couple of months. The baby will follow tradition and <\/span>wear a christening robe<\/span><\/a> that several other royal babies before him\/her. <\/span><\/p>\n You’ve probably seen an image or video of the ceremonies countless times. The family is usually seen all dressed in their required outfits on the balcony of Buckingham Palace. While the children don’t have to frequent all of the royal ceremonies that their parents do, they must attend ones such as the <\/span>Trooping of the Colour.<\/span><\/a> This should be expected as it is Queen Elizabeth II’s birthday. <\/span><\/p>\n All immediate royal family members are invited to attend from the Queen to her son, grandsons, their wives, and their children. Many people are in awe at how the children often seem to be on their best behavior. Part of this is because they are probably busy watching the planes from the Royal Air Force flying above. Another reason is that they are taught to always be on their best behavior and exhibit royal standards. <\/span><\/p>\n It might be a tradition in your family to get together and celebrate birthdays. As you see above, this is the same in the royal family. Some of the celebrations are generally private family affairs. Other royal traditions are the time they take time to celebrate holidays with their family. Then, there’s the tradition most people in the world follow once a baby is born – making sure that the birth is officially registered in the country. <\/span><\/p>\n Just like you, the royal family needs to ensure that their babies are registered within <\/span>42 days at the local registrar’s office or the hospital<\/span><\/a>. This is not a requirement set about by the royal family. It’s a law<\/a> in both Wales and England. The hospital usually has a process to help parents register their child’s birth. However, the royal family also has certain people who support them, such as royal employees. After all, with around 20 people<\/a> present for the birth, it should be easy for one of them to start the paperwork. <\/span><\/p>\n It’s natural to receive baby presents before and after giving birth. While royal family members don’t have baby showers, this doesn’t mean their children don’t get gifts. In fact, royal babies tend to receive presents from some vital people who want to take time to welcome them into the world. <\/span><\/p>\n While your baby might receive gifts from your friends and family, royal babies receive gifts from international leaders and influencers around the world. Of course, they receive gifts from family friends, but when Prince George was born, the family received over <\/span>600 gifts.<\/span><\/a> <\/span><\/p>\n If your child goes through the process of baptism, they have at least one official godmother and one godfather. Sometimes children might have one more of each or one additional godparent on one side than the other. It all depends on what the parents wish to do for their children, especially regarding providing support in religion and life<\/a> events. <\/span><\/p>\n Typically, godparents are an essential part of a child’s life, and they are often seen as second parents to many children. It is similar in the case of the royal family. The godparents for the royal children play a significant role in their lives. <\/span>They often see their godchildren and are known as close family friends<\/span><\/a>. <\/span><\/p>\n While many children around the world have godparents, the main difference for royals is that the royal family usually requests <\/span>several godmothers and godfathers<\/span><\/a>. That follows a tradition that has seen generations. However, there is also not a set number. It’s just more than the usual two. <\/span><\/p>\n For instance, Princess Charlotte has five godparents while her older brother, George, has a total of seven. Another difference that follows tradition is that the godparents cannot be close family. For example, you might have had your brother or sister become godparents for one of your children. That cannot happen in the royal family. Instead, they need to be close<\/a> friends or cousins. <\/span><\/p>\n Most families take time every year to celebrate their child’s birthday. It is usually marked with something the child wants to do. For example, this could include going to a special place or inviting all their friends over for cake, fun, and presents. <\/span><\/p>\n While this is the same for the royal family, they always feel it is important to give something to the public. The royal family also knows the public loves baby pictures. Therefore, until the royal baby can attend official events when they’re older, their birthday is celebrated with an <\/span>official portrait released to the public<\/span><\/a>. <\/span><\/p>\n While most mothers breastfed their babies centuries ago, this is something Queen Victoria decided to change and ensure that it became a tradition. The development of this tradition started because Queen Victoria hated <\/span>breastfeeding<\/span><\/a>. <\/span><\/p>\n Queen Victoria felt it wasn’t suitable for her body, so she decided to do away with the practice. The queen made this step official in the royal family. It remained common for several royal families after Queen Victoria. However, it quickly started changing again, specifically with Queen Elizabeth II and her husband, Prince Philip. <\/span><\/p>\n Even though Queen Elizabeth II knew about the tradition connected with her family for a couple of generations, she felt that it wasn’t the best fit for her children. <\/span>She didn’t have the same feelings about breastfeeding as Queen Victoria<\/span><\/a>. Therefore, while she didn’t directly do away with not breastfeeding, she decided it would be a choice made by the parents. <\/span><\/p>\n After making the change, Queen Elizabeth breastfed all of her children. It is known that Princess Diana decided to continue that practice as both Prince William and Harry were breastfed. From what is known, Kate Middleton also continued to do this with her children. <\/span><\/p>\n A name is something that parents, including royal parents, spend time thinking about to make sure that their children have the best name possible. Some people pick words that have special significance, such as wanting to give your child a name that means “peace” or “love.” Others use terms from their ancestors. <\/span><\/p>\n The royal family tends to follow this pattern for the most part. They pick traditional names, especially when it comes to children in line for the throne. For instance, William and Kate had little to no wiggle room, naming their children <\/span>George, Charlotte, and Louis.<\/span><\/a> However, Harry and Megan chose Archie Harrison and Lilibet Diana. <\/span><\/p>\n When looking at royal names, you realize that Queen Elizabeth II is named after a previous queen from centuries ago, <\/span>Queen Elizabeth I<\/span><\/a>. The latter ruled England from November 1558 until she died in 1603. The queen’s full name, Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor, connects to other relatives of long ago. <\/span><\/p>\n The same goes for Prince Charles and his boys, William and Harry. However, Harry’s real name is Henry, which is also a common royal name. While Harry didn’t continue following royal names from previous centuries, he did honor his mother, Diana, through his daughter’s name. When it comes to William, he continued the tradition by finding combinations of previous royal first names he and Kate admired. <\/span><\/p>\n35. Gender Isn’t Announced<\/span><\/h2>\n
34. Home Births<\/span><\/h2>\n
33. Shift To Hospital Births <\/span><\/h2>\n
32. No Ordinary Blanket<\/span><\/h2>\n
31. <\/span>Clothes For Post-Birth Photo<\/span><\/h2>\n
30. The Birth Announcement<\/span><\/h2>\n
29. The City Crier <\/span><\/h2>\n
28. A Special Name <\/span><\/h2>\n
27. Royal Babies’ Salute<\/span><\/h2>\n
26. Not Truly Given A Surname<\/span><\/h2>\n
25. Doctors and Nurses <\/span><\/h2>\n
24. Baptism Traditions<\/span><\/h2>\n
23. Unique Ceremonies<\/span><\/h2>\n
22. Just Like Everyone Else<\/span><\/h2>\n
21. Gifts From All Over The World<\/span><\/h2>\n
20. Royal Godparents<\/span><\/h2>\n
19. Many Godparents<\/span><\/h2>\n
18. Royal Birthday Portraits<\/span><\/h2>\n
17. Royals Couldn’t Breastfeed Babies<\/span><\/h2>\n
16. Breastfeeding Is No Longer Off Limits<\/span><\/h2>\n
15. No Non-Traditional Names<\/span><\/h2>\n
14. A Combination Of Previous Royals<\/span><\/h2>\n
13. Nicknames Not Allowed<\/span><\/h2>\n