{"id":43485,"date":"2021-07-06T13:36:10","date_gmt":"2021-07-06T20:36:10","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/moneyppl.com\/?p=43485"},"modified":"2022-05-17T01:01:54","modified_gmt":"2022-05-17T08:01:54","slug":"40-cheaters-who-got-caught-via-text-message","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/dev.moneyppl.com\/40-cheaters-who-got-caught-via-text-message\/43485\/","title":{"rendered":"40 Cheaters Who Got Caught Via Text Message"},"content":{"rendered":"
Sending a text message is fast and easy. However, it’s becoming relatively easy to get mixed up when you’re texting several people at once. The drama starts when you send the wrong message to the wrong person. The worst offense is when you end up revealing you’ve cheated on your significant other.<\/span> Nothing is more heartbreaking than discovering the person you love ends up cheating behind your back.<\/span><\/p>\n And you know what they say about cheaters. If they cheat with you, they will cheat on you. Most of these people probably lie, cheat, and steal,<\/a> as they all go together. <\/span>These stories<\/a> show some of the crafty ways people have caught their partners cheating via text messages. Their partners weren’t exactly using all of their brain cells. The creativity that goes into some of these is just astounding, so be prepared to be shocked and amazed here.<\/span><\/p>\n Teenagers aren’t the only ones cheating on their partners through phone messages. Even full-grown married adults are capable of infidelity too. This father learned the hard way how much he’d have to pay to buy his own daughter’s silence. The father sent a message to his lover… or at least he <\/span>thought<\/span><\/em> he was. It turns out he ended up sending the message to his own daughter. <\/span><\/p>\n Blackmailing her own father seems pretty low, but remember that he was the one breaking up his own family. It’s only fitting that his daughter asked for so much to keep quiet about it. Who knows what happened after this exchange, but no doubt, the father regretted having a lover when his daughter found out what he was up to.<\/span><\/p>\n Things can get pretty heated when you’re trying to keep secrets behind your partner’s back. You have to pretend like everything is fine and make up so lies to cover up your tracks. However, one of the biggest things you should keep track of is whom you’re texting at that moment. For this person, they might have still been basking in the afterglow, but they should have had the sense to check the name of the person they were texting.<\/span><\/p>\n Despite his positive response to her message, it was probably a little devastating that he couldn’t confront her face to face right then and there. At least he found a clever way<\/a> to get the truth out of her without doing much work. We hope for Jeffery’s sake that he’s found a better person who values him.<\/span><\/p>\n Tony texted his girlfriend that the game was over. Though he doesn’t mention the game exactly, little did he know that his girlfriend would take this the wrong way and make the worst possible assumption. What started as a harmless conversation went South very quickly.<\/span><\/p>\n Before he can even clarify what he was talking about, Tony’s girlfriend admits to cheating on him… with his <\/span>brother<\/span><\/em> of all people. Who thought that such a misunderstanding would lead to the unfortunate end of Tony’s relationship? At least he discovered the truth about the person he once loved.<\/span><\/p>\n Who would’ve thought that the following text conversation would ever happen? If you have a best friend and a girlfriend whose names are pretty close to each other, you would think that you’d at least save them in your contacts differently, like saving your girlfriend’s name as “Girlfriend” so that you wouldn’t make a terrible mistake.<\/span><\/p>\n Unfortunately, this guy sent a text to his girlfriend that was meant for his “bro,” admitting that he hooked up with another woman. No doubt, Jordyn dumped him right then and there and refused to let him explain himself. Maybe about you stop sharing your infidelity with other people if you’re trying to keep secrets.<\/span><\/p>\n Naturally, when you get caught cheating, the first thing to do is apologize and ask your partner to take you back. Unfortunately for this person Yoongi, they don’t have any excuses to offer, other than they didn’t<\/a> hear their partner enter the room. The following text conversation demonstrates just how out-of-touch Yoongi is with saying the right thing.<\/span><\/p>\n Instead of making an apology or coming up with an excuse, the only answer they can give is that they didn’t hear their partner enter the studio, as if that<\/span> was supposed to make everything better. They still cheated. Even if they had heard their partner and stopped doing whatever it was they were doing. Yoongi isn’t the sympathetic type.<\/span><\/p>\n Here’s another instance of a parent sending a text to the wrong person. He should have checked the name first. Brenda is pretty close to Bryan, but that’s not a mistake anyone wants to make, as you’ll see at the beginning of this text conversation. The dad is sending a text to arrange a meeting with Brenda but ended up throwing himself under the bus when he sent the text to his son instead.<\/span><\/p>\n Sadly, the father thinks that $450 is enough to cover his own wife’s heartbreak, so that showed how little he cared for her feelings. Good on Bryan for upping the bribe onhis father <\/span>and<\/span><\/em> confessing that he would tell his mother anyway. No price is high enough to allow your mother to continue believing everything is okay in her marriage.<\/span><\/p>\n The key to a successful lie is covering up your tracks. Some creativity should be involved, but there should also be some common sense. When this partner expects Jackie has been sleeping around behind their back – and she knows it – you would think that Jackie would take better precautions ensuring that there’s nothing else to make them even more suspicious. Unfortunately, Jackie didn’t think that far ahead.<\/span><\/p>\n Jackie should have booked the hotel room in their name instead so that her story would be less suspicious. Instead, their partner discovered that it was under their boss’ name, meaning that they were sharing a room instead of staying in separate ones. Jackie gave her partner everything they needed to verify their suspicions, and now all of her things are packed in bags. <\/span><\/p>\n Buying a beautiful gift for your partner should be an exciting time. Unfortunately for this person, their good intentions were more sour than they realize. Sharing the information of the gift they bought with their supposed partner instead of the person they’re cheating with gives their partner all of the ammunition they need to end things.<\/span><\/p>\n Moreover, when their partner tries to clue them in on what’s going on, they completely miss the mark and don’t get the joke. At least they finally found out and won’t have to wait around anymore to receive any of this jerk’s gifts in the future.<\/span><\/p>\n It’s easy to make up little white lies when we’re not interested in hanging out with people. Maybe we’re tired or we just need a break from being social. Nevertheless, when your boyfriend wants to just be in your company, regardless of what you’re doing, then that seems pretty harmless. This guy’s girlfriend has a pretty good excuse, she has to study. It’s admirable that she’s so focused on her education. Unfortunately, this girlfriend didn’t have all of her bases covered.<\/span><\/p>\n As we’ve discovered, this girlfriend isn’t really studying at all. This leaves the boyfriend to assume what she’s really up to and not interested in hanging out with him. Let’s hope this boyfriend has moved on to greener pastures and that the girlfriend has learned to come up with better lies.<\/span><\/p>\n Remember how we talked about being creative with your lies to cover your tracks effectively? Chelsea thought she was doing just that by distracting her boyfriend with a sexy picture of herself. Who’s going to be looking anywhere else when you’re sent a lovely photo of your partner’s derriere? Chelsea’s plan, however, only worked for a short period, when her boyfriend noticed that there was something else in the picture that there shouldn’t be.<\/span><\/p>\n Oops. If she’d just cropped the picture a little higher or taken a few steps to the left, those incriminating boots wouldn’t have shown up in the image at all. Unfortunately for Chelsea, she was caught in her big lie and likely ended up single when she got back home.<\/span><\/p>\n Nothing is more uplifting than knowing your best friends have your back when it counts. And sometimes, unfortunate accidents may end up becoming happy coincidences that show just how trustworthy your friendship is. Julie learned a bit of bad news when her best friend texted her saying she has some bad news of her own. <\/span><\/p>\n If any of us were in that situation, we would have been high-fiving Julie for what they did, even if it was an accident. On the other hand, even if Julie didn’t hit her friend’s boyfriend with her car<\/a>, she still has a good sense of humor to help cheer up her friend when she needs it the most. Let’s all hope we have a friend who would do the same for us when we need it.<\/span><\/p>\n If you’re going to use the lie about not feeling well to avoid spending time with your boyfriend so you can cheat on him, at least use some common sense to make sure that you’re texting the right person. What was meant for her lover ended up being sent to her boyfriend because she wasn’t checking the name on the text. James’s girlfriend ended up outing herself as the cheater that she is.<\/span><\/p>\n The fact that she tried to apologize for it afterward just goes to show how much she’s only thinking of herself in this situation. James didn’t deserve her, and we can only hope that whomever this Jared was is no longer with her to this day either. This is the kind of girl you can’t trust.<\/span><\/p>\n So far, we’ve seen how much people try to backpedal when they’re caught cheating on their partners through text messages, but this guy takes the cake. In fact, it may even be one of the saddest attempts on the list. His text message declaring his love should be heartwarming. However, when you realize that he meant to send the message to someone else, everything became worse.<\/span><\/p>\n To be fair, if he’d only spelled “service” right, then the situation might have been a little more humorous, but he couldn’t even do that right. Lauren and her kids are probably in a much happier position without this guy in the picture.<\/span><\/p>\n No one enjoys a pop quiz. It’s unsettling and you rarely feel prepared. However, it’s something else entirely when you don’t even know you’re being tested, and it’s even worse when it has to do with your relationship. This guy was trying to make a joke, telling his girlfriend that he didn’t care if she cheated or not…on the test.<\/span><\/p>\n But she answered a little too quickly and ended up confessing her infidelity to him. Now, this guy was probably heartbroken after that, but at least he got the truth out of her and can figure out whom he should spend the rest of his life<\/a> with. <\/span><\/p>\n If you thought any of the previous victims had it rough, then you are not ready for what happened to this poor girl. She doesn’t even receive a message from the perpetrator himself, but his mother. Jim’s mom thought she was making a simple request to get to sleep at night. Unfortunately, she ends up spilling the beans she didn’t know she was holding.<\/span><\/p>\n Jim and his lover were getting a bit too heated and loud, but the lover wasn’t Jim’s actual girlfriend. She was away on a trip in Europe, and she had to get the horrible news. At least the mother was nice enough to apologize for the girl’s hurt feelings.<\/span><\/p>\n Sneaking off to have some fun is mostly harmless, but when a father is cheating on his own wife, it’s not so harmless anymore. This dad was trying to tell his lover that the wife was gone and the kids were at school, but he ended up sending the message to the wrong person: one of his own children.<\/span><\/p>\n Of course, as we’ve seen before, bribery comes into play when the kid wants the dad to buy their silence and even has a witty retort when the dad suggests that they’re supposed to be paying attention<\/a> in class. Not the best time to get smart with your kid when they can easily tell their mom about your message.<\/span><\/p>\n40. Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From The Tree
\n<\/span><\/h2>\n39. Wrong Owner Of Leftover Pants<\/span><\/h2>\n
38. Making The Wrong Assumption
\n<\/span><\/h2>\n37. When Names Are Too Close<\/span><\/h2>\n
36. Played Himself For a Fool In This Text
\n<\/span><\/h2>\n35. Bryan The Blackmailer <\/span><\/h2>\n
34. If You’re Going To Lie, Do Better Than This Text
\n<\/span><\/h2>\n33. Who Wants Rhinestones?
\n<\/span><\/h2>\n32. Weak Excuse<\/span><\/h2>\n
31. Didn’t Hide Her Story
\n<\/span><\/h2>\n30. Best Friend Had Her Back<\/span><\/h2>\n
29. Pretending To Be Sick <\/span><\/h2>\n
28. At Least Spell Your Fake Text Properly<\/span><\/h2>\n
27. Not The Kind of Cheating She Thought<\/span><\/h2>\n
26. Cheating In The Worst Way Possible<\/span><\/h2>\n
25. Dad Isn’t Paying Attention
\n<\/span><\/h2>\n24. Destruction Of Property<\/span><\/h2>\n