{"id":61557,"date":"2022-07-19T14:13:56","date_gmt":"2022-07-19T21:13:56","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/moneyppl.com\/?p=61557"},"modified":"2022-09-11T10:55:23","modified_gmt":"2022-09-11T17:55:23","slug":"travel-hacks-to-prevent-your-summer-trip-from-becoming-a-nightmare","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/dev.moneyppl.com\/travel-hacks-to-prevent-your-summer-trip-from-becoming-a-nightmare\/61557\/","title":{"rendered":"Travel Hacks To Prevent Your Summer Trip From Becoming A Nightmare"},"content":{"rendered":"
Traveling is one of the greatest experiences we can have as human beings. Not only does it broaden our horizons, but it grants us insight into the way people live their lives in other countries. You may even have a <\/span>bucket list<\/span><\/a> of places you want to visit around the world. Crossing off one of those bucket list items is thrilling and exciting. <\/span>However, as amazing as traveling is, it can still be stressful, which is why there are certain travel hacks to make your next trip as seamless as possible. <\/span><\/p>\n Whether it’s packing tips, ways to make reservations in advance, saving money<\/a> while traveling, or simply traveling more efficiently, this list is here to help you with your next big trip. A good list of travel hacks will save you tons of time and money in the long run, so get informed here before you take off on your next summer trip. <\/span><\/p>\n Search for flights in incognito. Or, use a private browsing mode. Because information is tracked when you search for flights, flight prices usually skyrocket as you search for them. One second, you’re looking at a $200 flight, and then the next second, it suddenly<\/a> costs $400.<\/span><\/p>\n Prices didn’t actually change that drastically, but the airlines have a clever way<\/a> of tracking who’s looking at flights and jacking up the prices that way. This travel hack will save you tons of money in the long run once you find the best deals for flights (via <\/span>Thrifty Nomads<\/span><\/a>).<\/span><\/p>\n There are certain snacks you can bring through security without risking the chance they’ll get confiscated. You can bring wrapped sandwiches, fruit like bananas, apples, oranges, cheese, granola bars, pretzels, cookies, pastries, gum, and chips. Pack them all in a Tupperware in your bag and unpack them once you have a moment to relax at the airport<\/a>. <\/span><\/p>\n Bringing snacks also saves a lot of money<\/a> since snacks are usually a lot more expensive at the airport than at the grocery store. You could save quite a bit with just a little preparation beforehand. That money<\/a> saved is money for traveling. That’s enough reason alone to load up your bag beforehand (via <\/span>Show It<\/span><\/a>).<\/span><\/p>\n We all know you can’t go through the airport with liquids, but did you know you can pass through security with frozen liquids? It must be frozen solid when presented for screening because melted or even slushy won’t pass. You can use ice packs to keep your liquids frozen. This will be a bit tricky if you’re traveling in a hot country, but it’s still doable and a great travel hack.<\/span><\/p>\n If you’re in a hot climate, as long as you stay in an air-conditioned car<\/a> and head straight into the air-conditioned airport, you should be fine. By the time you get to the gate, your liquids might still be frozen, but if they’re not, it doesn’t matter. This is a great travel hack to get water through security, so you have a nice cold bottle on the plane (via <\/span>Travel and Leisure<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n It seems obvious, yet making reservations in advance is one of the simplest and best travel hacks on this list. This can come as a reservation at a restaurant, or even grabbing fast passes before going to an amusement park. For example, there’s the Free Fast Pass at Walt Disney World and Disneyland, and Flash Pass at Six Flags, amongst other line-cutting passes for amusement parks. You’ll save loads of time by cutting lines, which means you’ll have more time to enjoy the attractions. <\/span><\/p>\n This travel hack could potentially prevent a lot of stress since you can easily rest in the knowledge that you’re guaranteed a spot at a restaurant or have a ride somewhere. Since that part is figured out, you can put time and focus into other areas like transportation (via <\/span>Smarter Travel<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n By getting an airline-affiliated credit card<\/a>, you’ll have the chance to get extra points and certain special accesses that will benefit you in the long run. You can cut lines at the airport with VIP access, join priority lines, pass queues when boarding, get free checked bags, have extra bin space for your carry-on, and have first-class check-in. <\/span><\/p>\n These especially come in handy if you have a long layover at an airport since you can usually use the lounge for buffets and unlimited alcohol. Some lounges even have places to sleep, so it’s a two-for-one kind of deal. You’re spending money just to reward yourself with it afterward and there’s nothing wrong with that (via <\/span>Smarter Travel<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n Buy your tickets online<\/a> ahead of time and print them out or show the QR code. You can do this for airplane tickets, train tickets, or tickets to an event. That way, you won’t have to wait in line when you arrive at a place or risk arriving somewhere to find out that tickets are sold out. Better yet, this prevents the stress that comes with rushing somewhere only to make sure you have a ticket. The only downside is that you might not have a printed ticket to keep as a souvenir. <\/span><\/p>\n Again, buying a ticket beforehand guarantees your entry. Additionally, if you buy a ticket beforehand, it’s usually sent to your phone, which means you don’t have to worry about keeping track of a piece of paper while you’re traveling. We all know how easily things get lost when you’re on the move (via <\/span>Smarter Travel<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n Toiletries are the items<\/a> we forget the most since there are so many different ones we need to remember to bring. If you have a ready-to-go toiletry bag, packed and ready before your flight, this ensures you’re prepared and won’t forget anything. You can include items like an in-flight mask and all the essentials like a toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, etc. <\/span><\/p>\n This especially comes in handy with overnight flights, when all you want to do in the morning is brush your teeth. You won’t have to wait for your checked bag, you can do it on the airplane and arrive feeling and looking fresh (via <\/span>Travel and Leisure<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n There’s nothing worse than arriving at a hotel<\/a> only to find out that the curtains don’t close properly. Suddenly, you’re tossing and turning as streams of sunlight pour into the room. To avoid this, take a hanger out of the closet, turn it to its side, and clip the curtain together (via <\/span>Travel and Leisure<\/span><\/a>). This is an awesome travel hack that allows you to get a good night’s sleep anywhere and anytime. <\/span><\/p>\n When jet lag hits, all you want to do is sleep. This hack<\/a> is perfect for your mid-day nap, especially after being awake for all those hours on the airplane. Nothing<\/a> can ruin a trip more than a lack of sleep. It’s also important to get quality sleep so you can keep your immune system up and not get sick.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n This may seem obvious, but if you pack only your favorite outfits, this prevents you from overpacking. It’s one of the best travel hacks on this list. That way, every time you open your bag, you’ll have a selection of only your favorite clothes. Better yet, this leaves more room in your suitcase for other clothes you may purchase on your travels. <\/span><\/p>\n There’s nothing worse than seeing a dress you love, only to realize you can’t buy it because you don’t have any extra room in your bag. Buying clothes abroad is one of the best souvenirs you could gift yourself with. “I’ve found that I always have a favorite few outfits I tend to recycle over and over every few months, even at home, so I bring those and not much else,” said travel blogger Megan van Groll (via <\/span>Bustle<\/span><\/a>).<\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n Bringing razors while traveling can be frustrating, especially if the blade cuts part of your backpack. To prevent this, use a clip over the razor. Fasten the clip around the head of the razor, and fold the handles down so they rest over the razor. That way, none of your clothes will get ripped or ruined from the razor head. <\/span><\/p>\n Since razors can easily ruin a pair of jeans, this prevents an unnecessary trip to the tailor. Your razor will also last longer if you keep it covered, and the razor will stay sharp for longer (via <\/span>Business Insider<\/span><\/a>).<\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n Having a photo<\/a> of your passport on your phone is a good idea in case of any emergency. All you have to do is scan your passport photo and send it to yourself via email. That way, if your passport gets lost or stolen, you have a photo of it to show to the embassy, police, or immigration office, so you can get an emergency passport. <\/span><\/p>\n This is also convenient at hotels if they only need a photo of your passport for ID. You won’t have to spend all those awkward minutes digging around in your bag to grab your passport. It’s also a good idea to have photos of your credit cards and other important documents in case something goes wrong (via <\/span>Head Out<\/span><\/a>).<\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n Packing efficiently is one of the best travel hacks on this list. If you pack efficiently, you’ll ensure you have tons of space in your backpack and are organized<\/a> for your trip. To pack efficiently, all you have to do is roll your clothes, use packing cubes, use travel-sized toiletries, put things inside<\/a> your shoes, wear your biggest pair of shoes, wear your heaviest jacket, and pack neutral colors. <\/span><\/p>\n You can also zip up your suitcase, then open it again and add more clothes. <\/span>That way, it pushes your clothes down as small as they can go. The more room you have leftover, the more room you have for souvenirs and other items you might want to bring home (via <\/span>Rit<\/span><\/a>).<\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n Navigating a new city<\/a> can be tough. This is especially true when you have no idea where you’re going, and all the street signs are in a different language. What makes it even tougher is not having a SIM card to use the maps on your phone. <\/span><\/p>\n Luckily, Google Maps has a tool where you can download maps to use offline. To do this, search for a specific place, pull up the place information sheet at the bottom of the screen, click save the map to use offline, click save, and give it a name (via <\/span>Going Awesome Places<\/span><\/a>).<\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n There’s nothing worse than getting a middle seat on a long-haul flight. Luckily, with this awesome travel hack, you won’t have to worry about that – and you might even score yourself tons of leg room. <\/span><\/p>\n “<\/span>Instead of booking the aisle or window and putting one person in the middle, book smart. Put one person in an aisle seat and one person in a window seat. This way the middle<\/a> seat is free and you will have extra space, with a little luck.” If the flight isn’t full, the seat will likely stay vacant. Try this hack with your travel buddy<\/a> the next time you’re booking flights and see what happens. Luck might be on your side (<\/span>via <\/span>Travel Update<\/span><\/a>).<\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n Bringing solid toiletries prevents any accidental spillages from happening. This is a great travel hack that will help you out in the long run. It could ruin the start of your trip if you open your bag, only to find out your shampoo exploded all over your favorite dress. <\/span><\/p>\n You can grab items like a shampoo bar, solid conditioner, deodorant travel stick, solid perfume, solid cologne, tooth brushing powder, cleansing bomb, makeup remover, body butter, body sunscreen stick, anti-bug balm, solid mouthwash, and soap bar case (via <\/span>Pack Hacker<\/span><\/a>).<\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n The Marie Kondo packing method is a great travel hack to get extra space in your luggage. According to the method, <\/span>“clothes should be folded and packed upright. Fold suits and lay them flat on top. Pack bras on top, and don’t flatten them. Pack small things such as underwear in a travel pouch, and transfer lotions and toiletries into smaller bottles to reduce volume.” <\/span><\/p>\n All of these little hacks are great ways to save space in your bag. Your clothes and toiletries don’t have to take up as much room as you think. If you’re smart, you could get it down to half the size with a few tricks (via <\/span>Kon Mari<\/span><\/a>).<\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n TSA needs to see your liquids as you put them through security. To do this and prevent any delays, it’s necessary to use a clear bag for liquids. It’s a great travel hack that will keep everything moving efficiently and quickly. Keep your liquids in easy reach on top of your suitcase, so you don’t hold up the line as you’re trying to find your toiletries. <\/span><\/p>\n If they’re at the top, you can quickly grab them, place them on the conveyor belt, and waltz on through the metal detector. Traveling has never been easier than ever before (via <\/span>NY Times<\/span><\/a>).<\/span><\/p>\n60. Find Cheaper Flights By Going Incognito<\/strong><\/h2>\n
59. Bring Snacks To The Airport<\/strong><\/h2>\n
58. Freeze Your Liquids<\/strong><\/h2>\n
57. Make Reservations In Advance<\/strong><\/h2>\n
56. Get An Airline-Affiliated Credit Card<\/strong><\/h2>\n
55. Buy Tickets Before Traveling<\/strong><\/h2>\n
54. Grab-And-Go Toiletries<\/strong><\/h2>\n
53. Sleep Better In Your Hotel<\/strong><\/h2>\n
52. Only Pack Your Favorite Outfits<\/strong><\/h2>\n
51. Protect Razor Heads<\/strong><\/h2>\n
50. Keep A Photo Of Your Passport In Your Phone<\/strong><\/h2>\n
49. Pack Smarter<\/strong><\/h2>\n
48. Download Offline Maps<\/strong><\/h2>\n
47. Seat Booking Hack<\/strong><\/h2>\n
46. Bring Solid Toiletries<\/strong><\/h2>\n
45. Pack Like Marie Kondo<\/strong><\/h2>\n
44. Use A Clear Bag For Liquids<\/strong><\/h2>\n