{"id":62947,"date":"2022-05-11T12:05:16","date_gmt":"2022-05-11T19:05:16","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/moneyppl.com\/?p=62947"},"modified":"2022-07-29T16:57:44","modified_gmt":"2022-07-29T23:57:44","slug":"50-instances-when-perfect-revenge-was-served-ice-cold","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/dev.moneyppl.com\/50-instances-when-perfect-revenge-was-served-ice-cold\/62947\/","title":{"rendered":"50 Instances When Perfect Revenge Was Served Ice-Cold"},"content":{"rendered":"

Revenge is one of those taboo topics that we don’t often talk about. When someone does us wrong, our initial reaction is to do something back to them even if we don’t actually do it. We want to punish them with the perfect revenge and make them pay for what they did. Of course, revenge isn’t always the answer, but sometimes, it feels good.<\/p>\n

Sometimes it can also be necessary. So we’ve compiled a list of the best revenge stories on the internet<\/a>. At least these people weren’t banned for life<\/a> after conducting their revenge. Some people<\/a> admit they’ve filled ice cubes with hotdog water, filled donuts with mustard, or wrote the wrong answers on an exam, so their cheating peer got the wrong answers. Check out these perfect stories<\/a> of revenge served ice-cold below.<\/p>\n


50) Breast Milk Creamer<\/h2>\n

Bringing your own office supplies and\/or food<\/a> to work is a common courtesy. If you don’t take anyone else’s things, no one will take yours. Or at least, that’s how it should be. When people<\/a> borrow our things without asking, it’s frustrating and downright rude. When this woman figured out someone was using her coffee creamer, she decided to enact the perfect revenge. Instead of speaking about it with the suspect, she filled the coffee creamer with her breast milk. We’re curious if the person noticed anything different about how their coffee tasted. At least it was organic (via constative<\/a>).<\/p>\n



49) Snake Cage Video Games<\/h2>\n

Sibling rivalries are inevitable. It’s almost like an unspoken contract between siblings written before birth. This girl asked her brother multiple times to help her clean the house. When he refused, she decided to take a perfect revenge and placed his video games into the snake’s cage. She’s smart, especially if her brother is afraid of the snake. We’re sure he’ll help her clean the house next time (via constative<\/a>).<\/p>\n



48) Tainted Fridge Food<\/h2>\n

This Reddit user shares their perfect revenge story against the food thief when they tainted the food fridge with ground-up laxatives. Laxatives don’t lie and it was obvious who ate the food when they began spending a majority of their time in the bathroom. Let’s hope they learned their lesson (via Reddit<\/a>).<\/p>\n



47) The Seventh Grade Jerk<\/h2>\n

Seventh-grade bullies are vicious. They pick on their victimswith no remorse. This Reddit user shared their experience with a bully and their decision to have the perfect revenge against them. This bully kept repetitively hitting this Reddit user’s desk during class. One day, he pulled his desk back so the bully couldn’t lean into it. He ended up falling, hitting the ground, and getting yelled at by the teacher. He never messed with this Reddit user again (via Reddit<\/a>).<\/p>\n



46) Protesting Honeymooners<\/h2>\n

Getting stranded in your car<\/a> in a national park is stressful, especially when you’re on your honeymoon. You don’t expect those sorts of mishaps to happen, especially when it wasn’t your fault. A repair shop in Utah messed up this Reddit user’s car and refused to help them fix it again. For the perfect revenge, this honeymooning couple sat outside the shop for two days and protested. They gained a lot of support from the locals and even the local police. They ended up getting a full refund from the visibly distressed owner. They even filed complaints with the Better Business Bureau and the mechanic was already booted from the Chamber of Commerce (via Reddit<\/a>).<\/p>\n



45) Law Exam Cheater<\/h2>\n

Talk about the perfect revenge. This Reddit user used sneaky revenge when he found out his peer was using his answers to cheat on every exam. On the 100 multiple-choice law<\/a> exam, he purposefully filled out all of the answers incorrectly. After she left class, he erased all of his answers and filled them in correctly. He barely passed the class so we can only imagine what sort of grade she got. Serves her right (via gggggllo<\/a>).<\/p>\n



44) Shattered Windshield<\/h2>\n

We’ve all dealt with drunk people before. We’ve even been that drunk person. But when a drunk person vandalizes something of ours, it’s frustrating. A drunk man threw a rock at this Reddit user’s grandpa’s windshield and shattered it. He gave him a fake number and disappeared. Luckily, the universe had this grandpa’s back, and one year later<\/a>, the same drunk man ended up back in his car during a carpooling ride. What are the chances? Without hesitation, this grandpa successfully had the perfect revenge and threw the guy’s phone out the window and kicked him out of the car (via thetimewizard<\/a>).<\/p>\n



43) Strange Subscriptions<\/h2>\n

This Reddit user is clever. Their perfect revenge included a magazine subscription to female magazines and strange ones like Psychology Today and Architectural Digest, against someone who bullied them. Their revenge worked, and the bully complained about his sudden magazine orders, which he admitted was irritating. He got a taste of his own medicine (via LGXboxDewNissan<\/a>).<\/p>\n



42) Super Glue Revenge<\/h2>\n

What a story. This Reddit user enacted one of the most successful and perfect revenge stories on this list. There’s nothing<\/a> worse than dealing with a bunch of drunk folk multiple times a week, especially when you’re trying to sleep, which happened to this apartment complex in Johannesburg. To avoid any physical altercations, this Reddit user super glued the heavy-duty bolt lock to their flat, which prevented them from getting in. As a result, their friends left, they had to replace the bathroom window which they broke into, and had to replace both doors. They ended up getting kicked out of the apartment complex. The superglue plan worked (via Reddit<\/a>).<\/p>\n



41) Baby Powder Newspaper<\/h2>\n

Stealing someone’s newspaper is just plain rude. This Reddit user shares their perfect revenge by filling the Saturday newspaper, on a Sunday, with baby<\/a> powder. Who knows what happened, but it worked because no one stole their newspaper again (via laminatingurl<\/a>).<\/p>\n



40) Boyfriend Stealer<\/h2>\n

Revenge doesn’t have an expiration date. Even if the perfect revenge happens four years later, it’s still worth it. This Reddit user’s high school boyfriend dumped her for another girl. Four years later, she was playing volleyball and saw the girl on the opponent’s side. On one of the serves, she strategically hit the ball towards the back of the court. It hit the boyfriend stealer’s foot and went straight towards her face, breaking her nose. Karma came right for her (via FutileUtility<\/a>).<\/p>\n



39) Harry Potter Spoiler<\/h2>\n

No one wants a spoiler, especially when it’s about Harry Potter. These baseball bullies received the perfect revenge from this Reddit user, who told them Snape kills Dumbledore in Half-Blood Prince. There’s nothing worse than knowing the ending to a book<\/a> or movie you just started. That should teach them not to spoil it for anyone anymore (via TwoKingz<\/a>).<\/p>\n



38) Rotten Fish<\/h2>\n

Revenge doesn’t always smell too great. This coworker was cheating with this Reddit user’s girlfriend. For the perfect revenge, he and a bunch of his friends taped two frozen, raw fish inside of his car. They placed<\/a> one of the fish in an obvious spot and hid the other fish. The coworker knew it was them and found one fish but couldn’t find the other, and for a while complained that his car smelled like rotten fish. Like this Reddit user, we wonder if he ever found the second one. That’s what he gets for cheating and lying (via tootsie_rolex<\/a>).<\/p>\n



37) Credit Card Bouquet<\/h2>\n

Disturbing your neighbors is rude, especially when it’s all the time. There’s a common courtesy that comes with living somewhere, you need to respect your neighbors and the space around you. When this Reddit user heard their drunk neighbors ordering a pizza with their credit card<\/a>, they decided to act out the perfect revenge. They delivered an $80 bouquet to the four houses around them, using their credit card number, with an apology note. It ended up working, and their neighbors were quiet ever since (via duckpearl<\/a>).<\/p>\n



36) Whisked Egg<\/h2>\n

Sibling rivalries have no limits. When your sibling does you wrong, you don’t hesitate to get them back. This Reddit user experienced the perfect revenge against his friend’s sister after she cracked an egg over his friend’s head. At five in the morning<\/a>, his friend whisked a bowl of five eggs and woke his sister up by pouring them on her head. She deserved that (via uglymountainman<\/a>).<\/p>\n



35) Birthday Gift<\/h2>\n

When you find out your partner is cheating on you, it’s an ideal time to have your perfect revenge. Even though it’s painful, it’s almost like it’s your last chance to make their life<\/a> miserable. Telling them how you found out they were cheating can also bring excitement, just as this girlfriend did when she found out her boyfriend was cheating. When it was his birthday, she got him a present – and not the sort of present you’d think. We’d have loved to see his reaction when he opened his gift and saw all the text messages between him and the girls he was cheating on his girlfriend with (via constative<\/a>).<\/p>\n



34) Here’s Some Yogurt<\/h2>\n

Chaotic drivers are a danger not only to themselves but to everyone on the road. This Reddit user was walking across the street when a car sped up and hit him in the hand with the side mirror. Instead of apologizing, the driver gave him the middle<\/a> finger. Without hesitation, this Reddit user enacted the perfect revenge and poured yogurt all over his windshield, with a note that said, “try not driving like a d**k… here’s some f**king yogurt.” We can only imagine the satisfaction upon seeing this man’s reaction when he returned (via itsnotmeitsyo<\/a>).<\/p>\n



33) Chocolate Wood<\/h2>\n

When you know your sibling is stealing your candy, what do you do? Set up a trap just like this Reddit user did when he figured out his older brother was stealing his candy bars after Halloween. For the perfect revenge, he whittled down a chunk of balsa wood and covered it in chocolate. It was an exact replica of a frozen Baby Ruth bar, which his brother found out the hard way. That couldn’t have tasted too good (via red-it<\/a>).<\/p>\n



32) Senior Superlatives<\/h2>\n

This Reddit user got the perfect revenge when they tampered with the senior superlative section of the yearbook. They made sure a girl bullying them didn’t win any superlatives, even though she was probably going to. That took some serious overhead planning. They deserve a round of applause (via PandaCheeseAgression<\/a>)<\/p>\n



31) The Never Finished Book<\/h2>\n

When you’re in college<\/a>, studying is important. You want to make sure you study up until the last possible second, to make sure you do well on exams, which is what this student did. Unfortunately, the security woman had other plans. One evening, she wanted to go home early and threatened to lock up the doors. This Reddit user enacted the perfect revenge by ripping out the last full page of her book. It worked because he never saw her again (via Skoles<\/a>).<\/p>\n



30) Plastic Cheese<\/h2>\n

Making your partner lunch is a way of expressing love. It can also be a way of expressing anger if done correctly. When you argue with your partner, it’s important to hash it out and come to a peaceful conclusion, otherwise, feelings of resentment can linger. This girl’s boyfriend wanted to make a statement with the perfect revenge. When she took a bite of a sandwich, she discovered the cheese was still wrapped in plastic, with the note “Not Sorry.” He wasn’t sorry for their argument, or for the things he said. That’s quite vicious (via constative<\/a>).<\/p>\n



29) Beloved Car<\/h2>\n

If you found out your partner was cheating, the first thing you’d want to do is hurt them back. That’s where the perfect revenge comes in. This woman decided to hurt her husband in the way she knows best: with his beloved car, one of his most prized possessions. She covered it in plastic wrap and wrapped it around the pole. We would have loved to see his reaction (via constative<\/a>)<\/p>\n



28) Strawberry Jam<\/h2>\n

People with fancy, expensive cars seem to believe they’re entitled<\/a> to things like parking wherever they want to park. Most people who see a car parked on a crosswalk would shake their heads and probably throw up the finger. This woman decided to take it a step further with the perfect revenge. She covered the windshield in strawberry jam. It almost looks like a massacre took place<\/a>. We bet this person never parked in the crosswalk again (via constative<\/a>).<\/p>\n



27) Shower Hair<\/h2>\n

Women<\/a> leave a lot of hair in the shower. It’s standard, especially for women<\/a> that have long, thick hair. This guy had enough of his girlfriend’s hair and decided to do something about it. Instead of simply cleaning out the drain, he decided to have the perfect revenge and left his girlfriend a message on the wall, “I unclogged drain.” We bet she had to clean that off the wall. We doubt he even used all the hair (via constative<\/a>).<\/p>\n



26) Impatient Customers<\/h2>\n

There’s a term called “hangry,” which refers to people who get angry when they’re hungry. They’re usually irritable and tend to lash out. We can sympathize with servers who deal with hangry people, especially when a restaurant is full. They’re trying their hardest. These customer<\/a>s wanted perfect revenge when they left a very rude note on the table using ketchup, saying, “We waited 30 minutes, no service.” They say the customer is always right, but in this case, can we agree with them? Nope! (via constative<\/a>)<\/p>\n



25) Toenail Cake<\/h2>\n

This is a first. We’ve never heard of toenail cake before, and we hope we never do again. That’s disgusting, even if it is a joke. Still, it’s the perfect revenge. If your friend or family member was annoying you, the best way to get back at them is to get them on their birthday (via constative<\/a>).<\/p>\n



24) Friendly Neighbors<\/h2>\n

When neighbors fight, it can get heated quickly. This neighbor took the perfect revenge to an entirely new level by mowing the words “a**hole” into his lawn, which was big enough to see in a Google Maps satellite image. This happened in Sequim, Washington, and this neighbor wanted to make a statement. He sure did. We’re all wondering what happened between the neighbors to get to this point (via constative<\/a>)<\/p>\n



23) Funky Ice Cubes<\/h2>\n

Boiling hotdogs and using the hotdog water to make ice cubes is one way to get the perfect revenge. This person decided to get his roommate back by tainting his ice cubes with hotdog water. We would’ve loved to see his reaction when he took that first sip of his drink. Who knows where he thought that strange taste came from (via constative<\/a>)?<\/p>\n



22) Together Forever<\/h2>\n

Tattoos aren’t something to mess around with. If you want to get a matching tattoo with your partner, make sure you decide to stay together forever. Technically, your partner could disappear, but that tattoo isn’t going anywhere. Even though he’s the one who has to live with the devil on his arm, at least he got his perfect revenge by covering her face (via constative<\/a>).<\/p>\n



21) Not Made With Love<\/h2>\n

Even though this perfect revenge is simple, it’s a subtle stab in the heart. When you’re eating a sandwich purposefully not made with love, it’s almost like it’s cursed. This girlfriend wanted her boyfriend to know she was still angry at him. This conflict is obviously not resolved (via constative<\/a>).<\/p>\n



20) Shopping Carts<\/h2>\n

Either this car parked in the wrong place or the person who set up the shopping carts was having a bad day. Either way<\/a>, this person enacted the perfect revenge by trapping them in their spot. Luckily, it’s easy to get out, but it’s still an inconvenience (via constative<\/a>)<\/p>\n



19) I Don’t Know Meal<\/h2>\n

Parents<\/a> work all the time to provide for their families. When they’re not working at their job<\/a>, they’re taking care of their kids. When this mother asked her children what they want for dinner, they said “I don’t know.” She was so fed up with their vague answer, that she decided to have her perfect revenge and made them a big plate of I don’t know<\/em> for dinner. This mother deserves a medal because she did a great job. We would have loved to see her kid’s reactions. We wonder if any of them tried to eat it (via constative<\/a>).<\/p>\n



18) New Checkbooks<\/h2>\n

Going through a divorce is one of the most stressful and emotionally taxing things you can experience. Clearly, this couple didn’t end on great terms. This ex-husband wanted the final say in the divorce. When he had to send alimony to his ex-wife, he sent her checks with photos of him and his new wife, with the words “never been happier!! I love my wife!!” Even though he got his perfect revenge, it was still quite cruel (via constative<\/a>).<\/p>\n



17) Biology Project<\/h2>\n

This brother is vicious. His sister stole $20, so for his perfect revenge, he took his sister’s laptop and renamed all her files. Because of it, she couldn’t find her project. He even signed it off, “with hateful loathing and vengeance, your loving brother, go die.” We see some mixed signals in there. At least he enacted his revenge with love to teach her a lesson (via constative<\/a>).<\/p>\n



16) Pointy Pumpkin<\/h2>\n

When someone is stealing something of yours, you either need to have a conversation with them or sneakily get them back. For this person’s perfect revenge against his neighbor, who was stealing his pumpkins, he added sharp tacks to them. That neighbor is in for a surprise when they pick up that pumpkin and try to steal it (via constative<\/a>).<\/p>\n



15) Plenty Of Sticky Notes<\/h2>\n

These coworkers got their message across; “stop stealing our sticky notes.” With this perfect revenge, the stealer had to sit there and take off every sticky note. Surely this would prevent them from stealing their office supplies ever again (via constative<\/a>).<\/p>\n



14) Unfaithful Matching Tattoos<\/h2>\n

Women can have the most perfect revenge out there. This woman found out her husband was cheating on her. Instead of confronting him, she decided to take it a step further and make his payment permanent. She suggested they get matching tattoos. He went first, and after he was inked, she walked away, bare and single. We bet he was shocked (via constative<\/a>).<\/p>\n



13) Herpes Pizza<\/h2>\n

It looks like they’re both losers. One of them has herpes and didn’t get to eat their pizza, while the other person ate pizza with herpes on it. Even so, this person had the perfect revenge by licking their pizza and leaving a note for the thief that they have herpes. Maybe if this person left a herpes note in the first place, their pizza would be left untouched (via constative<\/a>).<\/p>\n



12) Vengeful Dog<\/h2>\n

Whoever said dogs<\/a> couldn’t have revenge, too? This dog was left in the car by its owners, and, rightfully so, got their perfect revenge. The owner must have taken a long time because the dog pooped on the seat. What a surprise that must’ve been for the owner to see (via constative<\/a>)<\/p>\n



11) Vengeful Horse<\/h2>\n

Just like dogs, horses can apparently get revenge too. Similar to dogs, they’re lovable animals<\/a> who enjoy being around humans. If you take it a step too far, though, horses can get vindictive. This horse’s owners braided its mane. Apparently, it didn’t like it because the horse ended up filling their boots with water. That’s a clever horse (via constative<\/a>).<\/p>\n



10) Graffiti Artists<\/h2>\n

Graffiti artists are some of the sneakiest people out there. They always sneak around the law and manage to beat the system by decorating the city’s streets with their art. This group seems proud of their perfect revenge when they repainted their vandalized wall with a completely different approach. At first glance, it looks real. Maybe they thought it would go unnoticed (via constative<\/a>).<\/p>\n



9) Olive Garden<\/h2>\n

When your coworker gives you a hard time, it’s difficult to be nice to them. When Stephanie, a rude coworker, mentioned she wanted “anything but Olive Garden,” this person decided to enact their perfect revenge and order exactly that: Olive Garden. You can tell from the picture<\/a> that Stephanie is not happy. Maybe she’ll learn her lesson next time (via constative<\/a>).<\/p>\n



8) Ben & Jerry’s Revenge<\/h2>\n

When your roommate steals your ice cream, it’s a declaration of war. This person decided to have their perfect revenge on their roommate, who was constantly eating their Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. They mixed chili powder into the ice cream. We’re sure they were in for a spicy surprise (via constative<\/a>).<\/p>\n



7) Patience Is A Virtue<\/h2>\n

Some people deserve what they get. A woman was being rude at the grocery store, so this person had their perfect revenge by forcing the rude woman to wait in the checkout line even longer. They allowed every person to go ahead of them. We can assume she was probably angry. She needs to learn how to practice patience (via constative<\/a>).<\/p>\n



6) Creative Blockage<\/h2>\n

This car looks like it’s buried underneath a sea of shopping carts. Technically, it is, and the driver was served the perfect revenge by a shopper teaching them a lesson. When you park your car in the middle of the lot, you deserve to get blocked by a bunch of shopping carts. We can only imagine how long it took this person to get out of that lot (via constative<\/a>).<\/p>\n



5) TV Shame<\/h2>\n

Go big or go home, right? This woman certainly went big when she had her perfect revenge against her cheating partner. That cheeky smile makes it seem like she’s already over him, and is mostly just rubbing it in. Either way, he certainly deserves watching the game from the couch while he ex watches it from the field (via constative<\/a>).<\/p>\n



4) Pestering Neighbor<\/h2>\n

When this neighbor decided to listen to his pestering next-door neighbor and mow his lawn, he had something else in store. Instead of simply mowing the lawn, he took it to another level with the perfect revenge and also hilariously trimmed his bush. We’re sure that the neighbor will never ask him to mow the lawn again (via constative<\/a>).<\/p>\n



3) Mustard Doughnuts<\/h2>\n

Doughnut thieves get what’s coming for them. When you steal someone else’s doughnuts, that’s mean. You deserve punishment. When this person kept bringing fresh, delicious doughnuts to the office, one of their coworkers kept eating them without asking. To punish them, they had their perfect revenge and filled the doughnuts with mustard. We would have loved to see how this person reacted when they bit into a doughnut, thinking it was filled with sweet cream, only to find something completely different (via constative<\/a>).<\/p>\n



2) Perfect Revenge Of The Cornbread<\/h2>\n

We’re not sure what this roommate did to deserve an entire bed full of cornbread, but it certainly couldn’t have been good. At least his roommate covered his bed in nylon, so it’s a lot easier to clean. We hope they devoured that cornbread soon after this photo, so it wasn’t wasted (via constative<\/a>).<\/p>\n



1) Gym Bros<\/h2>\n

When two gym bros experience a feud, things go down. Apparently, two gym guys fought over the mirror more than once. The owner decided to do something about it and put up a sign that asks them to limit their flexing to 30 minutes at a time. That’s the perfect revenge for some embarrassing behavior (via constative).<\/a><\/p>\n\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

Revenge is one of those taboo topics that we don’t often talk about. When someone does us wrong, our initial reaction is to do something back to them even if we don’t actually do it. We want to punish them with the perfect revenge and make them pay for what they did. Of course, revenge […]<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":45,"featured_media":63151,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"open","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"footnotes":""},"categories":[106],"tags":[],"class_list":["post-62947","post","type-post","status-publish","format-standard","has-post-thumbnail","hentry","category-lifestyle"],"lang":"en","translations":{"en":62947},"pll_sync_post":[],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/dev.moneyppl.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/62947","targetHints":{"allow":["GET"]}}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/dev.moneyppl.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/dev.moneyppl.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/post"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/dev.moneyppl.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/45"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/dev.moneyppl.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=62947"}],"version-history":[{"count":11,"href":"https:\/\/dev.moneyppl.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/62947\/revisions"}],"predecessor-version":[{"id":63157,"href":"https:\/\/dev.moneyppl.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/62947\/revisions\/63157"}],"wp:featuredmedia":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/dev.moneyppl.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media\/63151"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/dev.moneyppl.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=62947"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"category","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/dev.moneyppl.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/categories?post=62947"},{"taxonomy":"post_tag","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/dev.moneyppl.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/tags?post=62947"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}