{"id":64833,"date":"2022-07-12T12:28:44","date_gmt":"2022-07-12T19:28:44","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/moneyppl.com\/?p=64833"},"modified":"2022-07-13T02:02:19","modified_gmt":"2022-07-13T09:02:19","slug":"these-animals-got-caught-being-hilarious-out-of-nowhere","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/dev.moneyppl.com\/these-animals-got-caught-being-hilarious-out-of-nowhere\/64833\/","title":{"rendered":"These Animals Got Caught Being Hilarious Out Of Nowhere"},"content":{"rendered":"
Animals bring us immense joy and happiness. Whether they cuddle us or do adorable things, we can’t help but gawk and fawn over their cuteness and innocence. And when these animals go about their business and think no one is watching them, that’s usually when they do the funniest things.<\/p>\n
So we’ve collected some of the best images online of animals that were caught being funny in real-life situations<\/a>. Next time you’re at home, try to sneak up on your pet. You might catch them doing something completely and utterly absurd like these animals here Make sure you bring your camera, though. You never know what you’ll find!<\/p>\n Well, these blinds are trashed. This guilty cat was clearly up to no good. He was caught being funny right amid his sneaky escapade. We wonder where he was going. Maybe he was watching a bird through the window or was trying to reach food<\/a> at a high level. Either way<\/a>, his owners walked in at the perfect moment and found him right in the act. There’s no hiding from this one. He can’t even pretend he didn’t break the blinds, since he’s literally inside of them (via Life Buzz<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Almost everyone loves crispy golden nuggets as much as this cat, so can we blame him? He was caught being funny when he finished off the nuggets and stuck the bag over his head. He could’ve had the munchies or wanted something delicious after a night out with his other cat friends. Next time, he needs to be a bit sneakier, though, otherwise, he’ll get into even more trouble. Hopefully, he’s full and satisfied because his owners definitely aren’t (via Bored Panda<\/a>).<\/p>\n Dogs never realize they’re being funny. They just go about their day, as usual, living their lives based on instinct. This dog was caught red-handed<\/a> stealing bread. He probably didn’t realize he was caught on camera as he was trying to sneak his bread to another part of the house<\/a> to eat it in secrecy. Could the owners really be mad at him, though? Just look at that adorable face. You can’t really get mad at pets when they’re so cute (via Bored Panda<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n It looks like this snuggly capybara is completely comfortable around this guy. Even though an adult capybara weighs between 35-66 kilos, as much as a child or even a full-grown human, this guy looks content. Who needs people<\/a>, anyway, when you have capybara? Someone snapped a photo<\/a> of this capybara being funny and adorable. Everyone needs a capybara pet in their life<\/a> since they look like some of the happiest pets in the world. Instead of ‘Netflix and Chill,’ it should be ‘Capybara and Chill.’ You could still throw Netflix in there too, but the cute capybara might be a distraction (via Wacko Jaco<\/a>).<\/p>\n Cats usually bring their owners gifts in the form of dead animals. Even though it’s gross, it’s adorable. This person found a crow stuck in her courtyard and decided to nurse it back to health. The crow ended up adopting her and now brings her these gifts as a thanks. It’s fascinating how much treasure this crow managed to find. Crows are known for their intelligence, so it comes as no surprise that she’s finding these hidden treasures. Even though this crow doesn’t realize she has an internet<\/a> fan club, she’s still being kind and cute. Every time she brings her adopted owner gifts, she gets caught being funny (via Wacko Jaco<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n This is a prime example of a copycat. The cat behind the first one found him being funny, so he decided to join his pose. They look like they’re about to give a speech or say the National Anthem. They could even pose as bodyguards who are protecting someone of great importance. That may be what they’re about to do in the cat world. And, the first look the cat gives him is pure gold, and it’s even better when he decides to copy his pose (via Wacko Jaco<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n This tiny little frog was caught being funny when someone realized there wasn’t any water coming out. The frog was probably like, “I found the best spot in the house.” He has a whole little pool of water all to himself. What’s even better is his sly little face peeking out of the hole, stating his presence. They should make this the frog’s house. He deserves to live here. It’s also the same color as him, a beautiful bright green, which means it’s made for him (via Wacko Jaco<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n These dogs were found being funny when they chose the wrong-sized cushion for their bodies. Maybe they’re not aware of their size and didn’t realize the cushions are different sizes. The small dog is on the big cushion and the big dog is on the small cushion. At least the small dog has the better end of the deal since he has all that space to himself. That other dog has one tiny portion of his body on the cushion and the rest on the cold floor. Hopefully, they decide to switch it up. Otherwise, the small dog is a bit of a bully (via Life Buzz<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Iguanas are cool and they’re even cooler when they’re caught flying midair. In fact, you never really see flying or jumping iguanas. Someone snapped this photo of this woman at the perfect moment<\/a>. The iguana was caught being funny just as he flew across the stones. Little does he know that this woman is probably extremely happy she has this photo since she can now post about it all over social<\/a> media. It’s certainly a rarity and one that needs to be framed because of its sheer uniqueness(via Wacko Jaco<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n This dog is the epitome of comfort. She found the perfect place<\/a> to put her head and succumbed to total relaxation. It looks like she fell into a cloud and was caught being funny in his moment of rest. Her owners need to join her on the couch because it looks like a great invitation for a cuddle party. The dog looks like she’s never going to leave the couch again, and has even morphed into the couch. Maybe they need to rename her “Couch Dog” (via Life Buzz<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n This hamster was caught being funny when he hid inside of this man’s front pocket. It’s hamster-sized, so why not? He’s perfectly inside the pocket, with no need to leave, ever. His owner can bring him anywhere he wants. He certainly completes the family picture, because, without it, it would be nothing<\/a> but an ordinary family photo. It beats having a pen or handkerchief in your pocket. Imagine if every tuxedo came with a pocket hamster? The world would just be a better place (via Wacko Jaco<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n This manatee is probably just as confused as we are. How did lettuce end up in his tank? And how did he manage to swim directly into it? Maybe he was trying to have a midnight snack but ended up misjudging the size of the lettuce and was caught being funny instead. Let’s hope he can chew his way through the lettuce to see again, otherwise, he’s going to run into trouble. Or the side of the tank. At least he doesn’t have to worry about eating for the next few days since his dinner is literally in his face (via Holidog Times<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Ladies and gentlemen, we now introduce you to cat yoga. This cat got caught being funny when it placed<\/a> its body in a strange position. Surely, that can’t feel comfortable. It looks more like two different cats, where one head is between the cushions and another head is sticking out of the cushions. Either way, it’s impressive, but not something we’re going to try anytime soon. The cat also looks very confused so maybe he’s wondering how he ended up there (via Lifebuzz<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Elephants are the smartest, wisest animals on the planet. This one is called Bhatbhoot. He was caught stealing rice from the military in Binaguri, West Bengal, India. That’s one brave elephant. He must be hungry, and that window is the perfect size for his head. It’s made for him. Since elephants are some of the most beloved animals on the planet, their actions are forgivable. They should probably invite him in for dinner (via Bored Panda<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n At first glance, this looks like your typical military backpack. But if you take a bit of a closer look, you’ll notice the chameleon perfectly camouflaging into the pattern. That takes some serious skills. Even though he tried to hide, he was caught being funny. He probably believes no one can see him, but little does he know, we’re onto him. It’s certainly the perfect disguise to get around the world since it’s likely no one will notice you (via Wacko Jaco<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n This is one of the cutest animals on this list. Not only is he trying to steal his owner’s taquitos, but he has an adorable, innocent look while going about it. You can’t get mad at that. He was caught being funny mid-act but certainly managed to woo his owners. That move must’ve taken some serious overhead planning since he had to squeeze himself between the wall and the couch. When he started his mission, he must’ve felt nervous and assumed whatever was on television was enough of a distraction for his owners. Unfortunately, it wasn’t. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t a next time (via Bored Panda<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n This poor little dog is in for a tough ride. Not only is a larger dog sitting on top of him, but he’s also squished into the side of the car<\/a>, with no room to breathe. Hopefully, their owner did something about the smaller dog’s comfort. Road trips are never comfortable, so we can relate to this dog. We’ve even been in his position before, with our bigger siblings, who always seem to take up all of the empty space. It’s never fun being the smaller, weaker guy (via Holidog Times<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Cat naps are some of the best naps out there. They’re comfortable, quick, and give an incredible boost of energy. When you feel that afternoon crash coming, it’s best to succumb to it, lie down, and sleep like this cat. But this cat took his cat nap on a printer. He even took it a step further and is using the top of the printer as a blanket. All he wanted was some peace and quiet, but his owners ended up finding him and snapping this adorable photo of him. It’s even possible that the cat was trying to photocopy pictures of himself to send to his cat lover at the next-door neighbor’s house, but fell asleep in the process. Whatever the case is, it’s adorable (via Life Buzz<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n There are tons of questions that arise from this photo. These bears decided to congregate in a tree. We can all agree that an evergreen tree can hold a lot of weight. We can only imagine what they’re discussing up in the tree. Maybe they’re planning to steal all the food in their neighbor’s house. Or, they saw a scary insect and decided to hide from it up in the tree. There could even be a secret stash of honey that no one knows about and that’s why they’re all up there (via Wacko Jaco<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n The Norwegian police know how to do it. A coworker noticed carrots in a police officer’s gun holster. Who needs a weapon, when you have carrots? If she needs her gun, maybe she’ll whip out her carrots instead and say, “Don’t move! I have carrots and I’m not afraid to use them!” We wouldn’t want to be confronted with a carrot gun. Who knows how powerful those things are? After she uses them, she can feed them to the horse. It’s like hitting two birds with one stone (via Wacko Jaco<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n This owner caught her cat being funny<\/a> when she found her in the pantry, trying to steal extra treats. The look the cat gives her owner is priceless. If she could talk, she’d probably say, “what? I’m not doing anything wrong. I’m just hanging out here.” Unfortunately, the pantry isn’t a common place to hang out, so it’s already suspicious. She gets kudos for trying, though. It’s even possible that it wasn’t her first try, she just so happened to get unlucky this time around. She probably needs a better tactic for next time (via Bored Panda<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n This hamster ate too many pellets. Can we blame him, though? If we were stuck in a cage like that all day, all we’d want to do to pass the time is eat. He didn’t realize how much weight he’d gained until he tried to go down the slide. It’s going to take a lot of movement to move his body down that tiny slide. We’ll give him credit for trying, though. His owner caught him being funny at the perfect time, as he attempted to scoot down the slide (via Life Buzz<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Everyone who has kids needs a babysitter once and a while. Ducks are no exception. Look how many ducklings she has. So, we can only imagine how tiring it must be day in and day out to take care of all those babies<\/a>! This person caught her and her babies being funny when the duck brought her clan to their front door, possibly asking for babysitting help for her 13 fluff balls. All she needs to do is block off a part of her house, and she has the cutest babies in one area (via Wacko Jaco<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Like the kitten earlier on the list who took a nap in the printer, this cat decided to take a nap in its owner’s shoe. It looks like this owner needs to find another pair of shoes to wear. There’s no moving that adorable kitten. This kitten probably didn’t realize its owner would find them like this. It doesn’t look very comfortable, but it must be since the cat is fast asleep. Maybe we need to learn from this cat and start sleeping in our shoes (via Life Buzz<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n This dog is half ninja, half yogi. That position takes a lot of skill, and their owner caught them being funny as they tried to steal from their owner’s cereal bowl. It’s impressive, to say the least. Maybe they’ll start giving yoga classes or letting us in on the secrets<\/a> of being a ninja. Here’s another example when a dog thought the television was distracting his owner. Even though it distracted the person on the couch, it didn’t distract the person snapping the photo, who walked in at the perfect time (via Holidog Times<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n These Quokkas are the epitome of happiness. Someone caught them laughing and being funny. We’re all left wondering what they’re laughing about, though. Maybe one of their friends fell over. Or they found a worm on their leaf. Or one of them told a joke in the Quokka language. They certainly make everyone’s day with their smiles and inspire us to keep on smiling. It’s like these quokkas have no worries in the world. We should all strive to live life like them (via Wacko Jaco<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n No one can argue against safety first. This hedgehog included, as he needs to feel safe and secure in the car. His owner caught him being funny since the seatbelt is at least three times his size. He has his cute little paws on the front of the seatbelt and looks completely satisfied and excited for the journey ahead. Honestly, everyone needs to bring a hedgehog on their next road trip, since they bring pure happiness and look like the best company ever. Maybe the hedgehog even sings along to the radio, and pick their favorite Prickly Tunes (via Wacko Jaco<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n This cat looks like it’s a deer caught in headlights. He’s rearing his head backward as if he’s about to take off. He was found being funny in the act, as he rode the stuffed horse to Cat Land, probably in search of a never-ending supply of cat food and treats. He looks like he’s doing something wrong and now realizes that the humans are onto him (via Holidog Times<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n This seal is one of the happiest seals on the internet. He looks like he’s found a pot of treasure. He’s more than happy spending time with this couple, and even more so with this woman. He probably thinks he’s found the love of his life. His smile is the best part of the photo since the photographer clicked the photo at the best moment and caught him being funny. After this photo was taken, the seal probably clapped his flippers with happiness (via Wacko Jaco<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Cats love playing with toys. They entertain themselves for hours using a simple ball and string. This cat looks like he found the jackpot but somehow managed to entangle himself in tubing. His owner discovered him being funny in the act. Let’s hope he helped him out of that mess after taking a photo of him. He learned the hard way that not all toys are safe to play with. Sometimes, you end up getting into a mess (via Life Buzz<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n This adorable baby deer decided to take a nap next to this person’s tire. Luckily, someone spotted it and warned the driver. The shade underneath that truck must provide some nice shade, especially in the relentless summer heat. Even though it’s not the safest spot, it looks comfortable. That deer is so cute, the driver probably found it difficult to tell the cozy, sleeping deer to move. Maybe it’s real-life Bambi, and he’s looking for the forest. We all get a little lost once in a while, and baby deers are no exception (via Wacko Jaco<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n After seeing this giant fridge full of food, who wouldn’t smile? This piggy’s owner caught him being funny after finding all this food. It looks like they stopped him right before he began devouring everything in sight. Even pigs want a midnight snack! At least he has a big smile on his face. Maybe his owners gave him a treat afterward or let him play in the mud outside. He’s probably thinking, “Wow, look at all this amazing food my owners are hiding from me! I’ve found the jackpot!” Eating the same food over and over can get boring, so can we blame him (via Bored Panda<\/a>)?<\/p>\n <\/p>\n This dog set up shop and decided to use his owner’s butt as a cushion. They both seem comfortable, so there’s nothing wrong with it. They were both caught being funny in the act and seem to be sound asleep. The dog has the worst position, but he looks extremely content. It seems they’ve discovered<\/a> a new way to sleep, but it must not smell too great. We’re not sure we’d want to have our faces pressed up against someone’s butt while sleeping. No thanks (via Life Buzz<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n This dog was caught being funny as he discovered a new type of hat. Whoever said you can’t wear a cardboard box that way? It seems like he was playing with the box, and then, suddenly<\/a>, it was on top of his head. He looks like a soldier who belongs in front of a government building in London, and who leads another team of soldiers. It could be his secret animal side job, and he just forgot to take off his uniform before his owners found him (via Holidog Times<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n This cute little hippo from Cincinnati Zoo is about a quarter of the size she’s going to be when she gets older. After some time, she’ll grow up to be massive. But for now, we can appreciate her cuteness. Someone managed to snap a photo and capture<\/a> her being funny, with her tongue sticking out. It’s like she’s posing for her very own photoshoot. She was born prematurely, which is why she’s so small. Her name is Fiona, and she’s one of the happiest hippos in the world (via Wacko Jaco<\/a>)<\/p>\n <\/p>\n We can agree that the odds of a bird landing on top of a textbook page is rare. It was recently discovered that birds are conscious and possess self-awareness, so this bird must’ve seen his photograph from afar, and decided to land on it. This birdwatcher got incredibly lucky. As he was going about his day, he saw a bird being funny and looking at a drawing of himself. He didn’t have to try very hard to spot that bird. He must have some good karma (via Wacko Jaco<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Even though this is one of the cutest photos on this list, we’re left wondering how this cat managed to fully get itself inside this sock. Not only is it exactly his size, but his head fits perfectly in the opening. How did he turn around? Did he strategically back up and push his body inside? Or did he turn around while inside the sock? Maybe it’s his new cat cave. He feels safe and secure inside and has no reason to leave. We’d love to pick this sock cat up and cuddle with him. He looks like the perfect movie buddy (via Life Buzz<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n This cat discovered the best spot in the house if you were a cat. He figured out a way to get inside the food container. Why wait for your owner to fill up your bowl when you can go straight to the source? He was caught being funny as he devoured all of his food. He’s probably going to have some stomach issues later if he stuffed himself to the brim. Either way, he should’ve kept this a secret, since now his owners will have to tighten the lid to make sure he doesn’t get inside again. However, this cat seems pretty smart, so will probably find another way inside no matter what (via Bored Panda<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Here’s another dog who’s discovered how to wear a box as a hat. He seems content with his discovery and doesn’t seem to mind that he can’t move around. He’ll have some issues when he tries to eat, otherwise, it looks comfortable. He needs to befriend the other dog on this list since they both had the same idea. Maybe they’re long-distance friends and called each other to design this new type of dog hat (via Holidog Times<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Every day for four weeks, this person went to his lunch spot in the park to sit with the bird, who visited<\/a> him. They managed to capture a photo of this adorable little bird being funny. He seems like the best lunch buddy ever. He would make eating lunch so much better, especially if we got to share our food with him and listen to his chirping songs. The little bird doesn’t seem afraid of the human at all, either, and seems content plopping down next to him (via Wacko Jaco<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n It’s the newest trend: Flower Cow! Instead of having a Flower Girl at your wedding<\/a>, everyone needs to have a Flower Cow. Honestly, they’re way more adorable, and might even do a better job<\/a> than a human. Cows are just like big dogs. This person managed to capture this cute cow being funny while she carried a bucket full of bright yellow flowers. She’s spending her afternoon walking through the garden, picking flowers to fill her bucket. This seems like a great way to spend time in nature (via Wacko Jaco<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n After looking at this pigeon’s footprints, we can only assume it’s stressed. It’s pacing back and forth, in an attempt to solve some dire problem<\/a>. Or, he’s trying to reach his daily 10,000 steps. Or, it’s actually morse code for all the other pigeons in the area. This pigeon could be a secret agent who’s trying to warn the other pigeons about trouble to come. Either way, he was caught being funny, and little did he know he was being watched – and photographed (via Wacko Jaco<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n This bear thinks he’s a bird. It’s surprising that he managed to climb up the birdhouse in the first place, and that the birdhouse is supporting his weight. Maybe he thinks he can fly. Or he’s waiting for his bird friend to come outside so he can have a chat with him. Regardless, a brave person caught him being funny. This is a great photo, considering it’s rare to see a bear on top of a small, rickety bird house. We wouldn’t even trust that bird house with our human weight, let alone a bear’s weight. However, if the bear fell off, he probably wouldn’t get too injured, since it’s a short fall (via Wacko Jaco<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n This is one of the cutest bird homes we’ve ever seen. This hummingbird managed to find the perfect little spot. He even has a leaf roof, which is wonderful protection from the rain. Hummingbirds are some of the smartest birds in the world. They weigh less than a nickel and can even fly backward. They flap their wings fast and ferociously, at a whopping speed of 80 beats per second. Next summer, put a hummingbird feeder in your backyard to attract these magnificent little animals (via Wacko Jaco<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n We’ve all had a crazy haircut or two. This Highland Cow is no exception. He rocks his fringe and has awesome hair. He looks tough like he owns the farm. His farmer caught him being cute with his haircut while he was enjoying some luscious grass. He doesn’t even seem to notice his new hairdo, since he’s so distracted with the food in his mouth. He deserves to win a hair contest. All of the other cows should follow suit. He’s certainly onto something (via Wacko Jaco<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n If you’ve never used a hammock before, chances are, you won’t know how to use it at first. This dog looks utterly confused. He’s wondering what he’s supposed to do now. Interestingly, his legs fit perfectly through the holes in the hammock. He might be wondering why humans find hammocks so comfortable. This dog spent most of his life watching humans drink lemonade, read books<\/a>, and sleep in hammocks. Now, he’s wondering where it all went wrong, and why he’s not the one doing that. The other dog is probably laughing at him for being funny. It’s quite the scene. Hopefully, that dog wasn’t stuck there for too long and managed to escape (via Life Buzz<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n This dog is probably saying, “let’s go, let’s go!” Little does he know that the tortoise is going to move at an incredibly slow pace. The dog is better off using his four legs and running to his destination unless he’s lazy and prefers being funny. The tortoise doesn’t seem to mind and is gladly carrying the dog. Maybe he’s a Tortoise Taxi and the dog is paying him in treats he steals from the house (via Holidog Times<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Everyone, say cheese! This horse is hamming it up big time. He’s being funny and all we can do is giggle. He makes the entire photo. We didn’t even notice the other people in the photograph, since the horse takes the cake. He has a beautiful<\/a> smile that the world needs to see. It’s one of the greatest photobombs on the internet. If the world had more photos of smiling animals, it would be a better place (via Wacko Jaco<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n This cat is stealthy and we’ll give him credit for his attempted theft. He failed, though, when his owner caught him being funny. He’s a total ninja and managed to lower himself down from the table in an attempt to steal the biscuits. That takes some serious skill. What is he using to support his body? Maybe the cat is actually part monkey, and his tail is wrapped around something. It’s something that takes a lot of skill though. Maybe he was practicing for weeks on end and waiting until he perfected the move so he could use it to steal food. These animals are smarter than we give them credit for (via Bored Panda<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Animals bribe each other too. Apparently, a bear was bribing this dog every evening with deer bones for access to this guy’s trash. That’s definitely a clever deal. These two are up to no good, and the owner caught them. We’ll give the dog, credit, though, he’s smart. Instead of trying to fend off the bear, he decided to make friends with him. That’s a better idea since a bear is at least three times his size. If that dog angered the bear, there’s no saying what he would do to him (via Wacko Jaco<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n70) Guilty Cat In The Blinds<\/h2>\n
69) Crispy Nuggets<\/h2>\n
68) Bread Thief<\/h2>\n
67) A Snuggly Capybara<\/h2>\n
66) Crow Gifts<\/h2>\n
65) Copycat<\/h2>\n
64) Water Thief<\/h2>\n
63) Wrong Cushion<\/h2>\n
62) Flying Iguana Leap<\/h2>\n
61) Squishy Couch Dog<\/h2>\n
60) Pocket Hamster<\/h2>\n
59) Lettuce Head<\/h2>\n
58) Cat Yoga<\/h2>\n
57) Sneaky Elephant<\/h2>\n
56) Camouflage Chameleon<\/h2>\n
55) Sneaker Dog<\/h2>\n
54) Squished<\/h2>\n
53) Cat Nap<\/h2>\n
52) Bear Party<\/h2>\n
51) Carrot Guns<\/h2>\n
50) Cat Thief<\/h2>\n
49) Fat Hamster<\/h2>\n
48) Duck Family Calling<\/h2>\n
47) Kitten In A Shoe<\/h2>\n
46) Ninja Yogi Dog<\/h2>\n
45) That’s Some Funny Joke<\/h2>\n
44) Safety First<\/h2>\n
43) No Explanation<\/h2>\n
42) Seal Pose<\/h2>\n
41) Twisted Cat<\/h2>\n
40) Cute Baby Deer<\/h2>\n
39) Smiling Pig<\/h2>\n
38) Butt Nap<\/h2>\n
37) Soda Helmet<\/h2>\n
36) Hippo Photoshoot<\/h2>\n
35) He Found Himself<\/h2>\n
34) Cat In A Sock<\/h2>\n
33) Jackpot<\/h2>\n
32) Box Hat<\/h2>\n
31) Sneaky Bird Buddy<\/h2>\n
30) Flower Cow<\/h2>\n
29) Pigeon Trail<\/h2>\n
28) Big Bear<\/h2>\n
27) Tiny Bird Home<\/h2>\n
26) New Haircut<\/h2>\n
25) Hammocks Are Confusing<\/h2>\n
24) Tortoise Travel<\/h2>\n
23) Smiling Horse<\/h2>\n
22) Biscuit Stealer<\/h2>\n
21) Bear Bribes<\/h2>\n
20) Chicken Blanket<\/strong><\/h2>\n