{"id":65009,"date":"2022-07-11T12:35:10","date_gmt":"2022-07-11T19:35:10","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/moneyppl.com\/?p=65009"},"modified":"2023-04-26T12:00:00","modified_gmt":"2023-04-26T19:00:00","slug":"hilarious-selfie-fails-featuring-truly-scandalous-embarrassing-photos","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/dev.moneyppl.com\/hilarious-selfie-fails-featuring-truly-scandalous-embarrassing-photos\/65009\/","title":{"rendered":"Hilarious Selfie Fails Featuring Truly Scandalous & Embarrassing Photos"},"content":{"rendered":"
It’s no secret that people love taking photos and capture memories. It’s how we freeze moments in time and cherish them with the ability to look back on them later. People also love sharing these photos with their friends and family, which is one of the reasons they end up putting these photos online. Unfortunately, however, many people forget to double-check their photos before uploading them to the worldwide web where millions can see them in an instant. <\/span><\/p>\n We’ve compiled a list of some of the best photos on the internet that were not double-checked before they were uploaded. These people should’ve checked their photos, but instead, they succumbed to <\/span>online stupidity<\/span><\/a> and shared photos that probably shouldn’t have been. Enjoy their mistakes right here, and follow up by making sure you don’t make the same mistakes when you’re taking your own photos to post online.<\/span><\/p>\n There’s a lot going on in this photo. We see a sweet family going fishing, a fish they caught, and a young kid relieving himself in the lake. When you’re stuck on a small boat on a lake, where else are you going to pee? It probably didn’t cross his mind that they were snapping a photo at the exact moment he was relieving himself. His dad should’ve checked this photo before sharing it on the internet. Luckily, we can’t see the kid’s face, so no one knows who it is (via<\/span> Kueez<\/span><\/a>).<\/span> <\/span><\/p>\n If this dog<\/a> could talk, he might say, “look at my butt!” He sees his owner and her friend snapping a cute picture, but he wanted to shake his booty in the photo too. It’s one of those photos that got away without needing someone to double-check it since it probably wouldn’t have ended up on the internet otherwise. Perhaps the dog was waiting until the most ideal moment it could photobomb one of their pictures. As we can see, it worked (via<\/span> Kueez<\/span><\/a>).<\/span> <\/span><\/p>\n At first glance, it doesn’t seem like there’s anything wrong with this photo. But once you take a closer look, you notice this girl’s “casual browsing” feed. Apparently, she’s interested in some ‘fun.’ We can’t blame her, though, especially if this was taken during the COVID lockdown. Everyone has needs. We’re more confused as to why she’s wearing sunglasses in a dark room. Maybe she was afraid someone would see her through her laptop camera. Either way, she should’ve checked this photo before posting it online (via<\/span> Kueez<\/span><\/a>).<\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n Everyone needs support from their families, especially their grandmothers. They’ve experienced all there is to life<\/a>, dealt with all sorts of people, and made it through some of the toughest days. We can look up to them just like this man who seeks support from his grandmother. He’s not afraid to flex his muscles in front of her and even asked her to snap a photo of him. He didn’t double-check it before posting<\/a> it on the internet, however. If this photo makes it to his fellow gym rats, there’s no going back. Let’s hope it was kept a secret<\/a> unless his grandma is his trainer. No shame, no gain (via<\/span> Kueez<\/span><\/a>).<\/span><\/p>\n Apparently, getting your hair cut by a naked man is the way to go. Let’s assume this woman got her haircut from a naked hairdresser, otherwise, it means she and her partner were getting frisky in the bedroom shortly before or after this photo was taken. From the state of the bed, it looks like this picture was taken after. She must love her new hair, especially because it managed to stay tangle-free. She certainly should’ve checked this photo before posting it though (via<\/span> Kueez<\/span><\/a>).<\/span><\/p>\n Let’s get straight to the obvious – these kids are trying to stuff a baby<\/a> into a canon. They must be trying to see<\/a> how far the kid can fly. This mother and daughter snapped their photo at the exact moment these kids were getting ready for war. Hopefully, these kids were playing one big joke and their parents<\/a> were in on it, otherwise, we’re worried. The mother who posted this photo should’ve checked it before sharing it online (via<\/span> Kueez<\/span><\/a>).<\/span> <\/span><\/p>\n This guy is showing off his new jacket. It looks great, but if you take a closer look in the mirror, he isn’t wearing any pants. Even though it was a good idea to post his jacket online<\/a>, he forgot to double-check the photo and should’ve checked it. It’s also clear he forgot he wasn’t wearing pants. Even though this photo would be more professional if he was wearing pants, it’s still hilarious. Who knows, maybe he’s trying to start a new “no pants” trend (via<\/span> Kueez<\/span><\/a>).<\/span> <\/span><\/p>\n These wine glasses are perfectly placed<\/a>, and the photographer snapped the photo at an ideal time. We’re not sure if it was done on purpose or not, but the poster didn’t double-check it before posting it online. Everyone loves wine, and the photographer clearly loves his partner too. She’s probably happy you can’t see her face in the photo, otherwise, there’d be trouble. It’s entirely possible she didn’t know the photo was being taken, or that it ended up on the internet (via<\/span> Kueez<\/span><\/a>).<\/span> <\/span><\/p>\n This person should’ve checked this photo before they posted it online. They captioned it, “a little busy<\/a> this morning.” With all those Facebook notifications, we agree they’re busy. But they also have another, bigger problem. If you look in their search bar, they recently searched for a medical issue that might require a doctor’s advice. They need to spend their time at the doctor’s office, instead of posting these types of photos online. Hopefully, they figured out what was wrong with them. It doesn’t sound like a pleasant problem to have (via<\/span> Kueez<\/span><\/a>).<\/span><\/p>\n This photograph looks normal at first. But if you take a closer look, you’ll see Bigfoot. This person’s foot hung in the wrong place, and this guy stood in the wrong spot. Put these two together, and you have a wildly inappropriate picture. No one thought to double-check this photo before sharing it on the internet, which went viral and is definitely a photo they should’ve checked. It’s not too bad, though, since this guy probably got a lot of female attention afterward (via<\/span> Kueez<\/span><\/a>).<\/span><\/p>\n After glancing at this photo for a few moments, you’ll notice the creeper peeking through the opening between this couple. They managed to put their face in the perfect<\/a> position. There’s no way this couple had the insight to double-check this photo, though, considering it ended up online. Apparently, it was also on the fridge for months before someone noticed the person peeking through. Sometimes, these obvious things go unnoticed (via<\/span> Kueez<\/span><\/a>).<\/span><\/p>\n This guy is ready<\/a> for prom night. His dad, on the other hand, is not. It looks like they’re not having any guests over anytime soon. They should’ve checked the photo before posting it online. Hopefully, his date didn’t see this picture, otherwise, there’s no way she’d want to go out with him. Let’s hope his date didn’t knock on the door shortly after the photo was taken. The dad would’ve had to sprint into his bedroom and change into decent clothing. If the son’s date saw the dad like that, that’s one way to ruin prom night (via<\/span> Kueez<\/span><\/a>).<\/span> <\/span><\/p>\n Someone strategically placed this sign<\/a> to make it say, “European Hoes Arrived.” Or maybe the sign says that. We’ll never really know, but we’re certain no one had the intuition to double-check this photo before posting it on the internet. It’s also funny that the sign above it says, “Forget Me Not.” Apparently, no one will ever forget those European hoes. It’s always refreshing to see accidental signs like this, though, since they give us a laugh and remind us not to take life too seriously (via<\/span> Kueez<\/span><\/a>).<\/span><\/p>\n Is this what happens when you’re at the zoo with grandma? This kid’s trip to the zoo taught her more than just how animals<\/a> go about their day, it taught her how babies are made, too. These giraffes have no problem getting it on in front of onlookers. They have more important matters on their hands, like making more giraffes. Maybe they’re worried their species is going to go extinct, so they must act fast (via<\/span> Kueez<\/span><\/a>).<\/span> <\/span><\/p>\n At first glance, this is a cute photo. If you take a closer look, like in many of these photos, you’ll notice a person’s butt crack in the back of the photograph. They were sitting comfortably and freely and probably didn’t expect their crack to be caught in a photo. Since their back<\/a> is turned away from the table they’re sitting at, they probably assumed it didn’t matter their butt crack was hanging out, and that no one else would notice it. No one thought to double-check this photo before it was posted online. At least we can’t see the person’s face in the background, so they were spared embarrassment (via<\/span> Kueez<\/span><\/a>).<\/span> <\/span><\/p>\n Get your mind out of the gutter! This is a desk chair, there’s nothing<\/a> wrong here. Let’s be honest, though, this desk chair could easily pass for paraphernalia. It took a few moments for us to realize it was a desk chair and not a giant… toy. We’re not sure how this photo made it on the internet, and why no one thought to double-check it, but here we are laughing at it. It’s another photo that someone should’ve checked. This looks like a fun office to work in, though, if this is what their furniture is like. Maybe they spend the day cracking jokes, enjoying life, and laughing while in the office (via<\/span> Kueez<\/span><\/a>).<\/span><\/p>\n This photo is certainly cute and innocent. Two little boys are taking an Easter photo with a big, fluffy bunny. But if you look at the last photograph, you’ll notice a creepy person’s smile inside the bunny. They’re smirking as if they’re in on some evil joke. If we saw this, we’d take those two kids and run far, far away. Someone should’ve checked this creepy photo before posting it on the internet. This bunny certainly looks evil, like it belongs in some Easter horror movie. Since this photo did end up on the internet, we can safely assume the boys were safe and nothing horrible happened (via<\/span> Kueez<\/span><\/a>).<\/span><\/p>\n This photograph, which explains why this person’s license was revoked, was taken while they drove at 40 mph. That’s nothing but dangerous. This person should’ve checked this photo before posting it on the internet. Now, they’re going to receive a lot of anger and backlash from their friends, and rightfully so. They’re not only putting themselves in danger but everyone else<\/a>, too. They need to take driver’s ed classes again, because it’s apparent they’ve forgotten the basic rules of driving, like safety and focusing on the road. And not texting while driving (via<\/span> Kueez<\/span><\/a>).<\/span><\/p>\n This is a cute, innocent photo of two friends sharing a selfie. The best part about this series of photos is the progression from cuteness into fear. The girl on the left starts out smiling, but by the end of the photo series, notices a spider. She ends up screaming in fear. Her other friend doesn’t seem to notice, but we can only imagine what her reaction was like after she saw the spider. Let’s hope it wasn’t a poisonous spider. It looks friendly like it wants to be in the photo shoot too. It’s all about perspective (via<\/span> Kueez<\/span><\/a>).<\/span><\/p>\n Everyone wants a super cool dad. It’s arguable if this guy wins that title or not. While his daughter was snapping a selfie, he managed to sneak into the photo shirtless. He’s hilarious and made the picture. She needs to be careful next time she takes a picture and should’ve checked it before posting it online. Otherwise, she’ll have a series of photographs with her dad photobombing them. It’s quite a hilarious situation, though, and something they could look back on in years to come (via<\/span> Kueez<\/span><\/a>).<\/span> <\/span><\/p>\n Either this guy is a powerful golfer or this golf cart managed to topple over. No one decided to double-check this photo before posting it online. Maybe they did it on purpose, to make it seem like this golfer hit the ball so hard, that it made the golf cart topple over. Anything is possible. This guy could have the strongest golf shot in the world. He could even be on the Guinness Book<\/a> of World Records. We’ll never have an answer, but the least we can do is assume (via<\/span> Kueez<\/span><\/a>).<\/span><\/p>\n This photo is just plain horrendous. Someone should’ve checked this photo before posting it online. Why they didn’t is beyond us. This dad is simply caring for his baby, but the baby’s foot just so happens to be in a horrible spot. There’s not much else you can do to save the photo, except for photoshop. Or take another photo with the baby’s foot in a different position (via<\/span> Kueez<\/span><\/a>).<\/span><\/p>\n As we’ve seen many times on this list, it’s never a good idea to take a photograph in the bathroom. For some reason, it never goes according to plan. There’s always something happening in the background. This cat clearly had a wild night out, since it’s spending the morning puking into the toilet. Cats are already mysterious beings, so we can only imagine where it was the previous night. At least he didn’t puke on this guy’s white tux. This person should’ve checked their mirror selfie before posting it on the internet (via<\/span> Kueez<\/span><\/a>).<\/span><\/p>\n The comment on this photo takes the cake. Whenever a comment begins with, “this might be inappropriate, but…” we can assume it’s wildly inappropriate. People tend to warn others before making comments<\/a> such as this one. They have a point, though, since this person certainly does look like they have very long genitalia. The lighting hits their right knee perfectly. Someone should’ve checked this photo before posting it. Or we all need to get our minds out of the gutter. Either way, it’s a photo we can’t unsee no matter how hard we try (via<\/span> Kueez<\/span><\/a>).<\/span><\/p>\n There’s something about being surrounded by water that makes us want sweet relief when our bladders are full. This person is no exception. It just so happens that someone captured them at the exact moment they relieved their bladder, much like the boy on the fishing trip. There’s just something about being around water that always makes us want to pee even more. Someone should’ve checked this photo before sharing it, that’s for sure (via<\/span> Kueez<\/span><\/a>).<\/span><\/p>\n This dude walked down the beach at the perfect moment. Not only did he see tons of beautiful women posing for a photo, but he managed to photobomb the entire picture. None of the 70) Sweet Relief <\/span><\/h2>\n
69) Look At That Butt<\/span> <\/span><\/h2>\n
68) Internet Search<\/span><\/h2>\n
67) Grandma’s Support<\/span><\/h2>\n
66) Naked Hairdresser<\/span><\/h2>\n
65) Just Hangin’ In There<\/span> <\/span><\/h2>\n
64) No Pants Pictures<\/span><\/h2>\n
63) Frisky Wine Glasses<\/span><\/h2>\n
62) Definitely A Little Busy<\/span><\/h2>\n
61) It’s Bigfoot <\/span><\/h2>\n
60) Don’t Look Down<\/span><\/h2>\n
59) Mirror Reflection <\/span> <\/span><\/h2>\n
58) European “Hoes”<\/span><\/h2>\n
57) Zoo With Grandma<\/span> <\/span><\/h2>\n
56) Caught The Crack<\/span><\/h2>\n
55) It’s A Desk Chair<\/span><\/h2>\n
54) Evil Bunny<\/span><\/h2>\n
53) Caught In The Act<\/span><\/h2>\n
52) Spider Alert<\/span><\/h2>\n
51) Dad Wins<\/span> <\/span><\/h2>\n
50) Crashing Golf Cart<\/span> <\/span><\/h2>\n
49) It’s Just A Baby’s Foot!<\/span><\/h2>\n
48) Puking Cat<\/span><\/h2>\n
47) (Very) Bad Lighting<\/span><\/h2>\n
46) Sweet Relief<\/span><\/h2>\n
45) Strutting Down The Beach<\/span><\/h2>\n