{"id":66926,"date":"2022-07-28T13:17:07","date_gmt":"2022-07-28T20:17:07","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/moneyppl.com\/?p=66926"},"modified":"2022-07-31T23:28:48","modified_gmt":"2022-08-01T06:28:48","slug":"people-share-passive-aggressive-notes-that-will-make-you-rethink-your-life","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/dev.moneyppl.com\/people-share-passive-aggressive-notes-that-will-make-you-rethink-your-life\/66926\/","title":{"rendered":"People Share Passive-Aggressive Notes That Will Make You Rethink Your Life"},"content":{"rendered":"
Everybody has experienced a situation where somebody annoyed them over a relatively minor thing. Maybe they left unwashed dishes in the sink or stole food<\/a> from the refrigerator. A common response to these grievances is a passive-aggressive note.<\/p>\n However, passive-aggressive notes often escalate the situation and create bad feelings between people. Today we’ll look at some of the wildest passive-aggressive notes ever. Some of them are justifiable because they deal with wild situations. But others are hilariously petty and that’s why we love them.<\/p>\n Here’s a note that may have made the original writer rethink their lives. The initial message advises toiler users to flush properly because it’s just gross for everyone else<\/a> in the office. While most people would agree that hygiene is important there is another side to this story (via Popsugar<\/a>).<\/p>\n Another person replied to this passive-aggressive statement because it irritated them. They wrote that “we’re in a drought,” and suggested that it was important not to waste<\/a> water. This is a difficult situation for everybody because nobody wants to deal with smelly restrooms or waste water. But one is worse.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n This note is one of the most scathing notes in human history<\/a>. Somebody left a passive-aggressive message advising their co-workers to close the door. However, one colleague didn’t respond well to this statement. They decided to take their critic down a peg with a ruthless comeback.<\/p>\n The author of the second note criticized their use of comic sans because they work for a “Fortune 500 company and not a lemonade stand.” This is incredibly harsh but hilarious at the same time. We wonder how the first person reacted when they saw the reply.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Nobody enjoys it when their neighbor blares loud music through their walls. It’s selfish behavior and it creates tension because they don’t want to listen to it. The author of the following note reacted wearily to her loud neighbors and left a passive-aggressive note.<\/p>\n The Twitter user<\/a> advised them to buy noise-canceling headphones and tried to inject some humor into the situation. But she knew that this may cause more divisions between her and her neighbor. Let’s hope that she finally achieved some sleep because it’s a tough situation.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n This is one of the most hilariously passive-aggressive signs ever. A pedantic office worker left a couple of notes for their colleagues but they didn’t take it seriously. Instead, they made their uptight co-worker pay the price for trying to tell them what to do (via Fish4<\/a>).<\/p>\n They joked about making bigger signs to attract the attention of readers. They also addressed the font as well as stylistic choices. It’s so over-the-top and the funniest aspect is that the first note-leaver can’t react. That’s the risk people take when they act in a passive-aggressive manner.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Some people<\/a> say that sarcasm is the lowest form of wit but we disagree. The following passive-aggressive note proves that sarcasm can be very effective. A pedantic person advised people to date the food cans because they don’t want expired food to sit around (via Bored Panda<\/a>).<\/p>\n However, one enterprising individual decided this was the right time to make a joke. They wrote that they tried three times to date the cans but “they only think of me as a friend.” This is such a dumb comment<\/a> but that’s exactly why it’s funny. Imagine the first person’s face after this.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Usually, workers don’t want outsiders to bother them when they’re in the middle<\/a> of a job. That appears to be the situation in this scenario because of the sign on the door. The passive-aggressive message is essentially a fun way to tell people to stay away.<\/p>\n The truth is that tapping on the glass is very annoying and will interfere with their concentration. It makes more sense to enter the room quietly and to communicate with one person. However, we’re glad somebody tapped on the glass because it led to this hilarious note (via Bright Side<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Everybody knows what it’s like to have an untidy roommate who refuses to clean up after themselves. It’s tough to deal with them because it creates tension within the house<\/a>. However, sometimes they go too far and people resort to leaving passive-aggressive notes like the one below.<\/p>\n This message is a declaration of open warfare. It may appear to be a tongue-in-cheek statement but the reality<\/a> is that they’re done with their roommate’s garbage behavior. We can imagine that the other people living there cringed because they knew what was coming next (via LiveAbout<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Europeans have a reputation for a laissez-faire attitude when it comes to nudity and body exposure. They maintain a level of confidence that Americans don’t have but one German took this too far. But it’s unlikely he intended to put on the show he performed.<\/p>\n Unfortunately, his neighbors witnessed an act of intense intimacy and felt obliged to tell him. They left the note above warning him about his public exposure but complimented the German flag in his bedroom. This must have embarrassed him but it could have been worse (via Showbiz Cheat Sheet<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Sharing with roommates isn’t easy but there are certain things that everybody should do. Taking out the garbage, washing dishes, and general cleaning are commonly shared. But toilet paper is a tricky one because some people keep their own in their bedroom (via Superstar Communication<\/a>).<\/p>\n Otherwise, the household should take turns buying and replacing toilet rolls. The note above shows a passive-aggressive response to one person’s lack of patience. Nobody wants to find themselves in the situation where they need to wipe but there’s only one small sheet left.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n A common aspect of passive-aggressive notes is their use of humor as well as pop culture references. The following message incorporates lyrics from The Police. But this level of effort proves their level of disgust and impatience with the situation they’re reacting to.<\/p>\n To be fair, it’s uncomfortable dealing with loud noises from above. They may wake the residents beneath them or disturb them when they’re relaxing. However, it may be best to complain to the landlord before taking matters into their own hands because of the risk of tension (via Indy100<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n There are two types of passive-aggressive notes. Some serve as genuine outbursts that reveal the writer’s barely-constrained frustration. We know that they want to punch the recipient in the face but they’re choosing to maintain a calm facade for now (via Bored Panda<\/a>).<\/p>\n Then there are the humorous passive-aggressive notes like the one above. These inject humor into a situation and tease people. The original writer said that they would be in reception if they weren’t in their office. But the company’s comedian teased them with a series of funny notes.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n It takes a special type of person to steal somebody’s postal delivery. Most people<\/a> wouldn’t dream of acting in this way but there are some horrible creeps out there. The message below shows that an apartment resident took a package from the author’s locker (via Yahoo News<\/a>).<\/p>\n The hilarious statement informs them that the delivery should protect their groin. Then they suggest that the individual who stole the package doesn’t have one themselves. It’s a great comeback and we hope that the villainous person saw it because they should feel bad.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Some passive-aggressive comments deserve an equally snide response. The image above shows what happens when somebody tries to hold the moral high ground. Then their co-worker made them appear ridiculous with a funny cartoon that they stuck beside it (via DeMilked<\/a>).<\/p>\n The original note advised their colleagues to shut the fridge door and prevent spoiled milk. However, the response is even better because it shows a picture<\/a> of a milk carton wearing sunglasses and saying, “My dad buys me anything I want!”<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Everybody hates when their colleagues steal their food. It’s so infuriating when they steal that last precious slice of cake or a candy bar but it’s difficult to deal with. The only way to stop them is to catch them in the act and confront them at the time.<\/p>\n Some people resort to other tactics and leave passive-aggressive notes like the one above. However, the ingenious writer also informed her office nemesis that she licked the cookies too. Perhaps this won’t bother them but let’s hope she has some kind of skin disease (via TheFW<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Some people hate when others use their property. They may have a specific plate or cup that they keep for themselves because they don’t want to share. This isn’t abnormal and they may find it frustrating when their colleagues cross this boundary.<\/p>\n However, leaving a passive-aggressive note is never a good idea because people will sneer at it. That’s precisely what happened in this situation because all of the co-workers joked about it. To be fair, it could have been much worse because they turned it into a funny situation (via Bored Panda<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n It’s wild that people still think that they can get away with eating<\/a> their colleagues’ food. This is one of the most shameless acts in an office setting because it shows a blatant disregard for everybody else. One passive-aggressive person decided to get ahead of this problem (via Runt of the Web<\/a>).<\/p>\n They left the chart above in the kitchen to inform the other staff members about their behavior. It’s snarky to the extreme but that’s exactly why it’s funny. Sometimes the only way to deal with these situations is to meet them head-on. They’re up for the fight and won’t back down.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Donna is grinding this poor employee’s gears because she insists on turning up the office temperature. However, her colleague is bringing the heat in the form of a passive-aggressive note. They’re not afraid to call her out and shame them in front of the entire company.<\/p>\n This is a bold step but a dangerous one because it may ignite open office warfare. People may take sides and be at odds with each other. It all began because Donna refused to wear a sweater instead of turning on the heater. It’s a wild story but a funny one (via Passive-Aggressive Notes<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Here’s one of the most passive-aggressive and frustrated messages on this list. Somebody broke the photocopier because they kept pushing the button too hard. They thought that this would make it work quicker but this was the stupidity<\/a> of the highest order.<\/p>\n One of their colleagues reacted with this wonderful message. It made a mockery of their efforts because they didn’t follow logic. Let’s hope that the moron that initially broke the machine saw this note because they should be ashamed of their behavior (via Pinterest<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n This is one of the most ominous passive-aggressive messages ever. Somebody left this note advising their roommates not to leave cat parts in the sink. Firstly, we’re not sure what this means because it suggests that they keep a bag of feline limbs and tails in their room.<\/p>\n If this is the case then we can get behind their message. However, this seems a bit extreme so possibly they’re referring to hairs or something else. Then the recipient responded with their passive-aggressive reply as they made a mockery of the previous statement (via Fropky<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Perhaps this person didn’t intend to be passive-aggressive when they left the note below. They responded to the statement that the printer was in a new temporary position. Then they wrote: “In the greater scheme of things, aren’t we all (via Cheezburger<\/a>)?<\/p>\n Maybe somebody is having a genuine existential crisis in the office and requires help. Or else they just wanted to make their colleagues laugh with their funny notes. Whatever the reason, it’s funny and we hope that everybody saw it. This type of joke deserves appreciation.<\/p>\n Passive-aggressive people rarely admit that they are being passive-aggressive. But this person acknowledges it without any embarrassment<\/a>. They use this incredible power to call out one of their co-workers because they don’t throw out their food.<\/p>\n While this type of person can be frustrating to be around, they’re also necessary. Many workers avoid confrontation and don’t want to have trouble. This individual doesn’t care and made that clear to the one who refuses to clean up after themselves (via Bright Side<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Some people<\/a> love singing in the shower because they think that they sound great. However, the reality is that they should leave it to the professionals because they sound like a cat dying. It’s unfortunate because everybody else must sit and listen to their yowling.<\/p>\n One person finally lost patience and left a passive-aggressive note on their door (via What Culture<\/a>). They told them in no uncertain terms that they sing horribly in a harsh but accurate message. Sometimes the truth hurts but we don’t know if they reacted well to this statement.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Dishes are always a source of conflict between roommates. Some people take turns washing up but there can be problems if one of them cooks a larger meal. Another issue is that some roomies forget to do their chores and this drives cleaner housemates crazy.<\/p>\n That’s why a frustrated woman left a passive-aggressive message for her slovenly roommate. She compared dishes to boyfriends because she shouldn’t be doing somebody else’s. It’s a smart line but the smiley face underlines her anger with the situation. (via Cosmopolitan<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n There are things in this world that don’t make sense. An example is a note below that advises kitchen users not to use both microwaves at the same time. However, one passive-aggressive joker reacted with a hilarious and slightly thought-provoking note.<\/p>\n They asked why are there two microwaves in the kitchen if it was not possible to use both. This is a great thought because it makes no sense. The answer is probably that they didn’t realize two would trip the fuse. But maybe they should just remove one to remove all the temptation (via Bored Panda<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n It appears as though a happy couple had too much fun during their nocturnal activities. This led to their neighbors covering their ears in despair because they didn’t want to hear the noise. Then, another person decided to leave a passive-aggressive note.<\/p>\n He went straight to the point and told them he hoped that their exorcism was a success<\/a>. That’s because they made so much noise that it sounded like a horror movie. Finally, he advised them to grease their bed post so that their next enjoyment would be more subtle (via Cheat Sheet<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Sometimes the best aspect regarding passive-aggressive notes is how people respond to them. The following image shows a person’s frustration because a roommate or colleague kept using their syrup. Then they informed everybody that they spat in the bottle to dissuade thieves.<\/p>\n However, they didn’t realize the depths of their rivalry. The robber decided to spit in the bottle too so that the petty person wouldn’t be able to enjoy it. It’s incredible how people can be so pedantic but we’re delighted that they shared it with the world (We Made This<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n It’s strange to think about but people spend<\/a> more time with their office colleagues than with their families. But this doesn’t mean that they like each other all of the time. There is often tension and stress between the workers because some of them can’t stand each other (via Reddit<\/a>).<\/p>\n It’s always a dangerous move to bring passive-aggressive notes into the workplace because it brings this to a new level. The exchange above shows how petty they can be. One person suggested leaving the light on because it covers the sound of the fan but the other responded with a snide jab.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Many passive-aggressive notes result in hilarious reactions like the one below. People make a mockery of the original message with a sarcastic response. Often this is in the form of a literal reaction that the author didn’t intend when they wrote their statement (via Bored Panda<\/a>).<\/p>\n This note advises toilet users to check that they flushed. It’s clear that somebody forgot to do so once but this writer pursued them ruthlessly. However, they didn’t expect their colleagues to check with a pen to prove that they flushed. It’s a funny reaction.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Public<\/a> restrooms are a regular arena of tension because people share intimate facilities. Men<\/a> behave more disgustingly than women but their standards are also lower. There are more things to go wrong in a women’s<\/a> restroom because they use sanitary products as well as cosmetics.<\/p>\n The best thing about the note above is that the author ends it with a smiley face. Otherwise, it is a ruthless and cutting message that eviscerates the fake-tan-wearing person. It’s hilarious because the writer didn’t pull any punches. Imagine the face of the perpetrator after reading this (via Piximus<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Sometimes it’s better not to know why people do something. This situation is one of those because we don’t know why this person keeps spitting in the bin. It’s a strange and disgusting practice that doesn’t lend itself to a public setting. Why did they think that nobody would react?<\/p>\n The spit also goes on the wall and sticks to it. That’s why somebody left a passive-aggressive note to call out the perpetrator and humiliate them. This is the problem with sharing<\/a> facilities with other people. One of the best aspects of working from home is not dealing with others (via Twitter<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Laundromats are another common battlefield because people fight over machines. There is nothing worse than when somebody can’t wait and dump another person’s clothes on the floor. But it’s equally frustrating when they take too long to remove their laundry from the washer or dryer.<\/p>\n This person reacted with fury when somebody stopped their wash cycle and removed their clothes. That’s a ridiculous thing to do so they responded with vengeance. It helped that they lived in a cold climate so they dumped their rival’s laundry in the snow (via Indy100<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Blocked toilets are the bane of every plumber’s existence. They have a love-hate relationship with this problem because it means they’ll be dealing with bodily waste. But it also pays their bills<\/a> so they won’t complain too much. Somebody wrote a notice informing restroom users that they should only flush toilet paper.<\/p>\n This led to a bright person responding with a funny but passive-aggressive note. They wrote below the original message asking what should they do with their feces. It’s so dumb but that’s why we love it. No doubt many people laughed after they saw this witty reply (via Bright Side<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n It’s a rite of passage for American students<\/a> to share a room. This can create life-long friendships or lead to miserable horror stories<\/a> of their co-existence. It seems as though this person didn’t enjoy sharing with their former roomie (via Awesome Inventions<\/a>).<\/p>\n They wrote a passive-aggressive note that makes fantastic use of sarcastic quotation marks. Finally, to remove any doubt of their meaning they write: “P.S. I’m free” in block capitals. We imagine that this greeting card found a new home in the trashcan but we appreciate the effort.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Gender wars exist in every aspect of society<\/a> but there is one thing that generates more tension than anything else. We’re talking about toilets and the different ways that men and women approach them. The former prefer to leave the seat up while women insist on putting the seat down.<\/p>\n Meanwhile, females feel as though they have some kind of twisted moral high ground. They don’t want to touch the toilet seat but they think men should. The note above shows the passive-aggressive male staff responding to their female coworkers (via QuotesGram<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n This passive-aggressive notice is a classic of the genre. It contains everything that such a message should entail including barely-disguised scorn and sarcasm. Meanwhile, they use the heading “Polite Notice” to ensure everybody understands their anger (via Reddit<\/a>).<\/p>\n It’s hilarious how specific this message is and they blatantly try to turn workers against their slovenly colleagues. This is more instructional than some counterparts but that’s because it’s in a professional setting. We love this type of pedantic note because of the rage behind it.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Sometimes a passive-aggressive response provides a moment of great hilarity. That’s exactly what the following picture achieves. Technically, it’s not a written note but a brilliant picture. It comes after the supervisor advised staff not to print “large jobs.”<\/p>\n One person had a fantastic reply. They printed an image of Apple Founder Steve Jobs and stuck it next to the original notice. It was a clever reaction because they took the word “jobs” as a pun. No doubt this joker is a great colleague to work with (via TheFW<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Toilet paper is a common source of strife between roommates. Some people<\/a> keep the good stuff for themselves in their bedrooms. Others share and take turns to replace it when they run out. But if one roomie forgets it can create an awkward situation for the house.<\/p>\n One housemate lost patience with one of their fellows and left a passive-aggressive message. They wrote, “thanks for replacing the rail” on the empty holder. Every time the guilty party enters the bathroom they’ll see this annoying note (via Domain<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n The worst part of sharing a kitchen is dealing with another person’s dirty dishes. It’s bad enough when they leave a mess but if it affects another’s ability to use the facilities it’s a problem. Nobody wants to wash a filthy pan because they need to use it too.<\/p>\n This office has a funny if slightly passive-aggressive way of responding to this issue. They left a notice informing their staff that dirty dishes “triggers crushing depression in kittens.” We’re not sure if this is true but it absolutely triggers anger in the workplace (via Commercial Real Estate<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Dave tried to protect his green tea collection by leaving a passive-aggressive notice in the refrigerator. It read: “Is your name Dave” as he tried to dissuade people from stealing<\/a> his favorite beverages. But chaos ensued when another Dave entered the picture.<\/p>\n This comedian instantly snatched one of the cold drinks but he wasn’t finished. He left a note saying that he is also a Dave and wrote “Daves for life.” The original message writer may have laughed when he saw this because it’s such a ridiculous exchange (via Indy100<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Everybody has lived with a passive-aggressive housemate who won’t speak about their problems. Instead of confronting people and talking to them face-to-face, they’ll leave annoying notes. Sometimes this infuriates the recipient and they may react in kind.<\/p>\n That’s exactly what this individual did after they received one passive-aggressive note too many. They wrote a message telling the person to stop and talk to them. Some people indeed hate confrontation but it’s the reality of the world (via Cheezburger<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n The addition of an emoticon can transform a threatening message into a passive-aggressive note. The image below reveals this because it informs readers that the author will cut them if they adjust the temperature. But he also leaves a smiley face so it’s all good.<\/p>\n At least, that’s what he thinks by including it. People may think twice after reading this because they’re not sure how serious he is. Perhaps he’s joking but he may be a psychopath and have a violent reaction. Just walk away and leave it alone (via Cosmopolitan<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Imagine walking into a restroom cubicle and finding someone else’s giant turd floating in the water. It’s never a nice sight but we’ve all experienced this. That’s why it’s crucial to flush after using the facilities to show respect for everybody else.<\/p>\n This polite note carries a world-weary and passive-aggressive edge. It takes into account that it was a big weekend and that the toilet itself isn’t great. But it warns users to check and continue flushing until all traces disappear. That seems fair enough because nobody wants to find a surprise package (via Office Chai<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Some people are terrible at parking and take an age to put their car<\/a> in the right space. But others don’t care and drive selfishly. They make take up several spaces or commit the cardinal sin of parking in a disabled slot. It’s a common source of passive-aggressive fury because it happens in every society.<\/p>\n The note above shows what happened when one person lost patience with a bad driver. They called them out on their habits because it’s not fair and negatively affects other citizens (via The Mirror<\/a>). Let’s hope that the driver thinks twice the next time they park their car.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n School students are brilliant when it comes to humiliating their teachers. Sometimes we should stand back and applaud their wit because they have no shame<\/a>. When an educator informed his class that they should store sugar jars upright, one pupil had a funny reply.<\/p>\n He wrote: “Dear Science, I have invented the paper towel. Love, God” in a witty response (via Piximus<\/a>). The child annihilated his teacher in the passive-aggressive battle. Most teachers will probably think this is funny and tell their colleagues in the staffroom.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Smoking is a dirty habit that leads to all kinds of diseases but people still do it anyway. However, it’s unfair when it hurts others. That’s why it’s illegal to smoke in most indoor settings. Another issue is when smokers abandon their old cigarette butts on the ground.<\/p>\n One ruthless person wrote a passive-aggressive note for their neighborhood litterbug. They had no hesitation in picking up the discarded butts and including them in the message. It’s a wild effort but let’s hope it worked for the sake of the community (via Somme Cards<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n The following message shows what happens when a person begins to go crazy. The individual is losing their mind because somebody keeps stealing their cheese. Now they’ve reached the last resort and carved their name into the block of dairy goodness.<\/p>\n We’re unsure if this step or the passive-aggressive note will dissuade their cheese-stealing nemesis. But it’s worth a try for their sanity. The next step is setting up a camera or hiring a sniper to target their foe. This could be the making of a thrilling Hollywood movie (via eBaum’s World<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n College<\/a> students are notorious for their shocking hygiene and inability to clean after themselves. That’s why there are so many personality clashes in dormitories. Some people’s parents<\/a> brought them up with a high standard of living and a respect for others.<\/p>\n But many students don’t have this mindset and act selfishly. That’s why one housemate left the passive-aggressive note above because they couldn’t handle it anymore. The dish was so dirty that it almost came back to life and walked to the sink (via NZ Herald<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Apartment blocks are a complicated place<\/a> to live because so many people are in close contact. If there are thin walls this can lead to all kinds of problems, especially during the night. One resident took issue with another’s use of their washing machine.<\/p>\n They left a passive-aggressive note but they didn’t get the reaction that they wanted. The other person replied scathingly and told them where to go. They also said they’d have more respect for their rival if they confronted them about the issue face-to-face (via Awesome Inventions<\/a>).<\/p>\n <\/p>\n It appears as though this office or workplace had restroom problems. There are an incredible number of adults who struggle to use a toilet properly. In theory, it’s relatively simple because they just sit down and do their business<\/a>. Then they wipe before flushing it all away.<\/p>\n However, this passive-aggressive note suggests the presence of a vile human being. They don’t even lift the seat before unleashing the full force of their bowels. We almost respect the audacity of this but it’s a disgraceful thing for colleagues to encounter (via Bright Side<\/a>).<\/p>\nDon’t Flush<\/h2>\n
Fortune 500<\/h2>\n
Turn it Off<\/h2>\n
Bigger Signs<\/h2>\n
Dating Food Cans<\/h2>\n
Don’t Tap<\/h2>\n
Clean Up<\/h2>\n
German Neighbor<\/h2>\n
Brain Damage<\/h2>\n
Every Breath You Take<\/h2>\n
Check Reception<\/h2>\n
Athletic Supporter<\/h2>\n
Spoiled Milk<\/h2>\n
Swapping Spit<\/h2>\n
We Just Can’t Help It<\/h2>\n
Fridge Chart<\/h2>\n
Wear A Sweater<\/h2>\n
Push it Harder<\/h2>\n
Cat Parts<\/h2>\n
Temporary Existence<\/h2>\n
Day-Old Ketchup Backfires<\/h2>\n
Horrible Singing<\/h2>\n
Dishes Are Like Boyfriends<\/h2>\n
Two Microwaves<\/h2>\n
The Exorcist<\/h2>\n
Spit Syrup<\/h2>\n
Noisy Fan<\/h2>\n
Please Check<\/h2>\n
Fake Tan<\/h2>\n
Bin Spit<\/h2>\n
Wash Cycle<\/h2>\n
What Should I Do?<\/h2>\n
Great Roommate<\/h2>\n
Seat Wars<\/h2>\n
Polite Notice<\/h2>\n
Large Jobs<\/h2>\n
Replace The Rail<\/h2>\n
Dirty Dishes<\/h2>\n
Don’t Leave Notes<\/h2>\n
I’ll Cut You<\/h2>\n
Bad Toilet<\/h2>\n
Bad Parking<\/h2>\n
Paper Towels<\/h2>\n
Lost Butts<\/h2>\n
Desperate Measures<\/h2>\n
Old And Smelly<\/h2>\n
Washing Machine War<\/h2>\n
Toilet Training<\/h2>\n