{"id":67769,"date":"2022-10-28T14:42:01","date_gmt":"2022-10-28T21:42:01","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/moneyppl.com\/?p=67769"},"modified":"2022-12-01T00:39:36","modified_gmt":"2022-12-01T07:39:36","slug":"youll-be-up-all-night-after-reading-these-disturbing-personal-stories","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/dev.moneyppl.com\/youll-be-up-all-night-after-reading-these-disturbing-personal-stories\/67769\/","title":{"rendered":"You’ll Be Up All Night After Reading These Disturbing Personal Stories"},"content":{"rendered":"
Maybe we’ve seen a ghost or have a friend who has. These stories are usually told around a campfire with a bit of embellishment to make them seem scarier than they really are. That’s not always the case, however. Sometimes, those stories are real. We’ve compiled a list of some of the most disturbing and terrifying personal stories you’ll ever read. They’re not just ghost stories, but stories about close calls with stalkers and kidnappers. If you thought <\/span>meeting a creepy online friend<\/span><\/a> in real life was scary, think again. <\/span><\/p>\n These are more than your average ghouls, ghosts, and goblins stories. These are real accounts from real people<\/a> who are still terrified about their experiences to this day. At least these people made it out alive to tell the tale. If you make it to the end of this list, you might not be able to sleep tonight. <\/span><\/p>\n This person’s little brother was watching TV downstairs and their dog<\/a> was sleeping in the hallway. <\/span>“All of a sudden, my dog starts making all kinds of racket, jumping around, barking, clacking nails, howling. I go to get up to see what’s up and I hear “Aw that’s a good girl” in a male voice. It didn’t sound like little bro so I go “Oh you’re home early!” thinking it is my dad’s friend\/our roomie as I open the door.”<\/span><\/p>\n It turns out neither her dad nor roommate were home. “Soon as I’m out there there is no one at all but the dog wagging her tail staring at the empty end of the hallway. Little bro comes upstairs to yell at me for getting his dog riled up, said he heard the same voice thinking it was me or our roommate.” Since both of them heard it, that makes it even scarier. “We did a once over of the house with my butterfly knife and his BB gun and there was NOBODY. Still gives me the spooks to this day.” (via <\/span>Reddit<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n Hiking in the woods can be a freeing experiences. Even though this couple was doing just that, they had a terrifying experience. Their disturbing personal story involves a menacing, muscle-bound man who showed up at a public cabin.<\/span><\/p>\n At first, it was just them and a middle-aged Asian couple chatting over a campfire. At first, the man seemed friendly. But after several questions, where the dad and other man asked the man where he was from he exploded in an angry rage. <\/span>He then “takes out a huge bowie knife and a whetstone and starts sharpening it. All of us decide to pack our stuff and book<\/a> it to the next cabin, which was about 7 miles away. It was a walk, but we eventually made it there, and there was a dirty hippy dude already there. He stunk, but was harmless.”<\/span><\/p>\n A dirty hippie is way better than a massive, angry man. They felt a bit safer until the night took a turn for the worse. “I see a reflection out of the corner of my eye. I turn around and see the big, silver-haired guy standing on the tree line, spying on us. <\/span>“The Asian guy took out a revolver, and told the man to “go the f**k off”. Big guy stands there for a moment, and silently walks off into the woods without making any sound.” These people were lucky to be alive after his encounter (via <\/span>Playbuzz<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n This European group had one of the most horrifying trips on this list. On a five-day river canoe trip up a tributary of the Orinoco in Venezuela in 1998, this group found themselves deep in the middle of the jungle, days away from civilization. Their guides were older and a bit creepy. One of them was German and another was a younger Orinoco basin Indian. Luckily, there was one girl in their group who spoke German.<\/span><\/p>\n On the third day, their guides started getting sketchy. “This evening they were a bit further away and we could tell they were having a pretty heated discussion in a mix of German and local dialect. Suddenly<\/a>, the German girl in the group turns white and looks terrified and it takes us a few minutes to calm her down. She explained she heard the German guy talk about ‘making sure the others will be at the place<\/a> and they will have the guns’ and that ‘ the crocodiles will get rid of the guys and the girls will go with them to (some village)’ the day after next.” This sounded like sex trafficking, murder, and kidnapping.<\/span><\/p>\n The group had been kidnapped and were on their way to a horrible fate. They realized they were trapped, but instead of succumbing to their fear, they decided to make a run for it. “Early the next day, we decided that the next time we saw another canoe expedition pass us, we would essentially shout and scream at them that we were being kidnapped and needed help. Fortunately, a four-person canoe group came past and we enacted our plan.”<\/span><\/p>\n Their guides pulled a 12-gauge gun from under a blanket and tried to get them to stop screaming. The canoe took them to the nearest village, and they told local police and some soldiers what happened. There was a suspected serial killer operating in the Maracaibo area and targeting tourists. This person never told their family or wife, even though it’s been 20 years (via <\/span>Playbuzz<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n This girl shared one of her horrifying personal stories about a time she printed a ticket at Disney World, gave some personal information for the ticket, and ended up with a stalker. <\/span>“Later in the day and I start getting texts<\/a> that say, ‘Hey LayMayLove! How you doing?'” It was from a number she didn’t recognize. The mysterious person responded and said his name was Steven and asked her what she was doing with that ugly guy. Now, it was getting creepy. <\/span><\/p>\n “Then he says have a good day at Magic Kingdom. This adds to the creep factor because we decided to go to MK as we were driving there. Neither of us remembers really telling anyone which park we ended up at.” Somehow, he knows all this personal information about her day and life<\/a>. <\/span>Then it gets worse. <\/span><\/p>\n “He sends<\/a> me a ‘Maps’ of a screenshot from wherever he is to my home address with ‘not a bad drive.’ So my friend and I start walking to guest services because this is obviously no joke and he’s reasonably identified himself as an employee of theirs at this point. It is also worth mentioning that almost no one I knew at the time had my home address because I lived at home and didn’t like having people over and bothering my family.” <\/span>Disney World fired him, she filed a report, hired a detective, and pressed charges. She hasn’t heard anything since but still has the texts in case the report resurfaces (via <\/span>Playbuzz<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n Ex-partners can become our worst enemies. This woman shared one of her most terrifying personal story involving her children. “My ex-husband kidnapped my kids. A church was helping him hide them from me.” This sounds wrong on so many levels. <\/span><\/p>\n He managed to manipulate the nearest church into helping him hide the kids with an elaborate lie. “He was in the army and told them I was killed in a car<\/a> wreck and had to go get the kids. Then he went into hiding.” Luckily, this woman got her kids back within 72 hours <\/span>(via <\/span>Playbuzz<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n Our gut feelings and intuition rarely lie. This internet user shared a most disturbing personal stories involving a creepy stalker following him and his girlfriend. “As we were slowly making our way down the grocery aisles I happened to notice a guy out of the corner of my eye with no buggy or cart. When I looked over he grabbed a box of something and stared intently at it, you know not the kind of absent-minded “I am shopping” kind of look. <\/span>We end up at self-checkout and guess who is sitting on the bench in front of the self check out with no bags? I think to myself, maybe it’s a coincidence, maybe not.” It seems too close a call to be a coincidence. The guy doesn’t stop there.<\/span><\/p>\n “As we leave the Walmart, all of a sudden I get this feeling and tell my girlfriend to stop and I stop abruptly as well. When I turn around this guy has almost run into us he was following so closely and we had stopped so abruptly. He stared at me like a deer in headlights, and so did I because I couldn’t mentally process the implications of what he (presumably) intended to do.” He walked away as if nothing had happened, and then entered a windowless white van that was parked next to his car (via <\/span>Playbuzz<\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n This is one of the most disturbing personal stories on this list. It’s heartbreaking<\/a> that a young kid had to witness such violence between his parents. After an argument between his mom and dad over a green Heinz ketchup bottle, his dad attacked his mother. <\/span>“He loaded a shotgun, then pressed his head against hers and tried to force her to pull the trigger. All the while I’m standing in the doorway watching in complete silence.” <\/span><\/p>\n The mom thought quickly and saved<\/a> herself. “She put her finger behind the trigger and was only left with a blood blister, from him trying to pull it regardless. She eventually wriggled free and he says, “I’m just going to kill myself then!” <\/span><\/p>\n To which my mom responds with, “Well do it outside… because I really don’t feel like cleaning up the mess.” That took balls.” It sounds like the mom has dealt with this so much that she now doesn’t care whether her husband is alive or dead <\/span>(via <\/span>Playbuzz<\/span><\/a>).<\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n This person shared a disturbing story about a teenager approaching them and their friend in a park. He grabbed one of them and started dragging them towards the car.<\/span><\/p>\n “We screamed for help and he let go and ran off towards his car, a little while later a couple of police officers stopped us and asked if we had seen a teenager matching his description so we told them what happened. Luckily I had a great memory as a kid and remembered his license plate so after telling the cops everything they escorted us back to my place.” <\/span><\/p>\n A week later we found out this guy had abducted and raped six kids and ended up being tried as an adult instead of a teenager and is probably still in prison.” Thankfully, this person was caught before he harmed anyone else <\/span>(via <\/span>Playbuzz<\/span><\/a>).<\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n Mountain biking in the Rocky Mountains is an amazing adventure. It’s recommended to only go mountain biking during the day or to have have one or more people with you if you go at night. This person did neither of those things. The trail took them alongside a cliff and forest, getting creepier and creepier as the night went on. <\/span>Suddenly, they heard a twig breaking but decided to ignore it and move further up <\/span>the trail. It wasn’t until they saw eyes up in the middle of a tree that they froze in their tracks. At first, they thought it was a squirrel, but then they realized it was a bull moose. <\/span><\/p>\n “I just stopped, stood there, and watched as this moose turns its massive head and body toward me, completely blocking the trail. I could hear my heartbeat in my head, feel it in my hands gripping the handlebars bars. My feet were firmly planted on the ground. I had nowhere to go.” <\/span>This person was trapped alone on a trail, alongside a cliff, in the middle of the Rockies, at night with a moose. It wasn’t until the moose snorted that they decided to pedal as hard as they could. <\/span><\/p>\n “About a mile down the trail I looked back and no moose was following me. I’m fully aware that the last time I rode through this part there was some sort of animal<\/a> in this area. I’m willing my bike not to get a flat tire or stop for any reason. Then, as I crest a small hill about to go up the steep half-mile hill. I see it. At this point, I say to myself “you’ve gotta be f**king kidding me.” <\/span><\/p>\n It was not a “harmless” animal that I heard of the first time. It was a f**king black bear. <\/span>I kept pedaling and never looked back. As I crested this hill I was fully aware that I had about 2,000 feet of descending to do. My heart was pounding out of my chest, my legs were burning more than they’d ever burned, and my lungs had no more to give. <\/span>Despite riding down the side of a mountain, I felt my heartbeat throughout my entire body the whole way. I could hear it in my ears, feel it in my feet. This trail was also a 1-way trail, so this direction was NOT made to descend. No berms, no nothing<\/a>. I fall off the edge and I fall down a cliff. <\/span><\/p>\n “Every time I approach a switchback I dread pulling the brake lever for fear that something will catch up to me or shortcut through the trees and attack me from the side. <\/span>I eventually made it to my car, rode up to it, and parked behind it (relative to the trail.) I just sat there, in the dark, with my head on a swivel. Waiting for something to attack me. After a few minutes, my heartbeat left my ears and I dismounted my bike. I could barely stand. My chest hurt, and my knees were quite weak and shaking. <\/span>My hands weren’t steady enough to undo the zipper on my pack to grab my keys and unlock the car (via <\/span>Playbuzz<\/span><\/a>).”<\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n This woman shared her story about getting followed all the way home by a homeless man from the train station. “I got out of work and was waiting at the train station. I had my headphones in and was staring at the TV with the arrival\/departure times. <\/span>This guy suddenly appeared out of nowhere<\/a>, got close to my face, and asked me if I had a boyfriend. I said nothing and walked away quickly. He looked\/smelled homeless and had these big, crazy eyes that were darting around the room as he spoke. He also had an erection, and had gotten so close that he’d spit on my cheek.”<\/span><\/p>\n The woman decided to try ignoring the man, but it didn’t work. “After I get off the train, I take two buses and walk a few blocks to get home. I was focused on the podcast that I was listening to and wasn’t paying attention<\/a> to my surroundings. All of the buses were also very crowded. When I reached my stop and started to walk home, I noticed that the creepy guy got off the bus behind me. There was nobody else around, so ran home. When I got to my door and started to unlock it, he was standing at the end of my driveway.”<\/span><\/p>\n There was nothing else to do at this point except scream. “I was crying and fumbling with my keys. Then some of my neighbors pulled up in a truck, and I screamed “HELLO! SIR! HELP!” Then the creepy guy turned and walked away into the woods. I called the police, but they didn’t show up for a while. They had me write a statement but seemed uninterested. My husband left work early and came home.”<\/span><\/p>\n That wasn’t the end of the creepy stalker just yet. It’s sad to hear that the police seemed uninterested. They had no idea what this guy is capable of, and now he knew where this woman lived. “We saw the creepy guy lingering around the neighborhood and walking past our house a few times in the following days, but he eventually stopped. Haven’t seen him since.” At least he eventually disappeared <\/span>(via <\/span>Playbuzz<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n Hearing your doorbell ring in the middle of the night is terrifying. You’re not sure who’s at your front door and it’s a very vulnerable position. This is one of the creepiest personal stories on this list. After hearing the doorbell ring, this person cautiously looked through the peephole.<\/span><\/p>\n “It’s dark but I can see a small figure (more like black blob, IDK its definite shape and had to be around 3-4 feet) doing like a dancing motion. Dipping down and oscillating its “arms” outward. Think of a person moving their arms like wings gracefully. It was dark outside but this figure was more opaque so I could see this going on.” There’s zero explanation as to what this could be. It has to be some sort of ghost, right?<\/span><\/p>\n “After a few seconds, I stopped looking through the peephole because it was too freaky to look at. I regained some courage and looked back through and whatever it was was gone. To this day I still don’t know what that was and I get freaked out thinking about it” (via <\/span>Reddit<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n Smoking marijuana can inhibit your perception of reality<\/a>. This internet user shared a terrifying personal story about when they decided to smoke weed in a graveyard. Honestly, it doesn’t sound like the best idea. “We were just chilling next to a tree when I see a man walking down the graveyard. I got a little nervous immediately but blew it off. And I then see the man pull out a handgun and aim towards something (he didn’t notice us at this point and I couldn’t see who or what he was aiming it at).” Seeing a man with a gun while high in a graveyard sounds like a recipe for disaster. <\/span><\/p>\n “I was so terrified I thought I was mildly hallucinating, I couldn’t even move. My friend hit my side and said “dude this guy has a f**king gun out we gotta get the f**k out of here”. Luckily, his friend was on point and made the executive decision to run away.<\/span><\/p>\n “We both slowly got up but like the stoned idiots we were, we hit a rock trying to get up and the man finally noticed us. He was a good 200 feet away from us, but the second he saw it he slowly moved towards us with the gun in his hand. We started running at this point, I looked behind my shoulder once and saw him start to run towards us as well. We booked it out of the graveyard and were finally back in my neighborhood. I was terrified for days after that.”<\/span><\/p>\n At least they made it out alive. Who knows what that man with a gun could’ve done? They never figured out why he was there in the first place, either, which makes it even more terrifying. Everything in a graveyard is dead, why would you need a gun? <\/span>(via <\/span>Playbuzz<\/span><\/a>) <\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n Walking around in the dark is terrifying, especially as a kid. This kid supposedly saw a man staring at them through their see-through curtains at two in the morning<\/a> as they were grabbing a glass of water. <\/span>“<\/span>I noticed someone staring through our window, with their hands pressed against the glass (we had to see through curtains). I screamed at the top of my lungs and froze, mom, woke up and came running to the kitchen to me crying like a baby<\/a> in my pajamas.” We’re not sure what we would’ve done.<\/span><\/p>\n “She went outside with a knife to look for him but never found him. And that’s why we don’t have see-through curtains anymore. I still have an irrational fear of the dark.” Who knows where that creepy guy went after looking through their see-through curtains? For all they know, he could’ve lived in their basement <\/span>(via <\/span>Playbuzz<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\nStill Spooky Today<\/span><\/h2>\n
Large Angry Man Pulls A Gun<\/span><\/h2>\n
Venezuelan Kidnapping<\/span><\/h2>\n
Disney World Stalker <\/span><\/h2>\n
Church Kidnapper <\/span><\/h2>\n
Walmart Stalker<\/span><\/h2>\n
Cleaning Up The Mess<\/span><\/h2>\n
Almost Abducted<\/span><\/h2>\n
Nighttime Mountain Biking<\/span><\/h2>\n
Creepy Homeless Man<\/span><\/h2>\n
Black Blob <\/span><\/h2>\n
Graveyard Gun Man<\/span><\/h2>\n
See-Through Curtains<\/span><\/h2>\n