{"id":68040,"date":"2022-09-07T15:24:04","date_gmt":"2022-09-07T22:24:04","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/moneyppl.com\/?p=68040"},"modified":"2022-09-18T06:46:25","modified_gmt":"2022-09-18T13:46:25","slug":"canned-these-people-got-fired-before-they-even-started-new-jobs","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/dev.moneyppl.com\/canned-these-people-got-fired-before-they-even-started-new-jobs\/68040\/","title":{"rendered":"Canned: These People Got Fired Before They Even Started New Jobs"},"content":{"rendered":"
New jobs are hard to come by, especially in professions that are competitive like the medical field. When people finally land a new job, they want to try to keep it for as long as possible. That usually equates to people being on their best behavior, especially in the first few days. We all have bad days, but showing we’re having a bad day is usually saved for months<\/a> into the job after we’ve established a good enough relationship with our boss and coworkers. <\/span><\/p>\n But that’s not always the case. We’ve collected the best stories on the internet about people getting fired from their new jobs before they even started. Some of these people didn’t have a fair chance, while others certainly deserved getting booted, proving there’s still justice<\/a> in the world. These stories<\/a> might make you realize you’re one of the better employees out there and that you deserve more praise. <\/span><\/p>\n We’ve all had strep throat once or twice. It comes and it goes, and we never really think anything of it. It’s a bad coincidence if we happen to get strep throat right before starting one of our new jobs, but there’s nothing<\/a> you can do except wait to get better. Family, friends<\/a>, and bosses are usually understanding, considering it’s a common illness. <\/span><\/p>\n Unfortunately for this person, their boss didn’t feel any compassion for them when they called in with strep. Instead of hoping they felt better soon, they fired them. That’s a sad way to go. They weren’t even given a chance (via <\/span>Herald Weekly<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n Teachers, like everyone else<\/a>, have bad days. Before they start one of their new jobs, they’re also prone to feeling anxious and nervous. But that doesn’t excuse bad behavior. This teacher sounds like she’s just a bad person deep down. <\/span><\/p>\n There’s no reason to tell a student they don’t like them and to figure out the problem by themselves. That’s so wrong. It’s a good thing she showed her true colors right from the get-go because if they had hired her, who knows what she would’ve said or done to the other children (via <\/span>Herald Weekly<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n This former worker was incredibly lucky his coworker turned around. Getting heated up in a huge vat sounds incredibly painful. It just goes<\/a> to show you that it wasn’t his time to go. Even though it’s a pretty unfortunate occurrence, it still ended in the best way possible. <\/span><\/p>\n At least the man is still alive. He might not have that job<\/a>, but there are plenty of new jobs he can apply to considering he’s not dead. He also got extra pay in his first and last paycheck, which sounds like a good deal. All in all, it’s the best-case scenario (via <\/span>Herald Weekly<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n There’s a reason the term “fake it until you make it” exists. This IT applicant certainly tried to fake it for one of his new jobs, but he did not make it. After scoring a job at an IT position, he quickly showed he did not know anything about IT. At least he was honest and told his boss he lied on his resume to get a job for more cash. <\/span><\/p>\n There’s nothing wrong with honesty. But to make matters worse, he didn’t know what a URL was or what to do with it. After two hours of paperwork and an hour of back and forth, they let him go. This company needs to hire someone who knows what a URL is, and this guy needs to apply for different jobs (via <\/span>Herald Weekly<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n When you call in sick, you always risk running into your boss. It’s always possible that they just show up wherever you are, even though it’s rare. Before this person started one of their new jobs, they called in sick. <\/span><\/p>\n It turns out they were playing hooky and weren’t sick. Or, they magically felt better because they decided to go to the movie theatre that evening and accidentally ran into their boss. Their boss immediately<\/a> fired them and then told everyone at work the following morning. That’s one way of warning people not to play hooky (via <\/span>Herald Weekly<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n Making sure everything is fair between every employee at the workplace makes sense. This boss took it a bit too far and fired one of his newest employees because they also fired someone else. <\/span><\/p>\n Their excuse was that they fire an even number of employees, which sounds like some strange superstitious belief. If one goes, so must another. This person wasn’t even given a chance to start one of their new jobs because of their other employee. That doesn’t sound fair at all (via <\/span>Herald Weekly<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n Starting one of your new jobs with a friend takes away a lot of the stress and pressure that comes with a new workplace. That is if that friend even makes it to their first day on the job. For some reason, this friend decided they didn’t want to come to work and pressured their friend into telling their new boss they wouldn’t make it to the first day. <\/span><\/p>\n It’s apparent they assumed this would be alright and that they could start later on. Well, not this job. The boss told the friend who did show up to work to tell their friend not to come in. Bummer. It looks like this friend has to work solo from now on, or maybe find a friend who’s more responsible (via <\/span>Herald Weekly<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n We have to give it to this guy, he was honest. Most people<\/a> would stutter and try to make up an excuse as to why they weren’t working. We can’t blame the employee who wandered off, though, he has seniority and can give himself a break since there was a new guy. Because he didn’t do his job, he got fired. But it’s common knowledge that you can’t slack off on the first day of your new job. <\/span><\/p>\n That sets the tone for disappointment. Also, that worker obviously shouldn’t work at a tannery if he thought it was too smelly. What did he think would happen? He needs to apply for a job someplace else that’s a lot less smelly. Maybe he should work at a bakery where everything smells good (via <\/span>Herald Weekly<\/span><\/a>).<\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n The more unique your personality, the better. This is especially true for the workplace, although having too strong of a personality can also backfire. Apparently, after taking a personality test at one of their new jobs, this person was fired. Corporate said they couldn’t hire them because of their test. We’re wondering what that test said, but it’s clear that this person wasn’t the right fit for this chain store. <\/span><\/p>\n Hopefully, they were able to find another job that’s better suited for their personality. It’s never fun being told you can’t get hired for a job because your personality doesn’t fit. Even though it’s hard to hear that, if you look at the bright side, it means there’s another job better suited for you out there (via <\/span>Herald Weekly<\/span><\/a>).<\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n Before we enter a new job, one of the most important questions we have is about the pay. Are we getting minimum wage? Or more? No one wants to sign up for a job where the pay is horrendous. This person was fired from the pizza place<\/a> because they asked a common question that would be asked at any job. The boss didn’t like this simple question and fired them. <\/span><\/p>\n Honestly, they dodged a bullet. If you can’t ask your boss even the smallest question like what your pay is, then you shouldn’t work there. The good news is that it didn’t stop this person from returning for the pizza. They didn’t feel awkward or shy about giving that boss his business<\/a>. It looks like the boss missed out on hiring a great, dedicated employee (via <\/span>Herald Weekly<\/span><\/a>).<\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n We can’t control traffic. Sometimes, accidents happen<\/a>. They’re unpredictable. They also seem to happen at very inconvenient times, like right before work. As this person was driving to one of their new jobs, they got stuck in traffic because of a multi-car accident. They were only 10 minutes late, which doesn’t seem too bad. They also called their boss to let them know, which seems very responsible. <\/span><\/p>\n The boss didn’t think so, because right when they got to work, they were fired. The boss made it seem like everything was okay on the phone call, but had a change of heart when they arrived. At least this person didn’t have to waste one more second with a dishonest boss who changes his mind rather quickly (via <\/span>Herald Weekly<\/span><\/a>).<\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n We’ve all been angry. One of the ways to combat anger is to throw something or scream into a pillow. This usually happens at home when we’re alone, not at work. This guy didn’t know that, though, and on the first day of one of his new jobs, he let out his anger by throwing and breaking delicate china. <\/span><\/p>\n He deserved to get fired since he probably lost the company quite a lot of money. Likely, he didn’t know what was in the box, but it’s also obvious when glass breaks. It’s not quiet. Let’s hope his next job is more physical so he doesn’t have to resort to breaking the glass to feel better (via <\/span>Herald Weekly<\/span><\/a>).<\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n This employee needs to go back to elementary school because he can’t read. During the first day of one of this guy’s new jobs, he fell into an argument with the general manager. For some reason, he didn’t see or read the name tag that said General Manager in huge letters. He didn’t want to take out the trash so instead of being a good employee, he decided to speak his truth. <\/span><\/p>\n There are times in life<\/a> when it’s better to take a step back and not say anything. Like this time. After the argument, they fired him. Honestly, he probably deserved it. If he’s arguing about a task like taking out the trash, who knows what he would argue about next (via <\/span>Herald Weekly<\/span><\/a>)?<\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n We’re prone to messing up on the first day of our new jobs. It happens, because workers are nervous and aren’t yet aware of the rules and parameters of their new jobs. This is especially true for interns, who are complete novices. Everyone has to start somewhere, though. This worker’s task was to cut the zip ties from a bunch of cables. Seems easy, right? Not for him. Instead of cutting the zip ties that held the cables, which seems rather straightforward, he cut the actual cables in half. <\/span><\/p>\n Not only did he get fired, but he lost the company $2,000 worth of cables. That’s quite a bit of money<\/a> for a mistake like this. He’s lucky they didn’t make him pay for it, otherwise, he’d have to start another new job to pay it back (via <\/span>Herald Weekly<\/span><\/a>).<\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n Putting the wrong gas in a car or truck can permanently damage it. There’s a reason there’s unleaded and diesel. This guy put unleaded gas into a diesel truck and got fired. We should cut him some slack, though. If he’s used to using unleaded gas, then it’s an easy mistake. The only problem is he should know the rules if he’s driving a truck.<\/span><\/p>\n Let’s hope the company was able to salvage the truck and prevent further damage. At the very least, this is probably the first and last time he’ll ever make that mistake (via <\/span>Herald Weekly<\/span><\/a>).<\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n This one doesn’t seem fair. First of all, it’s this kid’s first week. Secondly, he hasn’t been trained in truffles. How could he know it was plastic? It also seems pretty easy to return a plastic truffle and give the customer<\/a> real ones, especially if they’re paying $90 for it. Their boss should cover truffle rules in training if it’s that important. <\/span><\/p>\n It’s an easy mistake to make, especially because everything looks the same. Plastic can seem lifelike, and if it’s on display in a case, it makes sense why he would think to sell the woman that one. Unfortunately, the boss didn’t like it and fired him. Hopefully, he’ll step up his training (via <\/span>Herald Weekly<\/span><\/a>).<\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n Golfing is hard enough as it is. There are rules to abide by and most people are competitive. But golfers don’t just waltz onto a manicured lawn, there’s a lot that goes into it behind the scenes. The lawns are clean from the greenskeepers and the Range Pickers pick up all the golf balls. This guy got a job driving a golf cart around. <\/span><\/p>\n The power washer was tucked behind the wheel of a golf cart. On the first day of this guy’s new job, he drove the golf cart without realizing the power washer was attached, thus ripping the entire thing out of the wall. (via <\/span>Herald Weekly<\/span><\/a>). Not the best start.<\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\nFired For Strep Throat<\/span><\/h2>\n
Fall and Fired<\/span><\/h2>\n
Three-Hour Job<\/span><\/h2>\n
Playing Hooky<\/span><\/h2>\n
Even Number<\/span><\/h2>\n
Don’t Bother<\/span><\/h2>\n
It Was Too Smelly <\/span><\/h2>\n
Corporate Says<\/span><\/h2>\n
Still Got The Pizza<\/span><\/h2>\n
Ten Minutes Too Late<\/span><\/h2>\n
Someone’s Angry<\/span><\/h2>\n
General Manager<\/span><\/h2>\n
$2,000 Worth Of Cables<\/span><\/h2>\n
Wrong Gas<\/span><\/h2>\n
Plastic Truffles<\/span><\/h2>\n
Ripped The Whole Thing <\/span><\/h2>\n
Fart Got The Job <\/span><\/h2>\n