{"id":68733,"date":"2022-09-21T16:43:42","date_gmt":"2022-09-21T23:43:42","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/moneyppl.com\/?p=68733"},"modified":"2022-09-26T09:18:48","modified_gmt":"2022-09-26T16:18:48","slug":"these-rejection-stories-will-turn-your-bad-day-around-immediately","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/dev.moneyppl.com\/these-rejection-stories-will-turn-your-bad-day-around-immediately\/68733\/","title":{"rendered":"These Rejection Stories Will Turn Your Bad Day Around Immediately"},"content":{"rendered":"

No one likes getting rejected. It can leave pain that lingers for a long time – years, even. It also affects our desire to find love again in the future since getting rejected is a feeling we never want to experience again. While we probably believe we’ve suffered the most, there are some rejection stories out there that will turn your bad day around. <\/span><\/p>\n

You may not feel as sorry for yourself once you realize it could be a lot worse. Maybe these stories<\/a> will inspire you to get back out there and see who you can find in the dating pool. These stories involve a lot of embarrassing moments<\/a> and mean comments that are certainly cringe-worthy, so buckle up and realize your day isn’t going that badly below. <\/span><\/p>\n


Um, No<\/span><\/h2>\n

People<\/a> are all about first impressions. When you look at someone and immediately find them attractive, that’s a good sign. But when you look at someone and think “nope” right off the get-go, that’s a good reason to leave. Unfortunately, some rejection stories involve people who never even had a chance past the first hello. <\/span><\/p>\n


This Reddit user shared their experience trying to talk to a girl only to have her look him up and down and immediately reject him based on his looks. The poor guy never even got to show her how nice of a person he is. Sometimes, someone who isn’t that stunning by society’s<\/a> standards at first glance is one of the nicest people in the world. She’s probably missing out on dating an incredibly nice dude (via <\/span>Reddit<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n



She’s So Gross<\/span><\/h2>\n

Boys can be mean, especially in middle school. They don’t realize that their actions and words are harmful and can have a lasting impact on someone. This Reddit user shares one of their rejection stories that happened in the 8th grade. They asked a guy they liked to go to the dance with them. <\/span><\/p>\n


They were led on by his response, when he said “yeah, maybe I’ll see you there.” Any one of us would assume this meant he wanted to go with her. Unfortunately, that’s not what he meant. He was being mean and sneaky and only pretended to want to go with her. When she got to the dance, he flat-out rejected her and even went so far as to tell his friends<\/a> he thought she was gross in front of her. There’s no reason whatsoever to take it further than a simple rejection (via <\/span>Reddit<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n



Swivel Chair Rejection<\/h2>\n

Getting ghosted is never fun. When that person you thought you had a connection with never responds to your message and suddenly<\/a> disappears off the face of the planet, it hurts. Many people have rejection stories about this. But some of us have rejection stories about getting ghosted in person, like this internet<\/a> user. He went over to a girl and said a simple hello. <\/span><\/p>\n


Her response was to quickly turn around in her chair until he walked away. Getting ghosted online<\/a> is one thing, but getting ghosted in person is another. It’s more embarrassing, considering everyone around you witnesses it. It’s hilarious, though, that she thought she could get rid of him by turning her back to him. He could’ve just tapped her on the shoulder and asked her again (via <\/span>Buzzerilla<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n



Wrong Impression<\/span><\/h2>\n

When you muster enough courage to ask your crush on a date, you hope it’s a yes. This Reddit user got a slap in the face when his crush responded with “I thought you were gay.” Ouch. <\/span><\/p>\n


Just because this guy hangs out with a lot of women<\/a> doesn’t mean he’s gay. Sadly, this was the first time he had ever asked a girl out on a date. Maybe he needs to change his game<\/a> up a bit. Let’s hope this girl changed her mind and ended up going on a date with him in the end. Radical honesty is not always the answer (via <\/span>Reddit<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n



‘Friendly’ Influence<\/span><\/h2>\n

Friends can influence us, sometimes a little bit<\/a> too much. This Reddit user shared a rejection story where she was asked on a date and then rejected because her date’s friend didn’t think she was ‘hot or cool enough’.<\/span><\/p>\n


That’s like someone dangling a diamond in front of your face and then pulling it away at the last second. Honestly, she’s better off with someone else who has better friends. This guy sounds like trouble. If those are the types of people he’s hanging around, there’s no telling what kind of person he is deep down (via <\/span>Reddit<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n



Ton Of Freckles<\/span><\/h2>\n

When this girl asked her crush, who also happened to look like Paul Newman, out to dinner, he agreed. She probably felt elated to go out to dinner with someone she liked. And because he agreed, surely he found her attractive too, right? But when they went out to dinner and he saw her up close, he noticed she had too many freckles. <\/span><\/p>\n


Most of us would agree that freckles are cute, so we’re not sure what this guy’s problem was. Furthermore, he dared to tell her to her face instead of keeping it to himself and then rejecting her later on. These kinds of rejection stories make us lose hope in the dating world (via <\/span>Buzzerilla<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n



Seeing Someone Else <\/span><\/h2>\n

When you go on several dates with someone, you expect it to eventually go somewhere. There’s usually a discussion about where the romance and relationship are going. This Reddit user wanted to make it official with a girl he’d been on many dates with.<\/span><\/p>\n


His partner rejected him by expressing she was also seeing someone else and then proceeded to leave him with the bill. That’s pretty cringe-worthy. Rejection stories like this leave us dumbfounded and are painful to read. Maybe it’s better to hide away in the comfort of our room and never speak to anyone ever again (via <\/span>Reddit<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n



Worst Friend Ever<\/span><\/h2>\n

When we’re being good friends to someone, they might end up getting the wrong impression. It happens when the other person is in a vulnerable state and was probably recently hurt. This Reddit user shared one of their rejection stories of a time when they were on the opposite end. <\/span><\/p>\n


They rejected one of their friends, who tried to lean in for a kiss. They got mixed signals and thought their friend was trying to date them. Talk about awkward. At least this person dared to apologize and make sure their friend wasn’t hurt. Honestly, they weren’t being a bad friend at all and it’s not their fault that the person had the wrong impression (via <\/span>Reddit<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n



Another Strange Situation<\/span><\/h2>\n

Rejection stories that involve unreciprocated love are painful to read, mainly because we’ve all been on both sides. We’ve loved someone who hasn’t loved us back and vice versa. It’s just life<\/a>. This Reddit user shared a rejection story involving a time they tried to make their friend feel better similar to the story above, but ended up hurting them in the end. <\/span><\/p>\n


It seems like their friend didn’t handle it very well and resorted to crying. She got rejected by two guys in one day. That’s painful, although it’s not this guy’s fault his friend had the wrong impression. Honestly, a lot of these scenarios could be avoided if people learned how to communicate with each other (via <\/span>Reddit<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n



Bad Mom <\/span><\/h2>\n

Many of us have gotten bullied in high school. It was usually our parents<\/a> and teachers who were our heroes since they were the only ones we could rely on. Unfortunately, this internet user shares one of their rejection stories about a time they were bullied in high school and went to their mom for support. Instead of receiving love and compassion, their mom told them they would also bully them if they were their age. <\/span><\/p>\n


That’s horrendous, and one of the saddest rejection stories on this list. Who says that? We’re not sure how this mother could look her daughter in the eye and admit that. At that point, not saying anything is better than saying that. It’s heartbreaking, but at least this person grew up and was able to healthily release their mother from their life (via <\/span>Buzzerilla<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n



Horrible Speed Dating<\/span><\/h2>\n

Men and women<\/a> always complain about how there aren’t enough dating options out there. For some reason, even though there are billions<\/a> of people in the world, it’s difficult to meet someone who we really click with. Most of us just give up and choose to be single. When we do try and date, it usually turns out disastrously.<\/span><\/p>\n


Speed dating is one of these ways to try and meet someone to date. This internet user shared one of the most embarrassing rejection stories out there when he went speed dating. At first, it seems like the story would start with a happy ending considering he was one guy meeting 14 women at the event. But it turned out that not even one of the women wanted to go on a date with him. He needs to take a good, long look in the mirror to figure out why that happened (via <\/span>Buzzerilla<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n



Not A Talented Writer<\/span><\/h2>\n

Rejection stories don’t always involve romance. There are many different forms of rejection. Sometimes it involves a job<\/a>, and other times it involves a school. This internet user shares one of their saddest rejection stories, about a time John Hopkins not only flat out rejected them but rubbed it in their face. <\/span><\/p>\n


They basically told him he was not one of their talented writers, and that they should consider making other plans. That’s not only savage but a pretty brutal way to reject someone. We get they were trying to help, but there’s honestly no reason to say that<\/span>(via <\/span>Buzzerilla<\/span><\/a>).<\/span><\/p>\n



Just Wait<\/span><\/h2>\n

There’s a reason why they say, “patience is key.” There’s a time and a place<\/a> for everything. Even though we feel the need to say something to someone straight away, it’s usually better to wait a few days and think about it before jumping right into the conversation. This is especially true when it’s something that holds a lot of emotion, like telling your wife of 18 years you want to divorce them while they’re in the hospital. <\/span><\/p>\n


This person, who spoke from the point of view of Rudy Giuliani, shared one of those rejection stories that just struck us down to our core. He left his wife of 18 years while she was in the hospital. Even though he was in love with someone else, the least he could’ve done was waited until she was out of the hospital. It’s bad enough that he fell in love with someone else, but to tell your sick and dying wife you’re leaving her is just plain horrible (via <\/span>Buzzerilla<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n



Peer Pressure From Dad<\/h2>\n

When our parents give us advice, we usually listen. They’re older, wiser, and have years of experience under their belt. Oftentimes, they give good advice. But sometimes, the advice they give is best left ignored. This is one of those rejection stories that was flat out caused by this Reddit user’s dad peer pressuring him to get a date. It sounds like he was pretty disappointed in his son for not dating women. <\/span><\/p>\n


That’s just sad, especially because the son admits he was visiting<\/a> his dad just to get to know him. His dad coaxed him into asking the server at the diner on a date. Well, he went ahead and did it, only to be embarrassed and rejected in front of a group of customers (via <\/span>Reddit<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n



Better Kitty Treats<\/span><\/h2>\n

Cats are sneaky, sly, and mysterious beings that most of us can’t figure out. That said, a lot of us have cats as pets. They usually keep to themselves and leave us alone. Some cats give us that love back, in their way. But sometimes, cats reject their owners<\/a> in pursuit of something better. <\/span><\/p>\n


Rejection stories involving animals are the hardest ones to grasp since we shower our pets with love and adoration. This cat left their owners and hung out at the hobo encampment across the street. They figured they had better kitty treats than them, which is why their pet left. How heartbreaking (via <\/span>Buzzerilla<\/span><\/a>).<\/span><\/p>\n



Easy Cash<\/span><\/h2>\n

Being the butt of someone’s cruel joke feels horrible. There are some people<\/a> out there who think harsh practical jokes are funny and worth the hurt to another person. This happens a lot in middle and high school, and especially between men and women. This person shares one of their rejection stories that involved a bet. The guy she liked knew she liked him, so his friends made a bet that she would immediately say yes if he asked her out. <\/span><\/p>\n


Well, he asked her out, and she said yes, and they won $25. To make her feel better about the joke, he gave her $10. Even though that’s incredibly mean and embarrassing, at least she got a few bucks out of it. She should use that money and play a practical joke back at him, although she might not want to stoop to his level (via <\/span>Buzzerilla<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n



Become A Monk<\/span><\/h2>\n

Boys in high school are vicious. Girls are, too. It seems like everyone’s a bully and no one has a chance at expressing themselves or even getting away with having a crush. This Reddit user had a crush on a guy in high school, no big deal. <\/span><\/p>\n


We’ve all been there. But when he found out, he made fun of her and even went so far as to say he’d become a monk over dating her. He better watch what he says. Manifestation is a powerful thing. Let’s hope karma came back for him and he ended up becoming a monk without having a choice (via <\/span>Reddit<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n




Couple Costume<\/b><\/h2>\n

It’s a big deal to dress up in a couple costume<\/a> at a party. You’re telling every single person that you’re partnered up with your S.O. Now, we’ve seen rejection stories involving someone getting flat-out dumped, but now we’re seeing a sneaky rejection story that was masked underneath a web of lies. This internet user shared their experience with their partner who showed up to a costume party dressed in a couple’s<\/a> costume with another girl. <\/span><\/p>\n


He claimed it was just for fun, but it turns out it wasn’t. Not only did they very obviously like each other, but they’re now married<\/a>. That says a lot. That boyfriend was leading his ex-girlfriend on for a while. All of the red flags<\/a> were there. If it were up to us, we would’ve broken up with him on the spot (via <\/span>Buzzerilla<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n



What’s Your Friend’s Number ?<\/span><\/h2>\n

There’s nothing<\/a> worse than liking a guy only to find out they like your friend more. Rejection stories involving unrequited love feel horrible and many of us have experienced them. This Reddit user shared a time they went out with a guy to the movies, had a great time, and truly believed it could go somewhere.<\/span><\/p>\n


It turns out that not only did the guy not like her, but he liked her friend more. That’s one way to lose a friend. Hopefully, her friend rejected the guy so it didn’t turn out to be an awkward love triangle (via <\/span>Reddit<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n



Red Flag<\/span><\/h2>\n

When we have a crush on someone, we hope they like us back. We fantasize about the relationship and hope the universe conspires so we date the person of our dreams. Oftentimes, it never ends up happening as we envisioned and we’re left heartbroken. But when it does happen, we feel like we’ve been struck by Cupid’s arrow. Most of us are left in disbelief, like what happened to this guy. But he wasn’t left in disbelief because his crush asked him out, he was shocked because of her response. <\/span><\/p>\n


She asked him out to prom, and when he said yes, she said her boyfriend was angry she got a date first. We’re not sure what’s going on between that girl and her boyfriend, but it doesn’t sound healthy. Why would they ask out other people<\/a> and compete over it? That’s plain weird. This is a major red flag and that guy better run in the other direction (via <\/span>Buzzerilla<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n



Rejected For Jesus Christ<\/span><\/h2>\n

This one’s pretty shocking. What started as a potentially beautiful<\/a> romance ended in a sad, but understandable, way. We understand dedicating your life to religion, as some people do. But when it interferes with love, sometimes we’re left confused and heartbroken. <\/span><\/p>\n


This Reddit user shared one of their rejection stories involving Jesus Christ. They were having a beautiful, young romance you could make a movie about. Just when she thought things were going swimmingly, she gets rejected. The guy chose Jesus Christ. Even though it’s heartbreaking to read, at least she found out sooner than later (via <\/span>Reddit<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n



You’re Dumped!<\/span><\/h2>\n

There are better ways to break up with someone than others. The decent thing to do is to talk to someone in person and explain why you’re breaking up with them. The worst thing<\/a> to do is to have your friend jump out behind a bush and scream, “you’re dumped.” That’s exactly what happened to this Reddit user in one of the saddest and most hilarious rejection stories on this list. <\/span><\/p>\n


Even though it’s hurtful to get dumped by a dude jumping out of a bush, it’s pretty funny. It’s something she’ll remember for the rest of her life, that’s for sure. Let’s hope that was the first and last time he ever dumped someone that way (via <\/span>Reddit<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n



Unavailable Men <\/span><\/h2>\n

It happens too often. As we’ve mentioned before, falling for someone who doesn’t have feelings back is painful. This person shared one of their rejection stories involving a guy she liked who liked her back but wasn’t available to date. He spent the entire dinner talking about how he wished his new girlfriend was like her. <\/span><\/p>\n


That doesn’t make any sense. Why doesn’t he dump the new girlfriend and date her then? All of their problems would be solved<\/a>. Why waste<\/a> so much time? Not only is he wasting his time, but his new girlfriend’s time and his friend’s time by talking about his other girl. Honestly, she’s better off with someone else who doesn’t talk behind their partner’s back (via <\/span>Buzzerilla<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n



Not Tall Enough <\/span><\/h2>\n

Some dating apps nowadays allow you to put your height. Honestly, it weeds out any future awkwardness, like showing up to date and realizing they’re half your size. If height doesn’t matter to you, then the height requirement doesn’t matter. But to some people, height is a deal breaker. This internet user shares one of their rejection stories, about a time their date rejected them because they weren’t tall enough. <\/span><\/p>\n


In reality<\/a>, they were over six feet tall, so we’re left wondering how tall her standards are. Furthermore, she was barely 5’3″, so she doesn’t have a say in the matter. Maybe she’ll find Mr. Right one day, but she’ll have to look for a while (via <\/span>Buzzerilla<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n



Good Timing, Bad Timing <\/span><\/h2>\n

What starts as a beautiful romance turns into another sad story<\/a>. This is one of those rejection stories that initially had a good start, but ended sadly. This Reddit user had impeccable timing. Even though the guy on the phone beat him to it, he ended up winning the girl. <\/span><\/p>\n


You’d think that’d be the end of the story, but nope. It turns out that even though the couple dated for two years, the girl still ended up getting deported in the end. At least he can look back on the experience and appreciate it for what it was (via <\/span>Reddit<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n



Still Bitter <\/span><\/h2>\n

When we get rejected by our crush, it hurts. Those angry feelings can linger for years afterward, especially if we never truly forgave the person who rejected us. Rejection stories involving unrequited love happen often, just as this Reddit user shares. The person they liked ended up dating someone they knew for only two weeks. <\/span><\/p>\n


There’s nothing you can do about it except accept it for what it is and move on. Let’s hope this person found another lover in the end (via <\/span>Reddit<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n



Mom Wouldn’t Let Me <\/span><\/h2>\n

When we were in school, we had to ask our parents for permission for everything. They dictated when we left the house and when we had sleepovers. Luckily, that stops once you reach a certain age and you can be your own adult. This internet user shares one of their rejection stories about a guy who told her he couldn’t go to prom with her because his mom wouldn’t let him. <\/span><\/p>\n


At first, it’s possible his mom wouldn’t let him to go prom, period. But it turns out he just used it as an excuse to reject her. Saying “mom wouldn’t let me” is an excuse that works, because you can’t argue against it. But it’s still ridiculous. Maybe in the end he got his karma and couldn’t go to prom, period (via <\/span>Buzzerilla<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n



Introducing Mark <\/span><\/h2>\n

If you never try, you never know, right? Well, that’s what this girl did. After dating someone for three years, she suddenly decided to call it quits<\/a> when her friend Mark came into the picture. Maybe she felt the butterflies with Mark she hadn’t felt with her partner in a while, which is why she confused those initial feelings of infatuation with love. Honestly, kudos to her for even having the courage to drop everything she put into a three-year relationship and try it out with Mark. <\/span><\/p>\n


She got her karma, though, since that relationship only lasted three months. Rejection stories like this one, where a long-term relationship suddenly ends for someone else, make us feel better about our lives (via <\/span>Buzzerilla<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n



Wrong Wife<\/span><\/h2>\n

We’re not sure what’s wrong with this dude, but it’s a good thing this woman got out of that relationship. Not only did he leave his partner of ten years, but he cheated on her, got engaged to another woman and then proceeded to buy his mistress the house his original partner and he fell in love with together. <\/span><\/p>\n


That’s a whirlwind of unfortunate circumstances, to say the least. At the very least, the relationship ended where it did, before she bought a house with her partner. If that had happened after, it would be even more stressful (via <\/span>Buzzerilla<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n


You Got Used<\/span><\/h2>\n

This guy was led on, big time. Not only did he bend over backward to make sure this girl was having an enjoyable evening, but he even gave her his Pokemon Ruby. That’s a pretty big deal. <\/span><\/p>\n


She took advantage of his kindness, only to tell him in the end that she was dating her ex-boyfriend. Talk about a slap in the face. Let’s hope he ended up getting his Pokemon back (via <\/span>Reddit<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n



Close Enough <\/span><\/h2>\n

When we date someone and get to know them, it’s exciting. Chemistry builds and you get to learn about that person on a deeper level. When someone takes us out to dinner and invites us to swanky events, it’s safe to assume that they’re interested in us romantically. Why would they go through all of that effort?<\/span><\/p>\n


This is especially true if they know you like them. This internet user shares one of those rejection stories that make us lose faith in the dating world. She was fooled and led on by the guy she liked. He pretended to date her, only to reject her in the end and tell his friends he wish she were his sister. That’s not only harsh but just plain mean (via <\/span>Buzzerilla<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n



17 Hours<\/span><\/h2>\n

Honestly, being in a relationship with someone for seventeen hours is a lot longer than most of us have ever dated our crushes. Seriously. At least this guy got his first kiss with a girl he was in love with for three years, even though it didn’t work out a mere 17 hours later. <\/span><\/p>\n


This is one of those rejection stories with a happy ending, at least somewhat, since he and the girl ended up becoming best friends. It all worked out in the end. And who knows, maybe they’ll end up together one day (via <\/span>Reddit<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n



Worst Breakup Ever <\/span><\/h2>\n

This guy is the epitome of an unavailable boyfriend. He dumped his girlfriend of two years during one of the saddest, most pivotal times of her life, right when she needed him the most. These kinds of rejection stories are heartbreaking to read. At least she found out his true colors right then and there, and not several more years down the line. <\/span><\/p>\n


He doesn’t sound like someone worth keeping around. If he can’t even stick around while she cried, what’s going to happen when she needs him even more? It sounds like some sort of soap opera, but unfortunately, it happened. To make matters worse, she totaled her car and her ex-boyfriend drove hours to see her, only to tell her never to contact her again (via <\/span>Buzzerilla<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n



Burst Out Laughing<\/span><\/h2>\n

This one hurts to read. We can only imagine enjoying a beautiful evening with someone, only to have them burst out laughing when you lean in for a kiss. Understandably, this person wanted a kiss. <\/span><\/p>\n


Not only did they go on multiple dates<\/a> together, but it wasn’t even their first date. It seems like that girl led him on big time. The least she could’ve done was rejected him kindly instead of laughing in his face (via <\/span>Reddit<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n



No, Sorry<\/span><\/h2>\n

This person needs a reality check. We get having a type, but there’s no need to bring race into it. They could’ve simply said, “no, thanks.” Instead, they took it a step further and felt the need to explain why they don’t want to dance with them, that reason<\/a> being they don’t dance with “dark-skinned people.”<\/p>\n


That doesn’t fly nowadays. Hopefully, this person was young enough to make that mistake and quickly grew out of it. This Reddit user is better off with someone else (via Reddit<\/a>).<\/p>\n



Dungeon Master <\/span><\/h2>\n

When the Dungeon Master laughs at you, that’s when you know you’ve embarrassed yourself. When it’s a bunch of friends and a girl it’s understandable, but once it crosses the Dungeon Master threshold, it’s an entirely different game. <\/span><\/p>\n


This person shared one of their embarrassing rejection stories involving not only an “oh my god no” response but a pretty embarrassing response from people who overheard the ordeal. This one’s better left ignored and forgotten, forever (via <\/span>Reddit<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n



Unhappy Birthday<\/span><\/h2>\n

Between exams and presentations, college<\/a> is already stressful enough. If you throw a breakup into the equation, it makes it even harder. And when you throw bad timing into there too, it becomes a horrendous concoction that makes you want to give up. That’s exactly what happened to this internet user, who had one of the worst rejection stories on this list, which happened on her 21st birthday nonetheless. <\/span><\/p>\n


That’s a horrible thing for her boyfriend to do, considering he went to great lengths to plan her an after-party and then changed his mind last minute. To top it all off, she had to move back home with her parents because her ex needed space. Talk about a bad situation (via <\/span>Buzzerilla<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n



Hiding Behind Twitter<\/span><\/h2>\n

People use the internet to hide. You don’t have to physically interact with anyone, which is why rejection stories that happen over text or the internet make sense. People are too afraid to confront someone and feel discomfort, so they use their phones instead. This internet user shares her experience hooking up with a guy and asking him out. <\/span><\/p>\n


Because he was bragging about their make-out session to all of his friends, she assumed he was into her. We’d assume the same thing. But when she slid into his Twitter DMs and asked him out, he deleted the message to pretend it never happened. It looks like he wasn’t actually into her after all (via <\/span>Buzzerilla<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n



Dodged A Bullet<\/span><\/h2>\n

This is the epitome of dodging a bullet. Not only did that rejection save<\/a> her life, but it saved her years of trauma. Talk about a blessing in disguise. His wife wasn’t so lucky, though. At first, she was probably heartbroken that he brought a date over to her house for dinner. That’s a major red flag. <\/span><\/p>\n


Who does that? It turns out it was for the best because he was sent to jail years later for nearly beating his wife to death. As horrendous and grim as that is, at least no one died. (via <\/span>Buzzerilla<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n



Voted Out <\/span><\/h2>\n

This sounds exactly like the movie ‘Mean Girls.’ Rejection stories always seem to involve either bullies or a broken heart. In this case, it was a group of girls who bullied someone. It was a unanimous decision that this person wasn’t allowed to sit with them at lunch anymore. They went so far as to create a petition and read it out loud in front of everyone. That’s one way<\/a> to scar someone for life. <\/span><\/p>\n


Let’s hope these bullies had their karma given to them because that’s truly a mean way to treat someone you once considered a friend. At the very least, they could’ve sat her down and explained what was going on and why they were having trouble in their friendship (via <\/span>Buzzerilla<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n



No One Likes You <\/span><\/h2>\n

High schoolers are savage. Not only did this guy get into a fistfight at school, but he later found out that no one knew who to cheer for because they disliked both of them. That’s like a double slap in the face. It’s one thing to get into a fight, but another thing to not have anyone cheer you on or support you. <\/span><\/p>\n


Maybe that’s a sign you shouldn’t be getting into fistfights and should even treat your peers with more respect. It’s one thing if one person doesn’t like you, but an entirely different thing is no one in your entire school likes you (via <\/span>Buzzerilla<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n



Trying To Be A Nice Guy<\/h2>\n

When girls get hit on at the club, it’s common<\/a> to ignore the guy because they only want one thing. There’s a very small chance they want to get to know you, so it’s better to ignore them. This guy had one of those rejection stories at the club when he tried to talk to two girls. <\/span><\/p>\n


It sounds like he was just trying to be a nice guy, though, and make some friends. Honestly, it’s not the best place to pick up people. It’s better to do your own thing and dance the night away. At least he was rejected right off the bat and wasn’t led on (via <\/span>Buzzerilla<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n



He Meant Fat<\/span><\/h2>\n

Friends have our backs. That’s why we keep them around. This is especially true when our friends try to pull us away from being single and help us find the love of our life. When this girl tried setting her friend up with someone she had a crush on in junior high, he immediately asked if she was like her. He beat around the bush. Instead of saying, “is she fat?” <\/span><\/p>\n


He asked it in the nicest way possible. It’s a pretty hurtful comment altogether, but you can’t be mad. The guy has standards, just like the rest of us. But the least he could’ve done was met the girl and then decided if he liked her or not, instead of judging her before he even met her. There are only a few men in this world who can truly handle curves, and this guy is not one of them (via <\/span>Buzzerilla<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n



You’re Uninvited<\/h2>\n

This is just cruel. Not only did this girl get uninvited to the sleepover, but the mom was in on it. We get standing up for your kid, but it just makes it so much worse. They shouldn’t have invited her in the first place. <\/span><\/p>\n


For some reason, they suddenly decided they didn’t like her and quite literally pulled her out of the party. It’s no surprise that this spite comes from middle school girls, but the fact that the mom lied and helped out too is cringe-worthy. This girl is better off with other friends (via <\/span>Buzzerilla<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n



I Am Jo Sharp<\/span><\/h2>\n

We’re not experts on everything, which is why certain people hone in on certain skills. That’s what makes us all so unique. When we’re passionate about something, we become an expert on it. So it’s pretty strange that someone told Jo Sharp that she didn’t seem to know her own work well enough. <\/span><\/p>\n


These rejection stories make us question people who call themselves experts. The person reading Jo Sharp’s essay doesn’t know her work well enough. Because if anyone is going to know her work, it’s herself (via <\/span>Buzzerilla<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n



Best Friend Rejection <\/span><\/h2>\n

Getting rejected by a lover is one thing, but when it’s your best friend, it hurts differently. That one stabs you in your core, especially if you were under the impression that everything was going well. This eight-year-old told us about one of her first rejection stories that stuck with her to this very day. <\/span><\/p>\n


Her best friend moved away, and they said goodbye to each other while sobbing in each other’s arms. Then, when the best friend came back, it was as if she completely forgot about her. Instead of running back into each other’s arms with joy, she ignored her and gave her an unenthusiastic hi. We’re not sure what happened in between that period, but something shifted (via <\/span>Buzzerilla<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n



She Has A Stalker<\/span><\/h2>\n

There are simple rejection stories out there where the person says no. That’s it. It’s simple and easy, and there’s nothing else involved. Sometimes, however, there are rejection stories out there where the person likes to make a huge deal out of the rejection. This Reddit user shares their experience, when they told the guidance counselor he was stalking her.<\/p>\n


All he did was ask her out for a coffee. She even told a few of her friends. We’re sure the entire school probably found out. That’s not fun at all. Let’s hope the guidance counselor had enough insight to take a step back and see what was going on (via Reddit<\/a>).<\/p>\n



Secret Band<\/span><\/h2>\n

How could you expect anyone to understand something called a “secret band”? There’s a reason it’s secret. If it wasn’t a secret, then everyone would understand it. Rejection stories like this one don’t make a lot of sense and are plain hilarious. Better yet, this strange person also played the guitar with his feet. <\/span><\/p>\n


Even though that’s an impressive skill, it’s also weird. Honestly, she’s better off dating someone else a bit less strange, and who isn’t in a secret band, whatever that means. At least this guy has his priorities straight and wouldn’t let a girlfriend get in the way of his foot-guitar playing passion (via <\/span>Buzzerilla<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n



Nobody Likes You <\/span><\/h2>\n

Everyone had a middle school crush. We likely had more than one crush. There was always that one person that we thought about day in and day out while doodling their name in our notebook. Relationships in middle school usually only lasted a week or two. There was enough time for some innocent flirting and maybe even a first kiss, but after that, they usually fizzled out. <\/span><\/p>\n


Rejection stories that happen in middle school can be brutal, especially because youngsters are savage. This person shared a story about the time<\/a> her middle school crush told her “nobody likes you” and made everyone laugh. We feel the pain in that one (via <\/span>Buzzerilla<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n



Brutal Usage<\/span><\/h2>\n

Talk about using someone. Not only did she reject the guy when it was clear he truly liked her, but she went so far as to tell him that he was only around so she could have a ride home from the bar from a designated driver. This one is simply cold-blooded.<\/p>\n


We understand not wanting to speak with someone and putting up your boundaries, but using them for a ride with false pretenses is another story. At least he dodged a bullet. It’s probably a huge blessing in disguise. She doesn’t sound like someone you’d want to spend time with, anyway (via Reddit<\/a>).<\/p>\n



One Week <\/b><\/h2>\n

This is brutal. Not only did her ex-boyfriend straight up lie to her, but he got her excited for a nice evening and then totally flipped the switch. Why would he even go to those lengths? He could’ve been straight to the point and gently explained that he wanted space. It’s not that hard. This girl is better off without him, because if someone can go to those lengths to do that, then there’s something wrong with them. <\/span><\/p>\n


Oddly, he would pretend to plan such a beautiful night and then not even be there to explain the truth. All he did was leave flowers on the table with a note, which is unbelievably heartbreaking (via <\/span>Buzzerilla<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n



Just No <\/span><\/h2>\n

Blind dates are strange. You’re jumping into the deep end and agreeing to spend an evening with someone you’ve never met. Not only that, but you don’t even know what they look like. Even though first impressions are important, what’s more, important is getting to know someone for more than their looks. Well, this guy didn’t think that way, because he immediately drove off after seeing this girl. <\/span><\/p>\n


Then, he proceeded to text<\/a> her “no.” Way to rub it in. He left her standing alone in the rain as people laughed at her. Even though these kinds of rejection stories are rough, we just have to remember that this girl is better off without someone like that. At least she didn’t waste any more of her time with him (via <\/span>Buzzerilla<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n



Harshed My Mellow<\/span><\/h2>\n

This guy mustered up enough courage to ask his crush to the dance. He was immediately rejected, and not in a nice way, either. She didn’t even explain why she didn’t want to go with him. All she did was say “ew, ew, okay I’m sorry but no.” At least she’s honest and didn’t lead him on, even though she said it in a hurtful way. <\/span><\/p>\n


There are some things in life you just don’t say out loud. Even though this guy probably felt pretty hurt, at least he can laugh about it now and share it with the internet (via <\/span>Reddit<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n



Trolley Collection<\/span><\/h2>\n

Trolley collection takes a lot of skill. There’s a level of requirement people must<\/a> meet to collect trolleys. You have to be completely focused, sturdy, and determined to be the best trolley collector in the entire world. It’s common knowledge. This guy wasn’t qualified to be one of the trolley collectors. Most of us probably aren’t, because there’s no such thing as being a qualified trolley collector. <\/span><\/p>\n


It makes zero sense that Safeway used that excuse to fire this guy, but at least he found some humor in it. He was also able to focus more on school, even though he wasn’t studying trolley collection. Let’s hope he found another job soon after that he was more qualified for (via <\/span>Buzzerilla<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n




This is one of those rejection stories with a happy ending. What started as a nail-biting story quickly turned into one provoking a sigh of relief. She owned up to her crush, too, and instead of sitting around waiting to get made fun of, she went straight up to her crush and asked him what he thought. <\/span><\/p>\n


That takes a lot of courage, so kudos to her. She didn’t give up when he rejected her either. She ended up marrying his best friend. At the end of the day, she’s the one that won (via <\/span>Buzzerilla<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n



Wait Until The End <\/span><\/h2>\n

Why did this guy wait until the end of the conversation to break the news to her? Instead of telling her right away and saving her time and embarrassment, he waited until she expressed her love for him. That’s ridiculous. He didn’t even show any signs of compassion, all he did was straight up tell her he was dating a woman named Kate now. <\/span><\/p>\n


Honestly, she’s better off with someone else who doesn’t treat her like that, because it says a lot. He probably wanted an ego boost, which is why he waited for her to express all of her love for him (via <\/span>Reddit<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n



Three Minutes<\/span><\/h2>\n

We’ve all had uncontrollable laughter. It feels like the laughs will never stop, and it feels as painful as much as it feels good. This girl had uncontrollable laughter when this guy asked her out on a date. She laughed for three minutes straight, at least. The guy was fed up and left before she finished laughing. <\/span><\/p>\n


This left a scar on him since it happened in 1977 and he still thinks about it. Sometimes, rejection stories like this one never leave our minds. At least he finds some humor in it and admits the girl might still be laughing (via <\/span>Buzzerilla<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

No one likes getting rejected. It can leave pain that lingers for a long time – years, even. It also affects our desire to find love again in the future since getting rejected is a feeling we never want to experience again. While we probably believe we’ve suffered the most, there are some rejection stories […]<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":45,"featured_media":68893,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"open","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"footnotes":""},"categories":[106],"tags":[],"class_list":["post-68733","post","type-post","status-publish","format-standard","has-post-thumbnail","hentry","category-lifestyle"],"lang":"en","translations":{"en":68733},"pll_sync_post":[],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/dev.moneyppl.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/68733","targetHints":{"allow":["GET"]}}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/dev.moneyppl.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/dev.moneyppl.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/post"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/dev.moneyppl.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/45"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/dev.moneyppl.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=68733"}],"version-history":[{"count":15,"href":"https:\/\/dev.moneyppl.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/68733\/revisions"}],"predecessor-version":[{"id":68897,"href":"https:\/\/dev.moneyppl.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/68733\/revisions\/68897"}],"wp:featuredmedia":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/dev.moneyppl.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media\/68893"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/dev.moneyppl.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=68733"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"category","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/dev.moneyppl.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/categories?post=68733"},{"taxonomy":"post_tag","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/dev.moneyppl.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/tags?post=68733"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}