{"id":69264,"date":"2022-10-13T12:52:16","date_gmt":"2022-10-13T19:52:16","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/moneyppl.com\/?p=69264"},"modified":"2022-10-15T00:37:39","modified_gmt":"2022-10-15T07:37:39","slug":"these-people-shared-their-deepest-darkest-confessions-online","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/dev.moneyppl.com\/these-people-shared-their-deepest-darkest-confessions-online\/69264\/","title":{"rendered":"These People Shared Their Deepest, Darkest Confessions Online"},"content":{"rendered":"
Everyone has their own dirty little secrets. These quirky characteristics are what make us unique and different from one another. When people share their<\/a> quirkiest, weirdest confessions, we can’t help but appreciate their vulnerability because we all have them. <\/span><\/p>\n So we collected the most interesting confessions on Reddit and compiled a list that’ll make you squirm, laugh, cry – or maybe even all three. These confessions involve strange fetishes, odd habits, and <\/span>dirty secrets<\/span><\/a> that date back to childhood. Check out the people who revealed their darkest confessions online here. <\/span><\/p>\n There are some people who bite their nails and others who wouldn’t think twice about it. Honestly, it’s a gross habit<\/a> and makes your hands look bad. Others also bite the skin around their fingernails, which is also bad. But what about the skin around your toes? <\/span><\/p>\n One of the grossest confessions on this list involves a Reddit user who admitted, “<\/span>I LOVE picking dead skin from between my toes.” Even though we appreciate the honesty, it’s disgusting to even think about. At least they can cover up their habit with sneakers or boots. No one will ever know about their dirty little secret (via <\/span>Reddit<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n Staring someone directly in the eyes is awkward, like they’re peering directly into your soul. There are some people out there who thrive with eye contact, while others can’t stand it. This Reddit user said, “<\/span>I’ve always been weirdly uncomfortable with eye contact. I can’t ever seem to look someone in the eye for more than a second before my brain makes me look away. So when I first started high school and my boobs began growing, I noticed that boys were starting to look at them instead of my face.” <\/span><\/p>\n She continued, admitting that, “my friends would always make fun of\/be annoyed by guys staring at their chests all the time, but I was always sort of relieved when it happened because it meant I didn’t have to worry about keeping uncomfortable eye contact.<\/span><\/p>\n “It took me a while to realize I was the only weirdo on the planet thinking “Oh, good he’s staring at my breasts. I can relax for a second.” At least she felt comfortable enough to talk to someone, even though most women would probably slap someone in the face for staring at their chests. What works for one person might not work for another <\/span>(via <\/span>Reddit<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n We’re all guilty of late-night snacking. We’re tucked away in bed and somehow end up digging through the fridge to fill our bellies with sugar or carbs. But people are also guilty of other late-night things. Confessions involving anything after-hours are usually juicy. <\/span><\/p>\n This Reddit user admitted, “<\/span>at night time when I go out for a cigarette before bed, sometimes I piss on the lawn.” Even though there are certain confessions out there that are a lot juicier, this one is odd nonetheless. Let’s hope he doesn’t have kids that play on the lawn, or friends that have picnics on his lawn (via <\/span>Reddit<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n Fantasies help us get through life<\/a>. Without them, we’d feel stuck in a world of boredom. Everyone has their quirkiest fantasies, but most of them involve real people and real places<\/a>. This Reddit user shared their confessions about their fantasy with Zeus. <\/span><\/p>\n They said, “I fantasize about Zeus coming down and temporarily turning me into a woman so that he can bang me.” Not only does this person fantasize about Zeus coming down to ‘bang them,’ but they also fantasize about turning into a woman so it can happen. There is a lot is going on here, which is why it’s one of the funniest confessions on this list<\/span> (via <\/span>Reddit<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n When you’re a teenager and living with your parents<\/a>, finding somewhere to hook up with your partner is a difficult task. There’s no way around it and you run the risk of getting caught. This Reddit user confessed, “my boyfriend and I both lived with our parents and had nowhere to have sex. So we snuck into my brother’s apartment thru a window when I knew he was at work a couple of times and had sex on his couch.” <\/span><\/p>\n Not only is this gross, but it’s rude. Imagine if he slept on that couch. They expanded, “a few weeks later I was hanging with my brother and he was spooked because he could tell someone had been in his apartment. I didn’t tell him it was me. I just let him be creeped out. That was many years ago, but I still feel guilty about not fessing up.” We’d feel guilty too, but honestly, at least they were never caught in the act (via <\/span>Reddit<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n Payback is the best form of revenge<\/a>. Even though we shouldn’t be vengeful, in certain scenarios it feels too good not to get revenge. This is especially true the more we’re hurt by our loved ones. This Reddit user told the internet about one of their confessions involving payback. <\/span><\/p>\n They started the story by telling the internet about their family life. “My father is a diagnosed Narcissist and overall horrible person. My mother, my siblings, and I lived for years in a very abusive environment that I don’t know if we will ever fully recover from. About five years ago shit hit the fan with him and he left my mother for his much younger secretary. He told me before he told her and expected me to inform her he was leaving. He also left her with a ton of his debt. I began the process of removing him from my life.”<\/span><\/p>\n They continued to say, “one night after maybe one too many glasses of wine I was feeling particularly angry about all the years of shit my family had to deal with because of him. So I posted<\/a> his phone number on Craigslist and a message implying he was a chick looking for a good time.” <\/span><\/p>\n That’s pretty decent revenge. It doesn’t particularly hurt anyone, and it’s mostly innocent. Then, “I later got an email from his secretary, the one he had run off with, through the anonymous Craigslist system bitching out who she assumed was a random Craigslist poster for “posting the wrong phone number.” Little did they know, it was the angry son (via <\/span>Reddit<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n Kids do some weird things<\/a> and most of us have confessions dating back to our childhood. This Reddit user shared a story from their youth when they ran a secret business<\/a> with their friends. <\/span>They said, “me and my friends ran a business where we’d sell hentai. But the way people<\/a> ordered it was weird. They’d drop a slip me or my friends gave them into my locker (that slip contained information like what they wanted and their locker number) and we’d draw what they wanted.” <\/span><\/p>\n That sounds like a good business plan, even though what they were drawing was basically anime porn. It was “happy time for them money time for us. The thing is we’d act like secret spies and stuff. Like we each had code names and we called it ‘The Face.'” It was a happy time for those people asking<\/a> for hentai. Sometimes, when we look back at things we did when we were younger, we’re surprised and a bit ashamed, which is why they make great confessions <\/span>(via <\/span>Reddit<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n There are parts of our bodies we don’t like, and this goes for everyone. It starts in childhood and continues until adulthood. And it doesn’t stop until we become fully accepting of whatever parts of our bodies we don’t like. <\/span><\/p>\n This person said, “<\/span>when I was younger I tried to erase my freckles with a pencil eraser.” There are some things we’ve all done in the past that make us question our intelligence. It’s an innocent gesture, though, since plenty of kids have probably tried to erase parts of their bodies they didn’t like (via <\/span>Reddit<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n “Seven Up” was a popular game in classrooms when we were children. Many of us probably cheated during the game at least once. There are confessions out there that involve game cheaters. This Reddit user said, ‘in kindergarten, we were playing heads up 7 up. The whole class would have their heads down and 7 people would go out and tap someone. If you get tapped then you have to guess who tapped you.” It sounds like a fun and innocent game to play as a child. Essentially, it’s a guessing game. But we know there’s more to the story. <\/span><\/p>\n They said, “so when it’s my turn I pick one of my good friends. He looks straight at me and says, ” it was you.” So as I’m walking back to my seats he whispers to me, “I cheated and looked at your shoes. No, I never told you I’m not a snitch. Yes, I’m still mad.” This Reddit user still has some pretty harsh feelings toward his friend. Maybe he’ll get him back one day <\/span>(via <\/span>Reddit<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n There are times when we’re attracted to people and we don’t know why. These kinds of confessions make the best stories. This Reddit user said, “there’s this old, drunk, crude, kinda gross guy at the bar and I just wanna… I just wanna get all up in his gross. I dunno it’s weird. I’ve always gone for young, slim, muscular good looking guys, but this guy… He’s just so unattractive and weird and I want to fully climb inside his a**.” That is quite graphic but we appreciate this person’s brutal honesty. <\/span><\/p>\n They said, “it’s so easy to see beautiful<\/a>, seemingly perfect people, hop in bed, have whatever sex, yaddah yaddah, but to see something truly unappealing… So mysterious, so unusual, so special! It’s like… Seeing a rare, exotic bird. And wanting to f**k it.” It sounds like this person’s mysterious nature is what makes them so attractive. Maybe humans need to be more unique in general<\/span> (via <\/span>Reddit<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n Our close friends are usually the first people to tell us we smell bad. Without that reflection, we can’t tell. One of this Reddit user’s confessions involved bad body odor. They said, “<\/span>I never discovered how bad I actually smelled until I rubbed my finger under my armpit one night while watching TV.” <\/span><\/p>\n First, why are they rubbing their fingers under their armpit while they’re watching TV? Secondly, it’s a good thing they’ve finally realized how bad they smell since other people probably noticed it too<\/span> (via <\/span>Reddit<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n People are usually either dog lovers or cat lovers. Some indeed love both at the same time, but we usually prefer one over the other. This Reddit user shared their guilt over one of their biggest confessions, about liking cats more than dogs. <\/span><\/p>\n They said, “I like both dogs and cats, but I love cats so much more, they’re just so relaxing and chill and I feel guilty for liking cats more than dogs bc I feel so awkward petting other people’s dogs like I don’t hate them but I don’t have the energy to be like “WHO’S A GOOD BOY?!” and stuff you feel me?” <\/span>They sound ridden with shame and guilt over preferring cats, even though it doesn’t matter at the end of the day. Neither the dogs nor cats realize humans like one more than the other (via <\/span>Reddit<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n Six-year-olds do a lot of bad things. They don’t know any better as they’re still learning how to navigate life and the difference between what’s right and wrong. As we mentioned, many confessions come from our youthful days of figuring out the world. <\/span><\/p>\n This Redditor said, “when I was six I scribbled on the sides of the keys of the family piano. Like, I took a marker, pressed a key down, and then scribbled on the sides of the keys on each side of the key I was holding down. You could only see it when the keys were pressed. I did that on like six keys, in different colors, before getting bored and also realizing exactly what I was doing. I still have no idea why I decided to do that.” <\/span><\/p>\n They got away with it for some time before they were discovered. They said, “it got discovered. I blamed my 4-year-old brother, with the logic that I, at 6, LOVED the piano, was taking lessons, and would NEVER scribble on something so precious. Also, I’d conveniently left the markers on the floor of his room. He got spanked. I didn’t feel guilty at the time (probably because he’d been annoying me somehow), and I still feel weirdly guilty about that.”<\/span><\/p>\n It sounds like that six-year-old dodged a bullet, even if they’re still ridden with guilt. “I’m in my 40s. I’ve never admitted this to my family.” Over 30 years later, they still feel bad. Maybe it’s time they fess up to their mistake so they can all laugh about it<\/span> (via <\/span>Reddit<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n There are numerous reasons why we shouldn’t touch the bathroom sinks at school. Kids are dirty, and who knows what ends up on those sinks? One of the most hilarious confessions involves a bathroom sink and a little bit of friskiness. <\/span><\/p>\n They said, “I frequently humped the bathroom sinks in school when no one else was there. I was extremely horny back then.” We understand being horny, but humping bathroom sinks were never on our to-do list. It’s possible that this Reddit user didn’t realize<\/a> there are plenty of other objects one could use to get over being horny. At least it’s something they can look back on and laugh at, and is hopefully something they’ve grown out of (via <\/span>Reddit<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n This is one of the most fascinating confessions on this list. It involves a Reddit user who was in a near-fatal accident when he was 16. A delivery van hit him at a crosswalk and he went into a coma for two weeks. During the coma, he dreamt. <\/span><\/p>\n He said, “while I was in the coma, I had an extremely vivid dream. I dreamed I was living in a fantastic jungle populated entirely by giant insects, and the only way I could survive was by crafting a knife and a spear, and then hunting massive armored beetles the size of school busses with horns and spikes and turning their shells into wicked cool looking RPG fantasy armor. Taking down giant blue and purple moths and turning them into hang gliders to explore the world. Climbing up inside giant hollow trees to hunt glowing scorpions.” <\/span><\/p>\n When he woke up from the dream and was out of his coma, the nurses told him what happened. A few months later, he was sent to physical therapy. During the physical therapy practice with his trainer, he “cut sideways at her shin, and she blocked my pole and flipped it up, right out of my hands, and thrust at my throat guard.”<\/span><\/p>\n “At that moment, I had an instant flashback where I recalled, for the first time, my entire coma dream, every fight with a giant insect or spider, every move, counter, and strike. I twisted down and sideways and the ‘blade’ end of her weapon slipped past my face mask by half an inch. I grabbed it, pulled it straight out of her grip, and struck her straight back into her helmet with the butt end.” <\/span><\/p>\n His coma dream came to reality<\/a> during that very intense moment. It makes us wonder about the thin line between wakefulness and dreams. “She stared at me and asked me where the hell that move had come from. I just sat down and started crying, I remembered the whole adventure in clear detail for the first time, and what an experience it was.” He had forgotten his coma dream until that moment. This might just be one of the most vulnerable confessions he could have. <\/span><\/p>\n “I never went back (to physical therapy). Even the thought of doing any of that instantly brings back the one time in my life when I felt like I belonged in a place meant for me, a perfect, amazing place, even if that place was entirely inside my brain inside a shattered body.<\/span>” In his world, he had found a place where he belonged. That’s something all of us only ever hope of attaining (via <\/span>Reddit<\/span><\/a>). <\/span><\/p>\n <\/p>\n If you’re a fan of goat or feta cheese, you might not want to hear this. This Reddit user shares one of their deepest confessions, that “the taste of feta\/goat’s cheese reminds me of my vomit, but in a good way and I love it!” <\/span><\/p>\nDead Skin Picker<\/span><\/h2>\n
Eye Contact <\/span><\/h2>\n
Late Night Friskiness <\/span><\/h2>\n
Odd Zeus Fantasy <\/span><\/h2>\n
Not Fessing Up <\/span><\/h2>\n
Craigslist Confession<\/span><\/h2>\n
The Face<\/span><\/h2>\n
Erase Freckles <\/span><\/h2>\n
Seven Up <\/span><\/h2>\n
Get Up In His Gross<\/span><\/h2>\n
Bad B.O <\/span><\/h2>\n
Cats Over Dogs<\/span><\/h2>\n
Scribble Keys<\/span><\/h2>\n
Bathroom Sinks<\/span><\/h2>\n
Coma Dream<\/span><\/h2>\n
Goat Cheese<\/span><\/h2>\n