{"id":71838,"date":"2023-03-14T14:14:52","date_gmt":"2023-03-14T21:14:52","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/moneyppl.com\/?p=71838"},"modified":"2024-03-07T11:56:22","modified_gmt":"2024-03-07T18:56:22","slug":"online-justice-internet-heroes-destroyed-these-disgusting-trolls-with-savage-burns","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/dev.moneyppl.com\/online-justice-internet-heroes-destroyed-these-disgusting-trolls-with-savage-burns\/71838\/","title":{"rendered":"Online Justice: Internet Heroes Destroyed These Disgusting Trolls With Savage Burns"},"content":{"rendered":"

The Internet is a crazy place, and there are plenty of awful people on it. Everybody has encountered trolls with dumb opinions and malicious intentions. The world would be better if they didn’t exist. Unfortunately, they do but some internet heroes put them in their places with savage burns.<\/p>\n

Today we’ll look at some of the funniest burns below. They counter rude social media users, moronic worldviews<\/a>, and idiotic statements. Each of these deserves a standing ovation but their authors settled for dozens of likes or upvotes. Check them out right here via Reddit<\/a>.<\/p>\n

James Bond<\/h2>\n

Sometimes simple replies can leave savage burns. The Reddit exchange below is a perfect<\/a> example because there aren’t any insults or rude comments. One person says that they were working near the location of a new James Bond movie. This prompted somebody else to ask which movie it was.<\/p>\n


We can see the resulting exchange above and it’s magnificent. Even the innocent responder laughed because it was very funny. This was a little bit<\/a> petty but that’s why everybody enjoyed it. The comment received thousands of upvotes because the Internet recognized their brilliance (via Reddit<\/a>).<\/p>\n


Save California<\/h2>\n

Many people don’t realize that they don’t have to read every social media post or leave a comment. If they don’t like things then they can mute or block them. Perhaps somebody should tell this person, ‘Cate.’ That’s because they didn’t understand that ordinary folks have work to do.<\/p>\n


Perhaps Cate’s real name is Karen because she went off on a mad rant. But this company’s social media<\/a> manager didn’t pull any punches. They responded with one of the most savage burns in Twitter history. Cate should delete her account after this because she can’t show her face again (via Reddit<\/a>).<\/p>\n


Paying Client<\/h2>\n

Nobody likes a cheapskate but the person below missed that memo. She told the world that she was attending Heidi Klum’s Halloween Party but she didn’t have a stylist. However, she cheekily offered to pay with exposure instead of hard cash<\/a>. Needless to say, the internet<\/a> didn’t react to this well because it wasn’t a good offer.<\/p>\n


Savage burns like the one above bring a lot of people joy because they teach lessons. It’s not fair to treat hard-working designers with this type of disrespect. Let’s hope that she learned the right thing to do and paid somebody for their services. Sadly, this is the harsh reality in the age of Internet influencers (via Reddit<\/a>).<\/p>\n


Source Material<\/h2>\n

It’s always risky to criticize comedians after an impersonation. Some famous people<\/a> hate when comics imitate them but they have the self-awareness to stay quiet. They bite their lip and smile or pretend that it never happened. Criticizing them usually doesn’t end well because there will be humiliation.<\/p>\n


Representative George Santos unwisely went after Jon Lovitz on Twitter. We can see his comment above and the scathing reply below. It’s safe to say that wasn’t the reply that Santos wanted but that’s the danger of public figures acting this way. It’s a cruel lesson but that’s the nature of savage burns (via Reddit<\/a>).<\/p>\n


Average Canadian<\/h2>\n

Here’s another glorious example of a simple but savage burn. A Redditor asks the world how they see the ‘average Canadian.’ Most people replied with comments<\/a> about Canadian stereotypes. They discussed how nice they are compared to their southern neighbors and chatted about poutine.<\/p>\n


But some people are horrible online<\/a> in the best way possible. We can see the sarcastic reply above that brought joy to all of our cynical hearts. The Redditor interpreted this question literally and gave a proper answer. There’s nothing wrong with what they said but everybody felt that nasty burn (via Reddit<\/a>).<\/p>\n


100% Completion<\/h2>\n

Gamers have a love-hate relationship with studios. Firstly, they love them because they create the worlds that they love. But there’s also a downside to this emotional investment<\/a>. That’s because many game producers required buyers to purchase extra downloadable content to complete their stories<\/a>.<\/p>\n


That triggered the Twitter user above because he had no patience with Ubisoft. He called them out because they had a bad habit<\/a> of taking advantage of consumers. It’s not fair because nobody buys half of a book<\/a> and expects a couple of key chapters to be missing. But that’s what video game creators do to their best customers (via Reddit<\/a>).<\/p>\n


Elephant Gun<\/h2>\n

Nobody should make fun of someone’s physical appearance, never mind their weight. Sadly, this woman thinks that she has the right to mock shorter men. She thought that she was very clever when she compared them to insects. But another Internet user<\/a> was waiting for a sharp comeback.<\/p>\n


Furthermore, it appears that the responder was another woman. She produced one of the most savage burns of the year with this electric statement. People shouldn’t troll others if they can’t take abuse back. No doubt this kicked off a brutal online exchange between the two Twitter users (via Reddit<\/a>).<\/p>\n


Man-Made Term<\/h2>\n

One of the most infuriating things on the Internet<\/a> is when netizens preach garbage to their followers. One Twitter user decided to tell everybody that depression doesn’t exist and that afflicted people should snap out of it. This is disgraceful because it negates millions of experiences across the world.<\/p>\n


The dumb statement rattled some cages but another man responded with one of the most savage burns ever. He demolished the original author by rewriting the depression statement about death. This shows how stupid the words were because they don’t make any sense (via Reddit<\/a>).<\/p>\n


High And Mighty<\/h2>\n

There’s no point getting high and mighty about a topic without full knowledge of the facts. Many people think<\/a> that they can bluff about a topic when they believe something. But just because they want something to be true doesn’t mean that it is. Unfortunately, nobody told Mr. Charlie Kirk below.<\/p>\n


His dumb assessment of the migrant crisis attracted the attention of Wikileaks. The controversial site sometimes reveals too many truths but it put him in his place<\/a>. It’s a sad reality<\/a> that many smaller nations suffer because bigger powers have selfish interests at heart. That’s the story of Haiti’s history since independence (via Reddit<\/a>).<\/p>\n


Kepler’s Worldview<\/h2>\n

Everybody enjoys seeing people destroy Elon Musk<\/a> on Twitter. We’re not going to get political or polarizing here because we want to have fun. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t enjoy somebody trolling the Tesla billionaire<\/a>. Check out the exchange below and see how Musk fell foul of Johannes Keplar.<\/p>\n


Keplar was a 17th-century pioneer who studied planetary motion. Musk inadvertently contradicted the German visionary’s scientific laws<\/a> with his original tweet. He mistakenly disregarded almost four hundred years of history in his moment of hubris. One academic was happy to prove him wrong (via Reddit<\/a>).<\/p>\n


Healing Fast<\/h2>\n

These days all types of conspiracy theorists don’t believe in medicine or other scientific advances. They prefer to think that lizards run the world and that the earth is as flat as a pancake. This is fine but then they inadvertently prove their hypocrisy and stupidity<\/a>. It would be better if they lived on a special section of the planet without bothering everybody else.<\/p>\n


Here’s one of the most savage comebacks we’ve seen. This Twitter user crushed the herbal remedy user with six words. It’s amazing how easy it can be to destroy morons but it doesn’t reduce our enjoyment of it. The difference in likes also proves that everybody thinks the oregano healer is a fool (via Reddit<\/a>).<\/p>\n


National Park Admin<\/h2>\n

Some people hate when big corporations or government institutions have unprofessional social media<\/a> accounts. But they can be very funny and bring a little bit of joy to our lives. The following exchange is a perfect example of how to do this right. Full credit goes to the National Park Service for this gem.<\/p>\n


We have no reason to doubt that this groundhog running their accounts. Perhaps airlines should consider hiring them because they wouldn’t reply any slower to a ticket refund request. It’s dumb but funny and that’s all we care about when it comes to savage burns (via Reddit<\/a>).<\/p>\n


Bus Hero<\/h2>\n

Nobody likes materialistic people<\/a> because it’s very tedious to be around them. Imagine judging somebody because they have an older phone and thinking that this makes them inadequate. It’s so dumb because it proves nothing about their wealth or personality. Firstly, there’s nothing wrong with being poor but perhaps they’re also not a slave to new technology.<\/p>\n


We love seeing savage burns like the one above<\/a> because they teach people a lesson. There’s nothing like a little bit of internet humiliation to put trolls in their place. Hopefully, the original tweeter gained a sense of perspective after the other person destroyed them in front of the world.<\/p>\n


National Treasure<\/h2>\n

Stephen King is one of the world’s most successful<\/a> writers. But he’s also one of the most entertaining people on Twitter because he regularly serves savage burns. King has no time for morons or idiots on the platform and regularly calls them out. The following comeback<\/a> came after the U.S. Air Force shot down a Chinese spy balloon in 2023.<\/p>\n


Representative Kevin McCarthy attempted to politicize this event but he didn’t expect King’s response. The best-selling author shot McCarthy down like a Top Gun pilot in an entertaining exchange. There’s no denying that King won this exchange and is one of the best dogfighters on social media.<\/p>\n


Disappointing Doctors<\/h2>\n

Ben Shapiro is one of the most polarizing figures on the internet as one of the voices of the culture wars. We’re not here to talk about that because we want to have some fun. Shapiro poked fun at musicology doctors in a loaded Tweet<\/a> but didn’t expect the following response. We hope he had some ointment nearby for those savage burns.<\/p>\n


This is a petty response but it’s hilarious at the same time. To be fair, Shapiro has a point because there’s always been a rivalry between medical doctors and humanities PhDs. Nonetheless, we’re interested in banter and there’s no denying that Dr. Evan Williams, DMA Music Composition, won this round.<\/p>\n


Ur My Brother<\/h2>\n

Sometimes it doesn’t take a lot to eviscerate somebody in front of the world. This woman destroyed her boyfriend after his foolhardy attempt to embarrass<\/a> her. In the end, he came off far worst in this situation and learned a harsh lesson<\/a>. Never mess with a woman who is prepared to cross the line<\/a> because it won’t end well.<\/p>\n


It’s safe to say that everybody thought that he was a creep after this one. It could have gone two ways depending on his personality. There’s a chance that he appreciated her ruthless response and enjoyed the moment. But it’s also possible that he never showed his face in that store again (via Reddit<\/a>).<\/p>\n


Brutal Duolingo<\/h2>\n

It’s always funny when two big companies<\/a> go head to head on the Internet. Usually, rival businesses<\/a> throw subtle jibes at each other but this makes the following exchange an anomaly. Nobody classes Duolingo and Netflix as competitors because the former is a language app. Meanwhile, everybody knows that Netflix is a streaming platform.<\/p>\n


This didn’t stop Duolingo from destroying Netflix on Twitter in front of the world. They cruelly trolled Netflix’s new account-sharing rules and made a mockery of them. Everybody that read this experienced a sense of schadenfreude at Netflix’s expense. It’s one of the most savage burns we’ve seen in a while (via Reddit<\/a>).<\/p>\n


Lack of Understanding<\/h2>\n

The Internet is great but there’s no denying that it is an overall toxic place<\/a>. Many people feel free to give opinions about topics outside of their expertise. Vaccines became a contentious subject during the height of the global health crisis. Trolls tried to convince other folks not to take them and demonstrated their lack of intelligence.<\/p>\n


Very polite people are capable of delivering savage burns. This man managed to insult the original Facebook user’s intelligence without calling him names or being abusive. It’s a fantastic example of the genre and he should feel proud of his effort. The number of likes reflects how it entertained other social media users (via Reddit<\/a>).<\/p>\n


Obsolete Ellen<\/h2>\n

Older generations love mocking younger people because of their dependency on new technology. They enjoy watching them struggle to use analog appliances but miss a basic point. Technology is constantly changing and they often can’t use the new devices that make lives easier.<\/p>\n


One Internet user reacted to a bit on Ellen DeGeneres’s<\/a> show. Ellen mocked a young woman because she didn’t know how to use a rotary phone. This is pointless because it’s been about a million years since anybody had one of these in their cave. Surprisingly, Ellen didn’t ask her to hunt a wooly mammoth (via Reddit<\/a>).<\/p>\n


No Comparison<\/h2>\n

One popular trend sees people compare two celebrities<\/a> of the same age. Then they judge them based on their experience and say that one appears to be much younger than the other. It shocked one Twitter user that Jared Leto and Nick Offerman are only a year apart. That’s because they think the former looks far better than the latter.<\/p>\n


However, another user destroyed them with one of the most save burns ever. We shouldn’t put this type of thing on social media because celebrities<\/a> see them and they’re human too. Some of them have mental health problems because people judge their appearances. Luckily, Nick Offerman is made of sterner stuff (via Reddit<\/a>).<\/p>\n


Mac and Cheese To a New Level<\/h2>\n

Not all of the savage burns on this list are cruel or mean. Some of them are hilarious but have a feel-good factor like the one below. One Twitter user had a nightmare experience when a bottle of parmesan cheese exploded in her bag. It blocked the ports in her MacBook in an expensive calamity.<\/p>\n


But there’s always a genius on the Internet ready<\/a> to take advantage of an opportunity. This person must have been waiting his entire life for this moment because his reaction was brilliant. It’s simple but very effective and we think that the original tweeter would have laughed too despite their situation (via Reddit<\/a>).<\/p>\n



James Charles is a famous Instagram<\/a> influencer. He delivers make-up tutorials and shows off his outfits regularly. Charles attracted legions of followers because he embraced his femininity. He inspired young men and women<\/a> alike before everything became nasty. That’s because Charles slid into the direct messages of underage boys.<\/p>\n


Somehow Charles escaped legal punishment for his actions but he tarnished his reputation. That’s why somebody stung him with the comeback above. It’s one of the most savage burns that Charles has ever experienced. But it’s a good lesson for him because he must do a lot to rehabilitate his image (via Reddit<\/a>).<\/p>\n


Fake Space<\/h2>\n

Here’s another fine example of a moronic troll receiving their comeuppance. It’s a simple online exchange that teaches an idiot a sharp lesson. The only sad thing about this is that he is probably too dumb to realize. Unfortunately, we share a world with these types of people and there’s not much we can do about it.<\/p>\n


However, one thing we can do is serve up savage burns like the one above. There’s a lot of space between his ears because there doesn’t appear to be a human-sized brain in there. Perhaps we’re being too harsh but he started it. Now their interaction is on the internet for posterity to judge (via Reddit<\/a>).<\/p>\n


Questionable Qualifications<\/h2>\n

Many people love debating with randomers on the internet. It’s a pointless exercise because nobody turns around and says that the other person is correct. Everybody shouts into the void and hopes to get more likes than their rival. But one of the worst tactics is to question another human being’s qualifications.<\/p>\n


This is very risky because it can backfire like in the situation above. One person thought that they destroyed the other but he didn’t realize that the dam was about to burst open. The number of likes on the reply shows how effective it was. Also, be careful debating somebody with a blue tick on Twitter because it’s easier for them to gain momentum (via Reddit<\/a>).<\/p>\n


Grammar Police<\/h2>\n

People constantly set themselves up for failure on the Internet without realizing it. The following is an example of what happens when this goes badly wrong. Nobody likes when someone mocks others about their linguistic issues. It doesn’t help when they can’t use English properly themselves.<\/p>\n


Sometimes mean people deserve savage burns because it teaches them a lesson. The unfortunate reality is that they probably don’t know what redundancy is. Don’t mock others because it never ends well and karma is a cruel teacher. Nonetheless, the rest of the Internet enjoyed this brilliant comeback (via Reddit<\/a>).<\/p>\n



The gender wars came to a brutal end in this Twitter exchange. One woman thought that she cracked the code when she decided that men should pay restaurant bills<\/a>. This is a contentious subject in the modern era because many people think that couples should split bills. However, many traditionalists and tight-fisted divas disagree.<\/p>\n


A brave but ultimately stupid man responded to her polarizing view. We can see their interaction above and note the traction it generated. Many people enjoyed his interpretation of the word ‘menu.’ This battle will likely continue to rumble on with many more casualties (via Reddit<\/a>).<\/p>\n


Home Depot<\/h2>\n

This is a funny exchange because it doesn’t go in the direction that we expect. It’s safe to say that most people didn’t have appropriate thoughts when they read the first sentence. But one man shuts down the original tweeter with one of the most savage burns ever. It’s hilarious and weirdly wholesome because the first person replies with thanks.<\/p>\n


This began as an NSFW subject but quickly evolved into an exchange about gardening tools. Perhaps that’s what he was talking about all along and the problem is with people who have dirty minds. We assumed he was referring to gardening hoes all along. Let’s hope that Home Depot had a good choice in stock (via Reddit<\/a>).<\/p>\n


The 10 Percent<\/h2>\n

Some people think that they’re being very profound online when they make sweeping generalizations. Contrary to their beliefs, they’re not masters of philosophy or the next Buddha. Nobody is asking them to write the laws of the universe but they think everybody respects what they think.<\/p>\n


That’s why the exchange above is so funny. One woman makes a statement about females being attractive and men being ugly. But this man replies with one of the most savage burns in memory. It’s going to be a long time before she forgets this nightmare of an internet humiliation because it’s a bad one (via Reddit<\/a>).<\/p>\n



UFC fans know Paul Felder as a former lightweight contender. The Philadelphia native retired<\/a> from fighting and became a regular broadcast commentator. Fans like him because he is honest and analytical without being too dry. One Twitter user went overboard when he told ‘The Irish Dragon’ this.<\/p>\n


We can see that Felder didn’t initially appreciate the spirit of the comment. But he respected the man’s honesty when he explained why he said it on Twitter rather than face to face. Felder probably smiled despite himself because it was a sharp reply. The man knows where to pick his battles and the online world is a safer place (via Reddit<\/a>).<\/p>\n


Ripped Abs<\/h2>\n

Here’s an idiotic man who thinks that women<\/a> shouldn’t train for ripped abs. For some reason, he takes issue with female athletes<\/a> and believes that they should leave this to men. Strangely, this bothers him because it doesn’t have any impact on his life. Another online user made this very clear to him with one of the most brutal comebacks ever<\/a>.<\/p>\n



This academic has a Ph.D. in history but he also has a master’s degree in savage burns. Imagine if he said this out loud to his class because they’d all snap their fingers and go crazy. But instead, he eviscerated a fellow human being in front of the world. History is a cruel teacher as this man revealed (via Reddit<\/a>).<\/p>\n


Absolutely Right<\/h2>\n

This woman inadvertently opened the door for one of the most savage burns ever. She decided that the time was right to target men but this was a mistake. One alert man responded hilariously but this was her fault. It’s all about the phrasing of the original tweet because she set herself up for failure.<\/p>\n


It’s not surprising that this man has ‘king’ in his Twitter handle because he did a service with this response. This takes a level of sharpness that is beyond most people so kudos to him for staying alert. We can imagine that this infuriated the original author but there’s nothing she could do about it (via Reddit<\/a>).<\/p>\n


Kind Volunteer<\/h2>\n

Fire officers deserve a lot of respect because they’re doing a service for their community. Many of them are volunteers and risk their lives without any compensation. There are indeed some professionals but these services depend on ordinary people. The exchange below shows what happens when somebody doesn’t appreciate them.<\/p>\n


Somehow, we doubt that anybody named ‘Tubbsy’ will be volunteering to run into burning buildings. But we love when trolls receive their comeuppance online. The only complaint we have is that fire officers should be saving victims and not leaving savage burns. We’re joking because this moron earned this brutal reaction (via Reddit<\/a>).<\/p>\n


Evolving Game<\/h2>\n

Perhaps Andrew Tate will learn more about the history of chess from his Romanian jail cell. He has plenty of time to familiarize himself with the ancient board game. However, he demonstrated his lack of education on the topic on Twitter in 2023. He tried to say that it never changed over the past 5000 years.<\/p>\n


Another Twitter user politely informed him that his estimation was out by about 3,500 years. They also revealed that the rules of chess constantly evolved. Unsurprisingly, they received hundreds of likes because people enjoy these savage burns. We still don’t know why he has so many followers (via Reddit<\/a>).<\/p>\n


Work-Life Balance<\/h2>\n

It’s always funny when someone refuses to accept a moron’s garbage worldview. They know that scrolling past would be easier and save<\/a> them a few minutes of their lives. But they decide to do the world a service by delivering savage burns. This exchange below is a classic example.<\/p>\n


This man, Michael Beveridge, isn’t wrong because the point about work-life balance is comparable to a fart jar. There’s no point in being alive if there’s nothing to enjoy about living. Humans understand the importance of finding meaning and this doesn’t always translate to money (via Reddit<\/a>).<\/p>\n


King or Queen<\/h2>\n

For some people, one of the saddest aspects of a breakup is losing contact with their former partner’s family. But one man refused to break his connection to his ex-girlfriend’s father. He continues playing chess with him online, despite her visible fury. But it prompted one of the most beautiful exchanges in history.<\/p>\n


This is one of the greatest things anybody has ever written. We assume this was checkmate because there’s nothing that she could say after this. It’s a magnificent comeback that she wasn’t prepared for. The real king is this man who refuses to give up on his favorite chess partner (via Reddit<\/a>).<\/p>\n\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

The Internet is a crazy place, and there are plenty of awful people on it. Everybody has encountered trolls with dumb opinions and malicious intentions. The world would be better if they didn’t exist. Unfortunately, they do but some internet heroes put them in their places with savage burns. Today we’ll look at some of […]<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":47,"featured_media":71888,"comment_status":"closed","ping_status":"closed","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"footnotes":""},"categories":[106],"tags":[],"class_list":["post-71838","post","type-post","status-publish","format-standard","has-post-thumbnail","hentry","category-lifestyle"],"lang":"en","translations":{"en":71838},"pll_sync_post":[],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/dev.moneyppl.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/71838","targetHints":{"allow":["GET"]}}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/dev.moneyppl.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/dev.moneyppl.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/post"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/dev.moneyppl.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/47"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/dev.moneyppl.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=71838"}],"version-history":[{"count":19,"href":"https:\/\/dev.moneyppl.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/71838\/revisions"}],"predecessor-version":[{"id":73245,"href":"https:\/\/dev.moneyppl.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/71838\/revisions\/73245"}],"wp:featuredmedia":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/dev.moneyppl.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media\/71888"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/dev.moneyppl.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=71838"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"category","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/dev.moneyppl.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/categories?post=71838"},{"taxonomy":"post_tag","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/dev.moneyppl.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/tags?post=71838"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}