{"id":79417,"date":"2023-11-14T16:15:50","date_gmt":"2023-11-14T23:15:50","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/moneyppl.com\/?p=79417"},"modified":"2023-11-17T11:16:09","modified_gmt":"2023-11-17T18:16:09","slug":"fans-expose-the-most-overrated-and-underrated-actors-in-hollywood","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/dev.moneyppl.com\/fans-expose-the-most-overrated-and-underrated-actors-in-hollywood\/79417\/","title":{"rendered":"Fans Expose The Most Overrated and Underrated Actors In Hollywood"},"content":{"rendered":"
Perhaps it goes without saying. But success isn’t always a clear indication of talent in Hollywood. Some movie stars<\/a> are in the right place at the right time or have the looks to win the role. But this also means that many popular stars are also incredibly overrated. That’s why we looked at the most overblown and underrated A-listers in show business.<\/p>\n Remember, it’s also possible to be an underrated megastar although rare. Sometimes movie snobs dismiss stars like Jenna Ortega because of their fame. Meanwhile, it’s easy to forget about some of the most quietly effective character actors in the business. Check out Hollywood’s most overrated and underrated actors right here<\/p>\n Holland is one of the most beloved stars on the planet but not everyone thinks he’s a great talent. Several people have criticized him online and said that he plays all of his characters the same way. One wrote<\/a>: “Sadly Tom Holland is just Spider-Man in all roles. In Uncharted<\/em>, he was still being his Spider-Man self. Bad casting that.”<\/p>\n It’s fair to say that Holland is a brilliant Spiderman because he has the right look and charisma to pull off the role. But it’s also reasonable to say that he’s an overrated actor because of his perceived lack of range. He’s not the only major star on this list who struggles to separate themselves from their most famous roles.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Murphy won plaudits in 2023 after his brilliant performance in Oppenheimer<\/em>. However, the Irish star has quietly delivered sensational performances for decades. That’s why many people think that he’s one of the most underrated talents in the world. Many online movie fans agree with this because he’s devastating.<\/p>\n One film fan wrote:<\/a> “Just watch Batman Begins (2005) and Breakfast on Pluto (2005) and it will really dawn on you the absolute range this man has. If you want a real surprise compare both of those movies and then also compare them to Peaky Blinders and you’ll have no idea how he hasn’t won an Oscar.”<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Brown is a global phenomenon and one of Netflix’s biggest homegrown stars. She has millions of followers and is a true superstar but many people are dubious about her talent. They think that she was the weakest of the Stranger Things<\/em> child actors and that her look is winning her roles.<\/p>\n This fan has no patience for Brown and thinks she’s an overrated actress. They shared<\/a>: “MBB’s part in Godzilla would have made the movie better if her whole part just…didn’t exist. I thought she was terribly ‘OK’ in Stranger Things as well, however, some wild hype machine has been on that girl since.”<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Collette is another actress who deserves more respect than she receives. It’s fair to say that she’s a critical darling who doesn’t get mainstream love. Check out her filmography because it’s very impressive. She’s been in everything from Heredita<\/em>ry <\/em>to Rian Johnson’s Knives Out<\/em> and always delivers.<\/p>\n One Collette fan said<\/a>: “I’m not sure if she’s underrated but she’s definitely not a household name. She’s absolutely amazing in every single role. Hereditary takes the cake for me.” This is very fair because it’s easy to forget the Australian star when discussing the best Hollywood actresses.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n <\/p>\n Many film buffs think that Wahlberg phones in his performances. The action movie star has had some great movies over the years with hits like Ted<\/em>, Planet of the Apes<\/em>, and The Departed<\/em>. But he fails to convince some people that he’s more than an overrated talent.<\/p>\n This fan aptly summed up<\/a> what his critics feel. They wrote: “It’s not that he’s super popular, but he’s famous enough to headline a movie and he basically just acts the same way in almost all of his roles. With interviews and such, it doesn’t even sound like he makes any effort to research and get into the role.”<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Cage has become a parody of himself because he constantly pops up in insane B-movies that nobody knows about. He regularly becomes broke because he buys castles and ludicrously expensive pieces of art. But then he delivers brilliant performances like in Mandy <\/em>and Pig. <\/em><\/p>\n Many fans agree with this and think that he’s one of the most underrated actors of his generation. One Redditor wrote<\/a>: “I think I strangely have to give to Nic Cage. People just look at him like a joke now but especially early in his career he has some fantastic performances. I think people just want realism acting and that’s not his thing.”<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n <\/p>\n Cera is one of those actors that some movie fans love to hate. He has an impressive filmography with movies like Juno <\/em>and Superbad<\/em>. However, many people don’t understand how he never seems to age. They also think he plays the same quirky, weird character in each appearance.<\/p>\n This fan summarized<\/a> the Cera experience. They wrote online: “He plays the same type of character in almost everything he is in even if the characters are written differently. And the fact that he is in his 30s but still looks like he plays teenagers doesn’t sit right with me.”<\/p>\n <\/p>\n It may seem crazy to include Day-Lewis on this list because he’s a three-time Oscar winner. Everything he touched in the movie industry turned to gold. His brilliant performances included star turns in Lincoln<\/em>, There Will Be Blood,<\/em> and Phantom Thread.<\/em> Day-Lewis’s consistency is incredible but many people forget about him because he retired.<\/p>\n “Whenever the topic of the greatest actor of our generation comes up, nobody mentions his name,” one fan wrote<\/a>. “It’s always DeNiro, Penn, Streep, maybe Hanks or Pacino. Nobody ever mentions Lewis. That’s why I say underrated.” This is a great point and maybe it’s also because Day-Lewis is English.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Hart is one of the most popular comedic actors on the planet and now he’s also a successful movie star. But many people don’t like him and think that he’s an overrated performer. One Hart hater said<\/a>: “I have been tired of him since whenever it was that he thought he could just start yelling and that’s what made him funny.”<\/p>\n This is a common criticism of Hart because shouting is a huge part of his humor and this makes him polarizing. Some folks call it ‘small man syndrome’ because of his short stature. Nonetheless, something is working for Hart because he constantly sells out shows and he keeps getting good movie roles.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n The Twilight <\/em>series was simultaneously the best and worst thing to ever happen to Stewart. First, it gave her the financial freedom to choose the roles she wanted. But many people immediately dismiss her as wooden and a bad actress because of the franchise. However, she delivered brilliant, nuanced performances in movies like Personal Shopper <\/em>and Adventureland<\/em>.<\/p>\n This Internet user said<\/a>: “I think a lot of the flak she gets is because we expect “great” actors to always be capital-A acting, like Meryl Streep and Viola Davis (who are great, don’t get me wrong). A lot of this new generation plays it differently.” There’s a reason why Stewart is the only American to win a Cesar award.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n One Redditor<\/a> described Bale as playing the ‘”same character in every movie, “Intense” is just BS for being cranky all the time.” This is a polarizing comment and not everybody agrees. Many Batman fans think that he played Bruce Wayne brilliantly. Meanwhile, fans of The Machinist <\/em>attest that he gives everything to a role.<\/p>\n But he does indeed possess a volatility that gets him into trouble with the media. Maybe it’s harsh to call him one of the most overrated actors ever because he always entertains. However, it’s reasonable to question the diversity of his emotional expression on the big screen.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Australia’s Mendelsohn has one of the most diverse resumes on this list. He started his career in music videos before he notched starring roles in franchises like Star Wars. <\/em>However, it’s fair to say that he doesn’t get the recognition that his talent deserves. Yes, he has an Emmy but many fans still don’t know who he is.<\/p>\n One Mendelsohn supporter wrote<\/a>: “The guy can convincingly play everything from the bumbling junkie strung out on heroin to the powerful Wallstreet tycoon.” It’s incredible how much success he has achieved without getting the fan respect. Mendelsohn is a brilliant, underrated star.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Taylor-Joy is having a moment right now and it seems like she’s in everything. She won acclaim for her role in The Queen’s Gambit <\/em>as she made chess sexy. Then she stepped up into the movie world with big roles in The Northman <\/em>and The Menu<\/em>. However, some people still hate her and think she’s overrated.<\/p>\n “I feel like I’m taking crazy pills seeing people praise her all the time,” one movie fan said<\/a>. “She was so wooden in the Menu, she barely emotes. She’s pretty and unique-looking so I guess everyone just likes seeing that.” There’s no denying that her unique beauty helps her get roles but are these criticisms too harsh?<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Dano is one of those actors who quietly pops up in different movies and steals scenes. Many people find him unsettling because of his blank stare and the reality that he has a unique face. He won acclaim for his role as the Riddler in The Batman. <\/em>But he was also brilliant in Prisoners <\/em>and There Will Be Blood<\/em>.<\/p>\n This Redditor<\/a> described him as “a fantastic actor but his name is never really brought up in mainstream media. I don’t know why, is it ’cause he doesn’t look like your typical leading man?” Some film fans love to hate him because of his strange appearance. He’s no Brad Pitt but that’s why he’s so good.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n This may seem like a travesty but some folks believe that Hanks is overrated. It’s amazing how many people criticized him<\/a> online. One said that he “Plays “Tom Hanks” in every film, and hasn’t given a great performance since Captain Phillips. Had a great run from Big<\/em> through Cast Away<\/em> but has been coasting since.”<\/p>\n Hanks had a brilliant stretch in the 1990s with back-to-back wins for Philadelphia <\/em>and Forrest Gump<\/em>. However, some critics accuse him of appearing in ‘Oscar-bait’ movies and failing to diversify his acting style. They think that he always plays the same type of person. It’s harsh but maybe they have a point.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Goodman is one of Hollywood’s most enduring character actors but many people forget about him. He’s had a long, dynamic, and exciting career with some iconic performances. Who’ll forget his role in The Big Lebowski<\/em> while he lent his voice to many great children’s movies like Monsters Inc.?<\/em><\/p>\n Another Redditor agreed and defended Goodman. They wrote<\/a>: “He has produced decades of incredible work, and has never received an Academy Award nomination. What’s odd is that the movies where he’s in a supporting role tend to be much better than those where he’s the main star.”<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Many people think that Washington is an example of Hollywood nepotism at its worst. John is the son of legendary icon Denzel Washington, one of the most charismatic actors of his generation. But Washington Jr.’s critics think that he is as wooden as a coffin except with less charm.<\/p>\n This film fan heavily criticized him<\/a> and compared him to former co-star Robert Pattinson. They wrote: “He’s awful at acting and should not try anymore. He really is terrible. Pattinson outacted him by miles in Tenet.” Arguably, Black Klansman<\/em> is Washington’s best performance but fans still view him as hit-and-miss.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n It’s astounding that Dafoe has never won a Best Actor Oscar because he’s one of the best of his generation. He’s capable of being a terrifying psychopath like in the Spiderman <\/em>series. But we’ve also seen him give quiet, nuanced performances in indie movies including The Florida Project<\/em>.<\/p>\n A Dafoe fan stated<\/a> their case: “He’s never considered A-list but he kills it in every single role I’ve ever seen him in. And that voice!! Greatest actor of all time for me.” This is very fair because he has an amazing on-screen presence and elevates all his films. Check out his display in The Lighthouse <\/em>because it is devastating.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Nobody will pretend that Johnson is the second coming of Laurence Olivier. However, he is the biggest box office star of the modern era and the face of many franchises. But his popularity doesn’t change the fact that he is an overrated actor who does the same thing in every one of his films.<\/p>\n One fan compared him to the legendary action superstar Arnold Schwarzenegger. They said:<\/a> “Dwayne is fun in his roles but doesn’t hold a candle to Arnie in his prime – I can’t think of a single quotable line from his films.” This is a great point because we even remember lines from Schwarzenegger’s worst movies like Batman & Robin.<\/em><\/p>\n <\/p>\n Roth is one of those actors who suffers a mid-career slump after a sensational start. He was one of the biggest stars of the nineties but now he’s a TV star. Roth worked with Quentin Tarantino in several movies and also earned an Oscar nomination for Rob Roy. <\/em>But many people forget about the underrated star.<\/p>\n “Tim Roth has had plenty of work but is rarely considered as a heavyweight choice for leading roles,” one fan wrote<\/a>. “The guy demands attention when he’s on screen.” These days he’s having a late renaissance in series such as She-Hulk <\/em>and Tin Star<\/em> but he’s no Hollywood leading man.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n <\/p>\n Chalamet is enjoying an incredible career and many fans compare him to Leonardo DiCaprio. He’s won acclaim for everything from Call Me By Your Name <\/em>to Dune<\/em>. But this doesn’t mean that everybody agrees that he is a brilliant performer. Some people think that he’s an overrated talent.<\/p>\n This person delivered<\/a> a polarizing but intelligent critique of Chalemet’s talents. They wrote: “In every recent film I see him in I feel like I’m watching different variations of the same soft-spoken, introverted, almost daydreamy character – he never really goes outside a narrow range.”<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Pattinson is the second Twilight star<\/em> on this list but he’s an equally underrated actor. Some people will laugh at this but it’s true. Watch his recent performances in Good Time<\/em>, High-Life<\/em>, and The Lighthouse <\/em>because he is outstanding. He’s come a long way from his days as a brooding vampire.<\/p>\n Another Internet user defended Pattinson’s acting credentials. They wrote<\/a>: “Most probably know him from Twilight, Harry Potter, or Batman but honestly they do a disservice to him. He’s a versatile, sensational actor that when given great scripts always delivers.”<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Sometimes movie stars don’t understand why actors continue to get work. Keoghan is one of these because the Irish star is popping up in everything. However, many haters can’t stand him because of his uncanny appearance and his weird mannerisms. They also believe that he doesn’t possess any meaningful talent.<\/p>\n One fan had a damning take about Keoghan and thinks he’s one of the most overrated actors ever. They questioned:<\/a> “What does everyone see? The guy just mumbles in a weird accent and acts creepy in every movie.” Several people agreed because they didn’t understand where his hype came from.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Ortega is one of those actors who become victims of their success. People instantly dismiss them as overrated because of their incredible popularity. But this is an unfair perspective because she’s an outstanding talent. “She is absolutely amazing in everything I’ve seen her in!” this Ortega fan said<\/a>. “Her acting is just pure, raw emotion!”<\/p>\n The young actress showed her chops in season two of You.<\/em> Then she won hearts with a charismatic turn as Wednesday Addams in the hit Netflix series Wednesday<\/em>. That’s not an easy role to play but she made it her own with a brilliant performance. She’s got great talent and going from strength to strength.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n It’s amazing how Gadot has become one of Hollywood’s most polarizing figures. Yes, the internet can be a toxic cesspool but the resounding response to Gadot is that she’s wooden. One critic compared her to a ‘living, breathing perfume ad.’ The consensus is that her looks are carrying her through her career.<\/p>\nOverrated – Tom Holland<\/h2>\n
Underrated – Cillian Murphy<\/h2>\n
Overrated – Millie Bobby Brown<\/h2>\n
Underrated – Toni Collette<\/h2>\n
Overrated – Mark Wahlberg<\/h2>\n
Underrated – Nicholas Cage<\/h2>\n
Overrated – Michael Cera<\/h2>\n
Underrated – Daniel Day-Lewis<\/h2>\n
Overrated – Kevin Hart<\/h2>\n
Underrated – Kristen Stewart<\/h2>\n
Overrated – Christian Bale<\/h2>\n
Underrated – Ben Mendelsohn<\/h2>\n
Overrated – Anya Taylor Joy<\/h2>\n
Underrated – Paul Dano<\/h2>\n
Overrated – Tom Hanks<\/h2>\n
Underrated – John Goodman<\/h2>\n
Overrated – John David Washington<\/h2>\n
Underrated – Willem Dafoe<\/h2>\n
Overrated – Dwayne Johnson<\/h2>\n
Underrated – Tim Roth<\/h2>\n
Overrated -Timothee Chalamet<\/h2>\n
Underrated – Robert Pattinson<\/h2>\n
Overrated – Barry Keoghan<\/h2>\n
Underrated – Jenna Ortega<\/h2>\n
Overrated – Gal Gadot<\/h2>\n