Maybe we’ve seen a ghost or have a friend who has. These stories are usually told around a campfire with a bit of embellishment to make them seem scarier than they really are. That’s not always the case, however. Sometimes, those stories are real. We’ve compiled a list of some of the most disturbing and terrifying personal stories you’ll ever read. They’re not just ghost stories, but stories about close calls with stalkers and kidnappers. If you thought meeting a creepy online friend in real life was scary, think again.
These are more than your average ghouls, ghosts, and goblins stories. These are real accounts from real people who are still terrified about their experiences to this day. At least these people made it out alive to tell the tale. If you make it to the end of this list, you might not be able to sleep tonight.

Still Spooky Today
This person’s little brother was watching TV downstairs and their dog was sleeping in the hallway. “All of a sudden, my dog starts making all kinds of racket, jumping around, barking, clacking nails, howling. I go to get up to see what’s up and I hear “Aw that’s a good girl” in a male voice. It didn’t sound like little bro so I go “Oh you’re home early!” thinking it is my dad’s friend/our roomie as I open the door.”

It turns out neither her dad nor roommate were home. “Soon as I’m out there there is no one at all but the dog wagging her tail staring at the empty end of the hallway. Little bro comes upstairs to yell at me for getting his dog riled up, said he heard the same voice thinking it was me or our roommate.” Since both of them heard it, that makes it even scarier. “We did a once over of the house with my butterfly knife and his BB gun and there was NOBODY. Still gives me the spooks to this day.” (via Reddit).